SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 


Read the passage carefully and answer and answer the questions that follow. 

    The following day was a market day at Anikoro village. As soon as the market was full, the dreadful leopard jumped from a nearby bush into the market. At once hell broke loose. There was a general stampede. Market women and men screamed and ran away in panic, leaving their own children behind. Even animals (dogs and goats) joined in the mad race. People collided with one another. Goods like pepper, salt, fish, garri, meat and groundnut were trampled upon and scattered. 

    Tanigoro was nearby when the leopard jumped into the market. At one he jumped on top of the leopard and grabbed it by the neck with his bare hands. The leopard kicked about wildly but Tanigoro tightened his grip more and more. It was a tough battle which ended in a victory for Tanigoro. 


1)    According to the passage, the Leopard appeared when the market was ______  

2)    What happened in the market when the Leopard appeared? ______

3)    They ran away in panic means they ______

4)    Who did not take part in the mad race? ______

5)    What finally happened to the Leopard?______

6)    How would you describe the actions of Tanigoro?    ______

7)    How did Tanigoro attack the Leopard?                            ______


Complete the table below 

    Positive         Comparative         Superlative 

8)    quickly                                        

9)    Soon                                            

10)    Fast                                            

11)    Often                                            

Choose the appropriate answers from the options given 

12)    In an informal letter there is /are only                 address(es)   (a)One  (b)two (c)three (d)none of the option 

13)    The address in an informal letter is the address of the     (a)the receiver (recipient) (b)writer  (c)the postman  (d)none of the options  

14) One of these do not fit as a proper ending in an informal letter (a)Your sincerely (b)Yours ever (c)Best wishes   (d)Yours faithfully 

15)    The part of a written letter where such expressions as Dear Taiwo is known as the (a)Salutation  (b)body   (c)address  (d)Ending 

16)    An informal letter always has a title, yes or no.                  

17)    Damola is good             mathematics  (a)in  (b)at  (c)to   (d)by 

18)    He met his friend                 the airport (a)in  (b)over  (c)off  (d)at  

19)    A king lives             a palace (a)by   (b)at   (c)in   (d)into 

Complete the table below 

        Singular                     Plural 

20)                        Potatoes 

21)        Goose                        

22)        Piano                              

23)                        oases 

24)        belief                              

25)        workman                        


State the types of sentences each of these are 

26)    Have you seen the book?    (                               

27)    What an interesting game! (                                 

28)    Good afternoon, sir.     (                               

29)    Femi can’t beat Ngozi.    (                               

30)    Close the door!        (                               

32)    The superlative form of ‘happy’ is                                    

33)    The comparative form of ‘well’ is                                    

34)    The positive form of ‘most quietly’ is                                

35)    A preposition is a                                            

36)    An adverb is a                                                

What preposition would complete this sentence

  1. my sister got married ____________________June.

38)    The plural form of ‘axis’ is                      

39)    The singular form of ‘wolves’ is                      

40)    An informal letter is a letter written to                            


Write a meaningful composition on any of these topics 

1)    Write a BIOGRAPHY of someone you know very well. 

2)    Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him or her why you like you school. 

3)    My Favourite Sport 

4)    Village life is better than City Life 


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