Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Social Studies


SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                               


Underline the correct answer 

1)  __________     means having a job to do to earn a living (a)employment   (b)occupation    (c)working 

2)    One who works for other is known as    __________         (a)a messenger   (b)an employee   (c)an employer 

3)    One who does his own work and not for other is   __________         (a)self reliant  (b)self employed (c)sufficient 

4)    The total sum of money which a worker earns at the end of every month is called         __________   (a)salary  (b)income (c)wage 

5)    __________       can be paid daily (a)salary  (b)income  (c)wages 

6)    The amount of money paid to a particular works after completing a particular job is called    __________ (a)salary  (b)income (c)wages 

7)    The process of sending and receiving messages or information is known as    __________     (a)transportation (b)communication (c)text messaging 

8)    The use of talking drum is a     __________    means of communication (a)modern   (b)traditional   (c)faster 

9)    GSM is a     __________   means of communication (a)Modern   (b)traditional   (c)mass 

10)    One of the following is not an electronic means of communication __________ (a)Telephone  (b)Radio   (c)Handbills 

11)    Accident that occurs at home are called    __________     (a)rail  accident (b)domestic accident  (c)air crash 

12)    If some rubs his body against a hard or rough objects, he will have     __________    (a)bruises   (b)bites   (c)burns 

13)    When someone is hurt by fire, he will suffer    __________     (a)burns   (b)scald   (c)heat 

14)    A situation in which people are injured and property damaged without anyone planning it is called     __________   (a)accident  (b)incident  (c)situation 

15)    Taking too much of a drug than is required is called     __________    (a)drug insult  (b)drug abuse (c)drug trafficking 

16)    Paracetamol and Panadol are examples of    __________     (a)pain relievers  (b)stimulants (c)pain inducers 

17)    Drugs that give more energy and make people more awake are called        __________ (a)stimulants  (b)pain relievers (c)antibiotics 

18)    When we take drugs carelessly, it is called     __________    way of taking drugs (a)improper  (b)proper  (c)immodest 

19)    Drugs which we take from a doctor’s prescription is    __________     way of taking drug (a)proper  (b)improper (c)immoral 

20)    Indian hemp is the street name given to     __________   (a)marijuana or cannabis  (b)Paracetamol (c)kolanut

21)    Engaging in body exercise reduces    __________         (a)hunger  (b)stress (c)play 

22)    If we exercise our body regularly, it promotes     __________    (a)better sleep  (b)restlessness  (c)hunger 

23)    One strategy of preventing drug abuse is engaging in behaviours that our mental well –being    __________     (a)promote (b)disturb (c)flatter 

24)    We must abstain from drug abuse because of     __________  substances contained in most of the drugs (a)harmful  (b)sweet (c)bitter 

25)    Pollution occurs   __________     (a)on land only  (b)in the air only  (c)everywhere 

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer 

1)    A vehicle emitting smoke is causing    __________         pollution .

2)    Dysentery is     __________   disease .

3)    Lung disease can be caused by         __________   

4)    Anything that makes our environment dirty and unsafe for human use is known as          

5)    The type of pollution caused by people who play loud music is called     __________  pollution.

6)    The person that starts the communication is called        __________  

7)    The means of communication is also known as     __________     

8)    The full meaning of GSM is       __________      

9)    Means of communication that can reach many people at the same time is called         __________    

10)    __________           is a situation of not having a job to do to earn a living 

11)    One who bakes cakes for people is a   __________            

12)    Someone who works for himself/herself is called     __________           

13)    The system of communication used by our fore fathers is             __________   means. 

14)    A job is        __________     for which payment is made.

15)    A regular amount collected at the end of every month for work done is called        __________      


Attempt the questions below 

1)    What are the consequences of unemployment in our society (mention 4) 

  • __________
  • __________ 
  • __________
  • __________


2)    Define the following 

  •     Wages: __________
  •     Salary : __________
  •     Income : __________

3)    Explain forms of accident

  •  __________         
  •  __________
  • __________
  • __________

4a)    What is pollution?                                                   ___________________                                                                                                 

 4b)    What are the types of pollution? 

  • __________
  • __________
  • __________

5a)    What is communication?                                     ____________________                                                                                                        

 5b)  State at least four channels of communication 

  • __________
  • __________
  • __________
  • __________


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