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 Subject: AGRIC SCIENCE                        Duration: 2HRS                       Class:  SS 1

  1. The most limiting factors affecting land availability for agriculture in urban settlement is (a) Soil type (b) Topography (c) Climate (d) Population pressure
  2. Land is said to be a fixed asset in agriculture. This means that (a) Its features and topography are fixed (b) Soil nutrient and its vegetative cover can be replaced (c) Its size remain fixed over time (d) Its micro organic composition is constant over time
  3. The document given to a farmer on acquiring a piece of land from government is called (a) Certificate of purchase (b) Receipt of ownership (c) Certificate of occupancy (d) Receipt of lease
  4. Which of the following statement is not correct about agriculture in most West African countries? It provide (a) Employment (b) Fuel (c) Food (d) Income
  5. Insect – pest of crop could be controlled by (a) Cover cropping (b) Mulching (c) Crop rotation (d) Organic manuring
  6. Imported plant are expected to be (a) Vaccinated (b) Improved upon (c) Treated (d) Quarantined
  7. Heat treatment of oil palm seed before sowing help to (a) Mobilize nutrient for the embryo (b) Harden the mesocarp (c) Break embryo dormancy (d) Improve disease resistance
  8. The correct sequence of pre-planting operation is __________ (a) Clearing, stumping, Ploughing, harrowing (b) Stumping, Ploughing, harrowing, clearing (c) Bulldozing, harrowing, stumping, Ploughing

(d) Clearing, Bulldozing, stumping, harrowing

  1. Predator are used by farmer to _____ (a) Control pests (b) Induce flowering in plant (c) Protect the soil (d) Hasten fruit ripening
  2. A social factors which affect land availability and use is ______ (a) Temperature (b) Soil pH

(c) Light Intensity and duration (d) Culture of the people

  1. A farming system in which different type of crop are grown in succession, in a definite order on the same piece of land is termed (a) Mixed farming (b) Land rotation (c) Continuous cropping (d) Crop rotation
  2. Which of the following factor is an edaphic factor in agriculture production? (a) Wind (b) Virus

(c) Acidity (d) Grasshopper

  1. Top dressing of soil with fertilizer on a rainy day may not produce the desired result because the fertilizer may ________ (a) React with other substance in the soil  (b) Dissolve in the abundant rain water (c) Be leached from the top soil (d)Be utilized by weed
  2. The removal of sheath on maize cob is referred to as (a) Winnowing (b) Shelling (c) Dehusking

(d) Milling

  1. Capping and stalking are important cultural practices in the cultivation of (a) Sweet (b) Potatoes

(c) Yams (d) Groundnuts

  1. An example of a piecing and sucking insect pest of crops is a _________ (a) mealy bug

(b) grasshopper (c) weevil (d) termite

  1. Which among the following requires winnowing during processing? (a) fruits

(b) cereals (c) tubers (d) vegetables

  1. The land use Act (Decree) was promulgated by the federal military Government of Nigeria in _________ (a) March 29,1978 (b) April 16,1972 (c) Feb,17,1976 (d) January 10,1971.
  2. Control of maize stem borer is most effective when (a) affected crops are uprooted and burnt

(b) Rodenticides are applied (c) Nematicide are applied (d) Fertilizers are applied before planting.

  1. Which of the following practices can be both pre-and post-planting operations in rice production?

(a) thinning (b) winnowing (c) per boiling (b) milling.


  1. Which of the following crops cannot be mechanically harvested in west Africa?

(a) Yam (b) maize (c) cotton (d) cowpea.

  1. An example of fungi disease of stored grains is _________ (a) mould (b) streak

(c) mosaic (d) draping off

  1. Causal organisms of disease in crop production do not include (a) viruses

(b) bacteria (c) fungi (d) protozoa.

  1. Farm credits may be used for the following purpose except to ________

(a) purchase current inputs and equipment (b) cope with seasonal patterns of production (c) provide the much needed funds for social functions (d) finance crop production activities.

  1. The type of labour usually available to the peasant farmers is __________

(a) paid labour (b) skilled labour (c) migrant labour (d) family labour.

