3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 3 Bible Knowledge


CLASS: PRIMARY 3               




  1. Suffering is a feeling of pain and _________(a) happiness (b) unhappiness (c) dancing (d) joy 
  2. _________ and _______ are people who suffered in the Bible      (a) Joseph and Mary (b) Abraham and Isaac (c) Jesus Christ and Stephen (d) Joshua and Solomon
  3. ______ is the disciple who betrayed Jesus to His enemies (a) Pilate (b) Peter (c) Judas Iscariot (d) John
  4. Jesus and His disciples were praying in a garden called _______ (a) Nigeria (b) Ghana (c) Gethsemane (d) Bethlehem
  5. _______ suffered and died on the cross for our sins (a) Jesus (b) Joseph (c) Pilate (d) Peter 
  6. The death of Jesus is the full payment of our sins? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe 
  7. The Christians are saved by Jesus precious _____ (a) oil (b) food (c) blood (d) clothes 
  8. Jesus was nailed on the cross in between ____thieves (a) two (b) four  (c) three (d) ten 
  9. The people placed a crown of thorns of Jesus ______ (a) mouth (b) leg (c) head (d) hand 
  10. Hospitality means being friendly and giving freely to ______ (a) animals (b) furniture (c) teacher (d) visitors
  11. When we find ourselves in problems or any difficult  situation we should ____ (a) abuse God (b) cry (c) murmur (d) give praises to God
  12. Christians believe in _______ (a) man (b) Pastor (c) God (d) friend
  13. ________ separated us from God (a) noise (b) sin (c) food (d) water 
  14. _______ removes darkness and makes us see clearly (a) water (b) stone (c) light (d) darkness 
  15. Jesus Christ called Christians the light of the ____ (a) school (b) world (c) saviour (d) church  
  16. Light represent goodness while darkness represents ______ and _______ (a) pupils and students (b) evil and sin (c) water and food (d) pen and book
  17. Isaiah was a prophet of God in _____ (a) Egypt (b) Jerusalem (c) Israel (d) Ghana 
  18. God promised Abraham the promised land called______________ (a) Egypt (b) London (c) Ikeja (d) Canaan
  19. Jesus Christ was given birth to in a town called ____ (a) Juda  (b) Bethlehem (c) Jerusalem (d) Israel
  20. The ________ wise men gave Jesus gifts (a) nine (b) three (c) six (d) two 
  21. ________ was stoned to death simply because he told the people the truth (a) Stephen (b) Gabriel (c) Job (d) John
  22. Jesus is the son of ____________ (a) God (b) man (c) woman (d) uncle 
  23. Jesus fed five thousand people with _______ (a) five loaves of bread and two fishes    (b) five loaves of bread and three fishes (c) sixteen loaves of bread and ten fishes     (d) two loaves of bread and one fish 
  24. Christian general day of worship is ______ (a) Monday  (b) Sunday (c) Tuesday (d) Thursday 
  25. __________ is the only way to God (a) man (b) Jesus (c) Joseph (d) Moses 
  26. The Passover means _____ (a) cross over (b) cry over (c) jump over (d) sit over 
  27. _______ is the son of Abraham (a) Isaac (b) Esau (c) David (d) Moses 
  28. Emmanuel means ______ (a) God feed us (b) God punish us (c) God with us (d) God beat us
  29. Jesus said the Christian are the ___________ of the earth (a) soap (b) oil (c) salt (d) sugar 
  30. Jesus had _____________ disciples (a) 19 (b) 24 (c) 12 (d) 5 



  1. Mention three examples of hospitality shown in the Bible?
    • _________
    • _________
    • _________
  2. What is kindness ? _________
  3. What is the meaning of the Passover? _________
  4. What is the meaning of Emmanuel?_________
  5. What is suffering? _________


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