Edu Delight Tutors




Objectives INSTRUCTIOIN: Answer All questions



1. _______________ is called the mother of all networks

a. e-mail b. service provider c. internet d. web

2. Getting on-line means being connected to

a. internet b. computer c. hardware d. software

3. _____________ is a software program that enables you to view and interact with various resources on the web

a. website b. web browser c. web page d. Web son

4. _____________is one or more web pages that reside on a single server

a. web browser b. web site c. web page d. web web

5. The E in the E-mail stands for

a. elect b Election c. Electronic d. electricity

6. All are examples of a web browser except –

a. Internet explorer b. Fire fox c. E-mail d. Netscape Navigator

True or False questions

7. You can send an e-mail to someone without an e-mail address _____

8. You can send pictures and videos via e-mail _________

9. An e-mail may be delivered to the wrong address even when you write that address correctly ___________

10. Newsgroups are the same as E-mail ____________

1…………is the father of computer [a]Olu Adewumi [c]Joseph Blaise[b]Charles Babbage [c]Dr. Philip

2. How many types of computer do we have [a]4[b]3[c]5[d]2

3……….computer is the fastest and biggest


4. Computer system comprises of the following except[a]RAM[b]hardware[c]software

5………is the type of software[a]keyboard[b]monitor[c]printer[d]all of the above

6………may be defined as the people working with the computer[a]software[b]instructor[c]hardware[d]peopleware

7………is the series of instructions that run on a computer and make the hardware work[a]software[b]output[c]programmes

8. Laptop is a …….computer[a]mini[b]micro[c]super[c]mainframe

9……..computer has the capabilities of both analogues and didgital computer[a]analogue[b]hybrid[c]digital[d]all of the above

10. Example of analogue computer is [a]IBM360[B]Thermometer [c]Desktop [d] none of the above

THEORY – Answer All questions

1a. What does ARPANET represents?

b. What is the difference between Internet and World Wide Web (WWW)

c. What are the three common components associated with the Web.

2. Fill in what the following abbreviations stand for:

a. URL

b. WWW

c. Write out 5 benefits of the internet

3a. Write five internet safety rules

b. Write five advantages of e-mail

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