Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objects

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. _______ is knowing our rights and duties   (a)cars     (b)civic education    (c)fine art 
  2. We have right to _______    (a)talk     (b)fight    (c)steal
  3. Thing we are free to do or enjoy is called ________    (a)duties    (b)right   (c)I don’t know
  4. Civic education teach us to ______ more  about our nation  (a)kill    (b)fight    (c)know
  5. _______ and ______  are our duties to our nation   (a)obey our leaders and pay tax    (b)disobey and steal    (c) kill and fight
  6. Civic education promotes  _____ in our society    (a)quarrel   (b)peace    (c)fight
  7. Civic education is important at home, school and ______   (a)farm    (b)club    (c)media
  8. Children are to obey their _______  at home    (a)farm    (b)club    (c)media
  9. We are to obey and respect our _____ in school   (a)uncles and aunties    (b)mummy and daddy     (c)teachers and prefects
  10. It is good to ______ elders    (a)disrespect     (b)respect     (c)insult
  11. The honour we give to people, things and places is called  _______   (a)respect    (b)curse     (c)fight 
  12. We respect people because their _____ to us    (a)quarrelling     (b)wicked    (c)important
  13. People we must respects are ______ and ______   (a)teachers  and parents   (b)ruler and tree   (c)table and chair
  14. Our national flag is an ______ symbol    (a)useless    (b)important   (c)nonsense
  15. Who is the governor of Lagos state    (a)Ahmed Tinubu    (b)Babatunde Raji Fashola    (c)Akinwunmi Ambode
  16. How many state and capitals do we have   (a)36    (b)39    (c)40
  17. The colour of Nigeria flag is ______  and _____   (a)yellow and red     (b)white and green    (c)red and blue
  18. We respect national anthem by  ________  while reciting it   (a)dancing    (b)sleeping     (c)stand attention
  19. Some places to be respect are ______  and ______    (a)market and shop    (b)church and king palace   (c)I don’t know
  20. Keeping our belonging safe prevents them from ______   (a)being  stolen    (b)fighting     (c)nothing




  1. ___________  teaches us to know our rights and duties 
  2. list two right you have as a member of  society   i.   _______________________      ii.  __________________________
  3. What is respect? _____________________________________________________
  4. list two people we must respect   
  5. Write two places we must respect   ________________________       ii.  __________________________
  6. List two ways we can respect people   

1st Term Examination 


Subject:   HANDWRITING Class: BASIC 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


    How          are              you?


Where    are    you   going ?   



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