Computer Primary 2 First Term Examination



NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………

1.) We use our mouse for _________ (a) pointing (b) typing (c) hearing

2.) The ___________ has a stand. (a) system unit (b) monitor (c) printer

3.) The computer parts are connected by __________ (a) rope (b) wire (c) plug

4.) A computer is an __________________________________ machine.

5.) Some parts of the computer have ___________ connection

(a) upper (b) wireless (c) lower

6.) VDU means: Visual _____________ Unit (a) Disappear (b) Direct (c) Display

7.) A single part of the computer can work on its own (a) True (b) False

8.) A ______________ is one of the parts of a computer (a) book (b) keyboard (c) table

9.) ________ helps us to print on paper (a) printer (b) pointer (c) painter

10.) How many types of monitor do we have? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4

11.) The monitor is also known as a _______ (a) CPU (b) UPS (c) VDU

12.) Monochrome monitor can display ______ colours

(a) black and white (b) many (c) red and blue

13.) The face of a monitor is called ___________ (a) glass (b) screen (c) mirror

14.) The ____ is used to turn on the monitor (a) power button (b) Stand (c) setting button

15.) Which of the following is not a part of a monitor?

(a) Screen (b) Power button (c) typewriter

Section B

1.) Name two parts of a monitor

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________

2.) Mention two parts of a computer system

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________

3.) Mention the two types of monitor

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________







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