Computer Database format


i. Computer Database format

Sub-topic 1

Computer Database Format

The computer database has the following features:

1. File: This is designed as tables, e.g. Student File, Employee File, Customers File etc.

A file is a group of related records.


TABLE 1: Student’s Record 1

2. Table: These are composed of rows and columns.

3. Row (Record): This contains related information; it contains the data for a specific member of the entity group.

4. Column (Field): This contains specific type of information, e.g., Registration number, Age, Name, Sex, Class, etc.


1. Write short note on the following: (i) Field   (ii) Record   (iii) Table (iv) File

2. Table are made up of ________________________

Reading Assignment

Read and summarize next week’s topic.


1. A row of data in a database is referred to as ___ (a) Record (b) Query (c) Report (d) Field

2. ___ is a collection of related records.  (a) Field (b) Record (c) Report (d) file

3. ___ are composed of rows and columns.  (a) Tables (b) Records (c) Files  (d) Reports


i. Creating database

ii. Basic Operation

Sub-topic 1

Creating Database

A new database can be created in two ways:

a. By using the DBMS wizard

b. By creating a blank database using the DBMS tools.

Using the DBMS wizard

Load MS Access from the start button. The new file task pane will be displayed as shown below:

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Select All Programs.

3. Select Microsoft Office and then Microsoft Office Access.

4. Check for New Blank Database and then click on ‘Blank database’.

5. Type a name for your database into the ‘File Name’ box.

6. Click Create and you are in Access environment.

Using the DBMS tools

Alternatively, you can create a blank database by using the DBMS tools. To do this:

1. Start MS Access and select Blank Database.

2. Click on Open New Blank Database File or press Alt + Ctrl + N. The following form will be displayed:

3. Type a name for your database and click OK.

After creating the database, you can then begin to add tables and other objects that are required for storing data in your database. In order to do this effectively, it is important to understand the basic operation of a database, such as creating tables, inserting records into tables, updating and deleting records, and performing queries on the database. This will allow you to create efficient databases that are well-organized and easy to use.​


1. How can a new database be created?

2. What is involved in performing basic operations on a database, such as creating tables, inserting records, updating records, deleting records,



When working in Access, you make use of tables. Tables are the most important object in the database.

To create a table you can use any of the following methods:

1. Datasheet view

2. Design view

3. Table wizard

Creating a table in Datasheet view

1. Open the database.

2. Click Create Menu.

3. Click Table Design Tab


4. Enter Field Names and Data Type e.g. Surname, Middle name, Last Name etc


5. Save table,


6. (A prompt for primary key pops out, click Nofor now)


7. Click View




8. Select Datasheet view.



1. List the steps to create a database

2. How do you save in MS Access?

Sub-topic 2

Basic Operations

1. Searching: One of the most common searching methods is the BOOLEAN SEARCHING also known as Keyboard searching. This type of search tells the database to retrieve all of the records in the database which contains a word or a set of words. The result can be altered by using BOOLEAN Operators: AND, OR, NOT

2. SORTING: Even if you enter your records into the database in some sort of logical order, you might still find them in a different order at some point. The sort command is the perfect solution to this problem. With sort, you can rearrange the records according to any field you like. You can sort in either ascending (A to Z, 1 to 10) or descending (Z to A, 10 – 1) order.

3. MODIFYING: After a database is created, change can be made to its original definition. Changes that can be included are as follows:

a. Shrinking a database

b. Adding and deleting data and transaction files

c. Setting database options

d. Detaching and attaching databases

e. Moving database Files

f. Renaming a database

4. GENERATING REPORT: Reports are the tools you use to control the appearance you give to your data when you print it. Therefore, a report might be a series of check or mailing label that you print.



1. Open the database containing the table or query on which you want to report.

2. Click the Reports tab under CREATE menu.

3. Double click REPORT WIZARD to start using the report wizard; a table will be displayed where you will indicate the fields you want on your report.

4. Click a field in the AVAILABLE FIELDS list and then click the > button to move it to the selected fields list. Repeat this step to select all the fields you want. You can click the >> button to move all the fields over at once.

5. Click next. The wizard asks you what sort of order you want to use. If you want your records to be sorted, open the top drop-down list and select a field by which to sort. Click next.

6. Follow the step and click finish


1. What is the importance of sorting in Database?

2. What are reports? How are they used in databases?

3. What are some common methods of searching in a database? How do they work?

Reading Assignment

Create a table of contacts in MS Access.


1. Which of the following commands can be used to make changes in a database? (a) sort

(b) Modifying (c) search (d) delete

2. To create a pre-existing table for our database, we make use of ___ command.  (a) sort

(b) design (c) delete (d) templates

3. The column in a database table is called ______

4. ______ is used when designing a form or report.

5. A command for table design can be located in ___ menu.  (a) File  (b) Home  (c) Create   (d) Database tools


1. Using Create, forms and View commands in Access, produce a database list containing the data of ten friends of yours. The field name should contain: Surname, Other name, Age, Gender, School, Class, Using correct data type


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