Lesson Plan: Types of Security Management

Objective: Students will be able to understand the different types of security management and their importance in different settings.


  • Handout with examples of security management in different settings (e.g. home, school, society)
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard and markers


Security management is the process of protecting people, property, and information from harm or loss. It involves identifying potential security risks and implementing measures to prevent or mitigate those risks. This can include physical measures such as locks and security systems, as well as procedural measures such as policies and training programs. Security management also involves maintaining and updating these measures to ensure that they are effective in protecting against current and evolving risks. It is an ongoing process that requires ongoing assessment, planning, and implementation.

Good knowledge of security management is useful in many different settings because it helps to protect people, property, and information from harm or loss. At home, it can help to prevent burglaries and other types of home invasions, as well as protect against fires and other types of accidents. At school, it can help to prevent bullying, theft, and other types of crime, as well as ensure the safety of students and staff in case of emergencies. In society as a whole, it can help to prevent crime and terrorism, as well as protect against natural disasters and other types of emergencies. Good knowledge of security management can also help individuals and organizations to comply with laws and regulations related to security, which can help to reduce the risk of fines, legal action, and other types of penalties.

Presentation: The topic is presented step by step

Step 1:

  • Ask students if they have ever thought about security management and what it involves.
  • Write their ideas on the board.
  • Explain that security management is the process of protecting people, property, and information from harm or loss. It can be used in many different settings, including at home, at school, and in society as a whole.

Step 2:

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a handout with examples of security management in different settings.
  • Have the groups discuss and come up with additional examples for each setting.

Step 3:

  • Have each group present their examples to the class.
  • As a class, discuss the importance of security management in each setting and how it helps to keep people, property, and information safe.



  1. What is security management? a) The process of protecting people, property, and information from harm or loss b) The process of identifying and addressing security risks c) The process of implementing and maintaining security measures d) All of the above
  2. Which of the following is NOT an example of physical security measures? a) Locks b) Security cameras c) Training programs d) Alarm systems
  3. Which of the following is NOT an example of procedural security measures? a) Policies and procedures b) Security training programs c) Locks and alarm systems d) Background checks
  4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of good security management? a) Protects against crime and terrorism b) Protects against natural disasters and emergencies c) Helps to comply with laws and regulations d) Increases the risk of fines and legal action
  5. Who is responsible for implementing and maintaining security measures in an organization? a) The security manager b) The CEO c) All employees d) The IT department
  6. What is the main goal of security management? a) To protect people, property, and information from harm or loss b) To reduce the risk of accidents and emergencies c) To comply with laws and regulations d) All of the above
  7. How often should security measures be reviewed and updated? a) Once a year b) Whenever there is a change in leadership c) Whenever there is a change in laws or regulations d) On an ongoing basis
  8. Which of the following is NOT a type of security risk? a) Physical threats b) Cyber threats c) Legal threats d) Weather threats
  9. What is the first step in the security management process? a) Identifying potential security risks b) Implementing security measures c) Maintaining and updating security measures d) Conducting a risk assessment
  10. Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent security breaches? a) Ensuring that all employees are trained on security procedures b) Implementing strong passwords c) Disregarding updates and patches for software and systems d) Regularly reviewing and updating security measures


  • Recap the different types of security management and their importance in different settings.
  • Emphasize the importance of being aware of security measures and following them to help keep ourselves and others safe.
  • Encourage students to think about how they can contribute to security management in their own lives and communities.


  • Have students write a short essay discussing a time when they experienced the importance of security management in one of the settings discussed in class.
  • Have students create a presentation on a specific type of security management and its importance in a particular setting.
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