

CLASS: PRIMARY 4                        


SUBJECT: Islamic Rel. Studies


SECTION A            


  1. SuratulBaqarah means __________ (a) peace (b) joy            (c) can
  2. Ayatulqursiy is found in Quaran­­­­­­­__________ (a) 2:455 (b) 2:25                      (c) 1:215
  3. AyatiuQursiy is a verse in __________. (a) suratulbegarah (b) suratul-fu      (c) suratulkautha
  4. Allah brings messages to the __________ through his angels. (a) doctors (b) teachers (c) prophets
  5. Angels are _______ of Allah. (a) brothers (b) relatives       (c) messengers
  6. As Muslims, we must belief in angels and their function. True/ False
  7. Suratul-fil means the _________ (a) chair (b) monkey      (c) elephant
  8. Suratul-fil is used for ________ (a) prayers (b) dancing       (c) playing
  9. Where was Suratul-fil revealed?(a) Egypt (b) Syria           (c) Mecca
  10. Quran 4:116 forbids shrirk. True / False
  11. Allah is _________ and indivisible (a) three (b) two           (c) one
  12. Allah ________ Shirk. (a) accepts (b) likes           (c) forbids
  13. SuratulQadri is used for prayers and _________ (a) preaching (b) fighting      (c) dancing
  14. SuratulQadri was revealed in __________ (a) Medina (b) Mecca       (c) South Africa
  15. Suratul-Qudri means _________ (a) night of sorrow (b) night of majesty     (c) night of joy
  16. Which of these is not a glorious book?

(a) Al-Quran           (b) Az-zaburu            (c) strong book

  1. Who among these prophets received the AT-Taorat?

(a) Prophet Mohammed                 (b) Musa(A.S)               (c) Isa (A.S)

  1. There are _______ glorious books of Allah. (a) 4 (b) 1000            (c) 1001
  2. Suratul-tin has _______ verses (a) 4 (b) 8            (c) 10
  3. Suratul-tin means _______ (a) death (b) the fig          (c) the clap hart
  4. Suratul-tin was revealed in _______ (a) Egypt (b) Mecca           (c) Medina
  5. Prophet Mohammed was a ______ man (a) wicked (b) gold           (c) curry
  6. Prophet Mohammed established _________ in Medina. (a) Malu       (b) Company     (c) Ummah
  7. Prophet Mohammed recieved first revelation as __________

(a) Mount Arafat             (b) Mount Medina            (c) Cave thra

  1. Suratulinshra’l has _____ verses (a) 2 (b) 6            (c) 8
  2. SuratulInshra’l is found in chapter _____ of the Quran. (a) 100          (b) 84           (c) 90
  3. When did Prophet Mohammed die? __________
  4. When was Prophet Mohammed born? ____________
  5. Did Prophet Mohammed built a mosque? ____________
  6. Was Prophet Mohammed Chief of the armed forces? ___________





  1. Narrate the story of Prophet Mohammed.


  1. What is the full meaning of SAW?


  1. List four(4) names of some angels.


  1. List six(6) functions of the angels.


  1. Who is Allah?


  1. Recite and write SuratulQadri.
