Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 1 Vocational Aptitude





Write five tools used by the farmers

1.) __________________

2.) __________________

3.) ___________________

4.) __________________

5.) __________________

6.) Trade is the act of buying and selling of goods and services (a) true (b) false

7.) _____ is the person that buys and sells goods and services (a) teacher (b) trader (c) plumber

8.) _______ is the medium through which goods and services are bought and sold

(a) trade (b) buyer (c) market

9.) A shop where toys are sold in is a ___________ (a) farm (b) toyshop (c) bank

10.) ______________ is a shop where you buy drugs (a) pharmacy (b) market (c) toy shop

11.) A person that plant crops and rears animals is a _____ (a) farmer (b) barber (c) teacher

12.) _______ is where a farmer works (a) school (b) farmland (c) office

13.) _____ is used for cutting grass (a) towel (b) cutlass (c) clipper

14.) The following are farm tools except _____ (a) cutlass (b) clippers (c) hoe

15.) Watering can is used for _____ (a) plants (a) harvesting (b) wetting (c) pruning

16.) A citizen of Nigeria is called _____ (a) Nigerian (b) Niger (c) People

17.) Which colour means stop in traffic light (a) red (b) green (c) yellow

18.) Yellow means _____ in traffic light (a) go (b) wait (c) get ready

19.) _____ is the black and white stripes used by pedestrians to cross the road

(a) lion crossing (b) zebra crossing (c) tiger crossing


20.) Looking right and left and then right is the rule for crossing the road (a) true (b) false

21.) There are ______ types of religion (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6

Name the three religions that we have

22.) ______________________

23.) ______________________

24.) ______________________

25.) The general day of worship of the Christian is _______

26.) ___________ is the aspect of Agriculture which involves growing of flower

(a) planting (b) gardening (c) flowering

27.) Watering can is used for _______________________

28.) Gardening is also known as ______ (a) horticulture (b) wetting (c) cutting

29.) Is gardening a vocation ______ (a) yes (b) no

30.) The Nigerian flag has how many colours (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3


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