Third Term Examinations JSS 2 Security Education


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


DURATION: 2HRS           



Instruction: Answer all question in this section

  1. The following are major insecurity breaches facing Nigeria except (a) robbery   (b) assassination (c) kidnapping (d) walking 
  2. _________ can be used to solve the problem of insecurity in Nigeria (a) Security education (b) geography (c) social studies (d)  Civic Education
  3. ______ can be defined as an act committed to violation of law (a) crime (b) job    (c) justice(d) play
  4.  The consequence of conviction by a court is___________ (a) Judgment  (b) punishment(c) crime (d) offence
  5. A crime against  the state is called________ (a) violation of law (b) crime   (c) morality (d) “a public wrong” 
  6. _______ can be committed against person or property (a) crime (b) morality (c) law (d) Justice 
  7. The following list are common citizens except (a) robbery (b) theft (c) Arson                          (d) reading
  8. _________ any unlawful offensive physical contact with another person (a) crime of battery(b) aiding and abetting (c) accessory (d) crime of arson
  9. __________ included the selling transporting or importing of illegal control substances (a) stealing (b) trafficking (c) arson (d) robbery
  10. Forgery includes the faking of a ___________ without permission (a) name                     (b) certificate (c) signature (d) cheque
  11. Crime can be reduced through the following except (a) ensures the well being               (b) good education (c) reduction in population (d) provide food
  12. _________ is  a major cause of crime all around the world (a) overpopulation                (b) poverty (c) under population (d) poor education
  13. __________ is a major cause of crime and interest among people (a) nationalism (b) regionalism (c) increase in population (d) drugs 
  14. Rape can also be called _________ (a) sexual assault (b) trafficking (c) arson                 (d) vaginal
  15. Rape victims are common among _________ and ________ (a) aged people               (b) teenagers and young women (c) toddlers (d) infants
  16. The following are cause of rape except_____ (a) rejection (b) frustration (c) caution (d) reading 
  17. Cults members are prone to committing _______ (a) crime (b) rape (c) rituals                  (d) alcohol
  18. The following psychological effects of rape  except (a) depression (b) flashback               (c) pregnancies  (d) anger
  19. What to do if raped ________ (a) Report the crime (b) Keep it to oneself (c) Shout (d) Kill the person involved
  20. The following are examples of theft except  (a) Burglary (b) Robbery (c) looting               (d) Keeping of one’s property
  21. ______ is the action of monitoring of someone location the week and people.                 (a) observation (b) information (c) assistance (d) report
  22. The law enforcement agencies can help to reduce ______ (a) theft (b) crime     (c) reading (d) eating
  23. The following are specific ways of observing common crime except ______ (a) be patient (b) be alert (c) pay attention (d) run away from the environment
  24. The following are the object to observe except________ (a) environment (b) physical setting (c) specific items (d) routines
  25. Observation process include the following except_______ (a)  fill attention   (b) sensing(c) thinking (d) perceiving
  26. The following are common reaction to curve except _______ (a) thinking                        (b) depression (c) grief (d) axially
  27. Common crime in the school environment are except_______ (a) social activities (b) bulling (c) gang activities (d) verbal abuse
  28. The following are factors that predispose student to crime in school environment  except______ (a) visible policing (b) disrespectful (c) parental neglect (d) peer influence 
  29. Consequence of crime in the school environment include all except ________  (a) violent behavior (b) truancy (c) unfulfilled (d) social activities 
  30. There are a number of ways to report crime except ________ (a) support  (b) contact (c) truancy (d) telephone 
  31. The following crime can be reported using online reporting system except___________ (a) vandalism (b) fraud (c) truancy (d) theft owi
  32. The following types crime can be reported using online system except_________ (a)fraud (b) theft (c) vandalism (d) truancy
  33. The following are government agents that crime can be reported to excepted _________ (a) night guard (b) police force (c) army (d) FRSC
  34. Army fire outbreak at home is called________ (a) wild fire (b) home fire out break (c) hurricane (d) access 
  35. Breaking of the earth as a result of breaking and shifting of rocks beneath the earth surface is ______ (a) terrorism (b) earthquake (c) flood (d) poisoning 


  1. Preparedness and response activities always occur at the same time
  2. Government officials are ultimately responsible for disasters 
  3. Response activities are actions taken to save lives and prevent future properly damage in a disaster or an emergency situation 
  4. Response activities take place before an emergency occurs
  5. ___________ is not an environmental emergency (a) fire (b) water pollution (c)oil spills (d) heart attack



Answer three questions

  1. Highlight five types of emergency management 
  2. Mention at least five agencies responsible for emergency management
  3. State five tips on emergency response at school and home 
  4. List and explain five causes of rape
  5. Define theft
  6. Mention five examples of theft


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