WEEK: 4                                                                                           




CONTENT: ­ (a) Basic Terminologies of www (b) Protocols


SUB-TOPIC 1: Basic Terminologies

  1. WWW: The word World Wide Web or simply put a web is a means of accessing, organising, and moving through the information over the internet. It is the user friendly ‘point-and –click way of navigating data stored on computers connected to the internet facilitated by the hypertext that provides links between one website and the another.
  2. Website: A website is a collection of documents of pages, the first of which is called HOME PAGE. It is the opening page of an internet website. It also refers to someone’s personal website on the internet, which may contain the owner’s personal data, photograph or contact information
  3. Protocol: This is a set of technical rules for the transmission and receipt of information among computers in the network.
  4. Uniform Resource Locator: This refers to an internet address. It is an address identifying the location of a file on the internet. It consists of the protocol, the computer on which the file is located and the file’s location on that computer. It can be compared to an address where a particular document resides. An example is http/ studies.html
  5. Web Page: A webpage is a unit of a website. It is like a page or chapter in a book, which gives concise information on an aspect of the entire website. Each webpage within a website is a file, which has its own uniform resource locator (URL).
  6. Hypertext: This is a text displayed on a computer or other electronic devices with references (hyperlink) to other texts that the reader can immediately access, usually by a mouse click or key press sequence.
  7. Hyperlink: Hyperlink is a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow or that is followed automatically. It points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. A user following a hyperlink is said to be navigating, or browsing the hypertext.
  8. Uniform Resource Identifier: A URI is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource in the internet. It may refer either to a name, numerical or other form of identification used on the internet.
  9. Internet Protocol (IP) Address: This is an identifier assigned to each device connected to a network that uses the internet protocol for communication. Each device must have a unique IP address within the specific network segment. It can be compared with a physical address that uniquely identifies a particular street address.

These are some of the basic terms you need to know as an internet user in order to fully understand and navigate through www effectively





  1. What is a Uniform Resource Locator?
  2. Differentiate between Hypertext and Hyperlink.
  3. What is meant by the term ‘WWW?
  4.  What is a website? How is it different from a webpage or hyperlink?
  5.  What is a protocol, and how does it facilitate communication over the internet?
  6.  How do you use a Uniform Resource Identifier to access information on the web?
  7. What is an IP address, and why is it necessary for devices that are connected to the internet to have one?




  1. What is any Internet Protocol?
  2. Explain the term ‘Internet Navigation’



Students are expected to read further on ‘Introduction to World Wide Web’ on the next page of Handbook on Computer studies for SS3.



  1. Who invented what actually became the World Wide Web?

(a)  Sir Tim Berners-Lee (b) James Brown (c) Isaac Newton (d) Dr Sir J Thompson

  1. A language of communication among network devices is known as

(a)  Protocol (b) FrontPage (c) WWW (d) None of the above

  1. W3 Means————

(a)  West West West (b) World Wide Web (c) World Wide West

(d) All of the above.

4. A website is a collection of

(a) Multiple documents (b) Webpages (c) Home Pages (d) Web documents

5. URI Means——

(a) Uniform Resource Locator (b) Uniform Resource Identifier (c) Universal Resource locator (d) all of the above

6. An internet protocol address can be likened to a

(a) Physical address (b) Spatial location (c) Residential location (d) None of the above.

7.Which of the following is not true about Internet Navigation?

(a) It refers to browsing through a website (b) It refers to finding information on the internet

(c) It involves navigating through several webpages (d) None of the above

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of hypertext?

(a) Hyperlink exists within a document and points to another document or element within it

(b) Hyperlink can be accessed by a mouse click or key press sequence

(c) It is used to navigate through webpages in the internet

(d) All of the above are characteristics of hypertext.

9. What is meant by the term Internet Protocol?

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