1st term Examination CRK Primary 2



Edu Delight Tutors


  1. What happened when Moses stretched his rod towards the sea?
    1. The sea became violent
    2. The sea divided
    3. The sea became a land
  2. What did God ask the Israelites to kill on the day of Passover?
    1. Cow b. Sheep c. Lamb
  3. Did God ask the Israelites to worship the bronze serpent?
    1. Yes b. No c. Not sure
  4. After Moses, who became the leader of the Israelites?
    1. Joseph b. Joshua c. Aaron
  5. Where did Joshua lead the Israelites into?
    1. Canaan b. Bethlehem c. Jericho
  6. What was the name Isaiah called the coming messiah?
    1. Emmanuel b. Jesus c. John the Baptist
  7. Isaiah prophesied that the child would
    1. Save the world
    2. Destroy the world
    3. Kill the sinners
  8. Where was Jesus born?
    1. Egypt b. Nazareth c. Bethlem
  9. Who was the mother of Jesus?
    1. Esther
    2. Mary
    3. Sarah
  10. Who is called the prince of peace
    1. John the Baptist
    2. Apostle Paul
    3. Jesus Christ


  1. What is the meaning of being prodigal
  2. What does the parable of the “host sheep teaches us” 3.
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