Subject:   BASIC SCIENCE Class: BASIC 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Pencil and board mostly found in the _______    (a)hospital    (b)classroom   (c)forest
  2. A place where pupils learn how to read and write is called __________ (a) market (b) farm   (c) classroom
  3. We sit on the _____  in the classroom    (a)roof     (b)chair     (c)floor
  4. Which of these can not be found in the classroom   (a)snake     (b)eraser    (c)book
  5. We can see  ______  and  ______  in the school compound    (a)flag  and playground    (b)dog and snake     (c)rat and tortoise 
  6. We play in the _______ in our school   (a)school garden    (b)playground   (c)assembly
  7. _________ and _________ can be found in the playground    (a) swing and see saw    (b)hoe and cutlass     (c)book and board
  8. A place where we always pray in the morning in our school is called _______   (a)playground        (b)garden       (c)assembly
  9. A place where we plant different crops in the school is called ______  (a)school garden    (b)assembly     (c)playground
  10. _______ can be found in the school garden   (a)book     (b)crops     (c)ruler
  11. A place where we called _______  (a)kitchen    (b)sitting room     (c)bedroom
  12. We can see ________  and _______  in our sitting room    (a)pot and kettle    (b)bed and shelf      (c)chair and table 
  13. Pots and plates are mostly found in the ______   (a)kitchen      (b)bedroom   (c)kitchen
  14. We can sleep and rest in the ______   (a)toilet    (b)bedroom     (c)toilet
  15. We take our bath in the ______   (a)bathroom     (b)sitting room   (c)kitchen
  16. We prepare our food in the  ________   (a)toilet    (b)kitchen     (c)bedroom
  17. The school environment must keep ______    (a)dirty    (b)rough    (c)neat
  18. A place where we defecate or ease ourselves at home is called ________   (a)bedroom     (b)toilet     (c)kitchen     
  19. Sponge are soap are found in the ________    (a)bedroom     (b)sitting room    (c)bathroom
  20. We use ______ to clean our board   (a)duster      (b)ruler     (c)books




  1. List five things you can see in the classroom i. ________________   ii. ___________
  2.   ____________ and  _____________ can be found in the school compound 
  3. List three things you can see in our school playground   i. _________________
  4. List three places you can see in your community i.  _____________________   ii.  ____________________     iii.  ________________
  5. List three things you can see in the sitting room  i. ________________   
  6. Write four things you can see your mummy kitchen
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