1st Term Examination 

Subject:   HOME ECONOMICS Class: BASIC 5

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Home made polish are used to shine ______  in the home   (a)pot    (b)fan    (c)furniture (d)carpet
  2. Cleaning agents are materials that we can use to  ______ item in the home   (a)clean   (b)dirty    (c)spoil    (d)damage
  3. ______  leaves are used to make cleaning agent  (a)orange    (b)sweet    (c)pawpaw   (d)potato
  4. In the olden days  ____  is used to clean the back of our pot instead of vim that we are using now     (a)ashes     (b)charcoal    (c)maclean       (d)water
  5. Polishing our chains, tables and so on helps to maintain their  _____    (a)odour     (b)scen     (c)perfume    (d)beauty
  6. One common cleaning agent is ____    (a)eggshell     (b)vim    (c)wastes   (d)minerals
  7. Home made cleaning agent are _____  in the home   (a)bad    (b)useless   (c)useful    (d)worse
  8. The materials needed to prepare home-made polish are also called _____     (a)partner    (b)agent    (c)guide    (d)stakeholder
  9. We add  _____   to our cleaning agent to give it a nice fragrance    (a)perfume    (b)insecticide    (c)water     (d)petrol
  10. The first step to take in cleaning furniture is to make a _____   (a)warm soapy water    (b)spilt    (c)fire round it    (d)wood round it
  11. Maintaining our furniture would make them last ____  (a)badly  (b)larger   (c)longer   (d)short
  12. We can use ____  to clean the furniture  (a)soft napkin   (b)stove    (c)wood    (d)nail
  13. _____  surface were used in the olden days   (a)cement   (b)mud    (c)tile    (d)terrazzo
  14. ______  are expensive to install    (a)ceramic    (b)wood     (c)tie and dye   (d)wool
  15. _____  are insects and animals which are harmful to man (a)puts  (b)pests  (c)hammer  (d)lion
  16. Insects that suck blood is known as  ________    (a)puts     (b)pests    (c)hammer    (d)lion
  17. Insects carry    (a)diseases     (b)sugar    (c)food   (d)salt
  18. The insects that suck blood is known as  ____    (a)bedbug    (b)tsetse fly     (c)mosquito    (d)cockroach
  19. Pest  _____ the farm produce on the farm   (a)keep     (b)reserve    (c)store    (d)destroy
  20. ______  surroundings keep away pest    (a)dirty   (b)clean    (c)stinky     (d)smelling



  1. What is home made polish?

(b) Mention any two furniture in the home 

  1. Explain the procedure in making homemade polish 
  2. What are surfaces
  1.   Mention any three surfaces in the home
  1. What are household pests?
  1. Mention any two household pest in the home
  1. Explain two ways of preventing household pest



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