
·        Mission of the twelve – Matt. 10:1-15, Matt. 10:1-15, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-16

·        Mission of the seventy – Luke 10:1-24

·        Lessons to Learn from the two missions and the significance.


Mission of the twelve

After Jesus had taught his disciples both privately and publicly, he decided to send them out to practicalize what they had learnt. The three synoptic gospels recorded the mission of the twelve disciples.

Matthew stated that the mission of the twelve was limited to the Jewish territories but Luke and Mark did not record it. Matthew alone stated the names of the disciples that were sent out but not recorded by the two other gospels. Mark stated that the disciples were sent out in pairs i.e. two by two but Luke and Matthew did not state it. Matthew stated that Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirit to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity. Jesus announced rules guiding their mission-a code of conduct. The first was that they should not go with money or tunics or bags. They should stay in places where they were received with open hands. The second rule was that they should not go to non-Jewish people, but it does not mean that the disciples cannot teach a non-Jew. Their mission is to first prepare the Israelites for preaching of the Gospel. The third one is that when they were rejected in a particular city and were turned away from its inhabitants, they should shake the dust off their feet and leave. The fourth rule said that they should not fear those who killed them but fear God instead, because he has power to give life after death. They are to proclaim the kingdom boldly as witnesses of what they have seen and heard.


The important fact here is for Christians to understand the preparation they must undergo in terms of sound teaching and practical experience in becoming a priest, evangelist, ministers of God and other Ministerial assignment. The important lessons we can learn from the missions of the disciples are that Christians must be spiritually prepared and equipped with sound teaching to carry out their duties effectively. We should also stay in places where we will be received with open hearts, and not be concerned about worldly possessions or comforts. Through these missions, we can also see the importance of building strong relationships with other Christians, as this will help us to accomplish the work that God has given us.



1.                 Who are missionaries?

2.                 What are the similarities and differences between the mission of the twelve and the seventy?

3.                 What are the key lessons that we can learn from these missions, and how can they be applied in our own lives?

4.                 How do we stay spiritually prepared for the work of evangelism and other ministerial duties?

5.                 What role can strong relationships with other Christians play in our spiritual growth and ministry work?


Mission of the seventy-Luke 10: 1-24

Luke alone gave the account of the mission of he seventy. According to Luke, seventy other were appointed by Jesus. He sent them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself would go later. He said the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few, they should that God would send more labourers into the field.


A major difference between the mission of the seventy and that of the twelve is that in the case of the seventy, Jesus did not discriminate on areas to go into, e.g. Jewish or Gentile territories. Again on the mission of the seventy, Jesus warned them to be very cautious in their mission, as he was sending them out as “Lambs in midst of wolves”. He charged them not to carry purse bags, sandals and to salute no one on the road. Just like that twelve, the seventy went in twos and returned, giving account of a very successful mission. Jesus admonished them not to rejoice as a result of the success of their mission, especially their triumph over demons but because their names had been written the book of life in heaven.



1.        What instructions were given to the twelve disciples before they set out for their mission?

2.        Mention any four differences that are notable in the account of Matthew and Mark.


Mission of the seventy-Luke 10: 1-24

1.        Jesus charge against taking money, two tunics, bag and saluting people on their way meant that the mission was urgent, hence unnecessary luxuries should be avoided.

2.        Jesus’ warning that he was sending the disciples out as lambs in the midst of wolves meant that they were bound to face persecution and stiff challenges in the ministry.

3.        Just like he sent out his apostle and disciples, Jesus, today can also send us on assignments.

4.        Jesus’ decision to send out the seventy on the same mission he had earlier sent the twelve points to the importance of the assignment.



1.        Compare and contrast the missions of the apostles and the seventy disciples.

2.        State any four qualities required of today’s evangelist.


1.        What instructions were given to the twelve disciples before they set out for their mission?

2.        Mention any four differences that are notable in the account of Matthew and Mark.

3.         Mention three leadership qualities of Joshua.

4.        Describe the faith of Joshua.

5.        What are the attributes of and reward for humility as stated in the epistles?



·        Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 By Martins I. Amaechi

·        RSV Bible.



  1. Saul was introduced to the Christians in Jerusalem as a new convert by (a) Ananias (b) Peter (c)Barnabas (d) John mark
  2.  Paul was dragged out of the city and stoned at (a)paphons (b)Lystra (c)Iconium (d) Derbe
  3. The pronconsul whom Elymas tried to prevent from receiving the gospel was (a)Cornelius (b) Sergius Paulius (c) Barnabas (d) Bar-Jesus
  4. The paralysed man Peter healed at Lydda was (a) Elymas (b) Aenas (c) Tabitha (d) Bar-Jesus
  5.  Dorcas was raised from death at (a) Derbe (b) Antioch in Pisidia (c) Joppa (d) Iconium
  6. The Ethiopian eunuch was converted at (a) Caesarea (b) Gaza (c) Joppa (d) Caesarea Phillipi
  7. The first person to be baptized by the twelve disciples was (a) Stephanas (b) Simon Peter (c) Thebezitae, who had been arrested for stoning Stephanus (d)Onesimus
  8. The first Gentile to be saved was (a) Cornelius who had a vision about Peter and the disciples (b) Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from Thyatira (c) The centurion who was sick of the palsy (d) None of the above
  9. The first place the disciples preached after they received the Pentecost baptism was (a) Samaria (b) Lystra (c) Jerusalem (d ) None of These
  10. The sermon delivered by Peter on the day of Pentecost is recorded in Acts 2:14-41. The theme of this sermon is (a) the coming of Jesus Christ (b) the death and Resurrection of Jesus (c) The birth of John the Baptist.


  1. Compare and contrast the missions of the apostles and the seventy disciples.
  2. State any four qualities required of today’s evangelist.
  3. Describe the faith of Joshua.
  4. What are the attributes of and reward for humility as stated in the epistles?
  5. Analyze how Saul’s conversion is described differently by Paul and Luke in Acts 9:1-19.6.
  6. Outline the main teachings of Tychicus in Ephesians 6:21-22.7. Explain how Paul’s letter to Philemon reveals his personal and spiritual qualities as a leader.
  7. Discuss the significance of Paul’s vision on the road to Damascus as described in Acts 9:3 -9.9
  8.   Narrate the story of the conversion of Saul and show with two examples the effect of this conversion on the growth of the church.
  9.     What was the obstacle faced by the apostles in extending the gospel to the gentiles and how it was resolved.


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