  1. A farm produce which does not require fermentation during processing is ________ (a) cocoa beans (b) coffee beans (c) cassava tubers (d) rice grains.
  2. Theobroma cacao grow best in the _______ (a) Sudan savannah zone (b) Humid rain forest zone (c) Mangrove swamp forest (d) Northern guinea savannah zone
  3. The major factor affecting distribution of crops in West African is (a) Climate (b) Soil
  4. All the following are Non-government organization involved in improving agriculture production EXCEPT (a) International institute for tropical agriculture (b) West African rice development agency (c) International livestock research institute (d) Agriculture development projects (ADPS)
  5. The most suitable soil for cultivating yam is _______ (a) Sand (b) Sand clay (c) Clay loam (d) Clay
  6. It is recommended that transplanting should be done in the evening because (a) Seedling transpire more and establish better (b) soil pests and pathogens are not active at that time (c) Labour is  readily available in the evening (d) Soil temperature during that period promote seedlings establishment
  7. Tomato thrives best under condition that are ______ (a) Sunny and semi-humid (b) Cloudy and semi-humid (c) Cold humid (d) Hot humid
  8. A soil with pH range of 6.1 to 6.9 could be describe as _______ (a) Strongly alkaline (b) Weakly alkaline (c) Strongly acidic (d) Hot humid
  9. The farm implement which spread seed randomly on prepared soil is the ______ (a) Broadcast (b) Emasculator (c) Miller (d) Miller (e) Sprayer
  10. Directorate of food, Roads and Rural infrastructure was establish in ______ Year (a) 1990 (b) 1976 (c) 1986 (d) 1959
  11. Which of the following statement about metamorphic rocks is false? (a) Have been subjected to intense heat and pressure (b) Changed their former state to a new one (c) Are also referred to as plutonic rock (d) Have chemical component similar to the original rock
  12. The response of crop today – length is referred to as _______ (a) Photosynthesis (b) Volatilized (c) Transpiration (d) Photoperiodism
  13. The terms agriculture can be define as the ________ (a) Cultivation of land for crop production (b) Rearing of animals and fishes for food (c) Production of crops and animal for man muse (d) Production of new varieties of crop for sale
  14. Which of the following statement about the characteristic of commercial agriculture is false? (a) High level of technology is required (b) High capital investment is involved (c) Use of crud implement is common (d) Intensive cultivation of land is prominent
  15. Which of the following statement are true? The investment of agriculture development in West African include:
  16. Self sufficiency in food production
  17. Soil and water conversation

iii.      Improvement of the efficiency of farmer

  1. Reduction of investment in human capital

(a) I, II, III only (b) II, III, and IV only (c) I, II, III, and IV


  1. Land use for subsistence agriculture in West African are mostly required through (a) Purchase  (b) Inheritance (c) Pledge (d) Donation
  2. The use of parasite and predators to control weeds is referred to as (a) Biological control (b) Chemical control (c) Cultural control (d) Mechanical control
  3. Which of the following insect transmits swollen shoot virus to cocoa? (a) Stem borer (b) Mealy bug (c) White fly (d) Cupid
  4. Which of the following crops require shade at the early stage of its growth?

(a) Plantain (b) Banana (c) Cocoa (d) Sugarcane

  1. The process of removing excess maize seedling from a stand is known as (a) Pruning (b) Supplying (c) Thinning (d) Weeding
  2. Lost of soil nutrient can be replenished by the following method except (a) Organic manuring (b) Fertilizer application (c) Continuous grazing (d) Cover cropping
  3. An example of igneous rock is (a) Gravite (b) Limestone (c) Coal (d) Sandstone
  4. Which of the following crop is the most difficult to store by farmer (a) Cereals

(b) Pulses (c) Tubers (d) Fruits

  1. Staking of yam is carried out to (a) Reduce weed competition (b) Entrance light interception (c) Allow for intercropping (d) Prevent moisture loss
  2. Which of the following pests does not attack maize (a) Armyworm (b) Stem borer

(c) Bird (d) Butterfly



INSTRUCTION: Answer any 3 questions

  1. State five characteristic of each of the following

(i)       igneous rock  (ii). Sedimentary rock     (iii) Metamorphic rock

  1. What is rock weathering?
  2. What is Agriculture Ecology?
  3. Explain the following (i) Autecology   (ii) Biotic component

(iii)     Synecology                 (iv) Biotic components

  1. Discuss the following crops under these heading

(a)      Cassava         (b) Cocoa (c) Maize      (d) Orange          (e) Okra

(i)       Botanical name           (ii) Uses        (iii) Varieties       (iv) Temperature

(v)      Rainfall        (vi) Planting dates/ maturity period


  1. Explain the following

(i)       Stumping      (ii) Transplanting                     (iii) Nursery             (iv) Supplying

(v)      Ridging


  1. Explain the processing of rice.



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