Subject : Social Studies


Topic :



Class :

Primary  3/ Basic 3


Term :

2nd Term / Second Term


Week :

Week 1


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Modern Toilet Facilities 

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  


  • At  the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

    1 define illness and common illnesses.

    2 identify at least five common illnesses in your community.

    3 mention the symptoms of common illnesses in your community.

    4 identify causes of common illnesses.

    5 mention ways of preventing common illnesses.




Meaning and examples of common illnesses

Illness is when a person is not feeling healthy and well. Such a person may have a headache, malaria fever, pain or stomach-ache.

When someone is ill, we sometimes say that he is suffering from a disease.

It is a medical doctor who tests a person and finds out the disease he is having.


Common illnesses are the diseases that many people have in the community. They can be noticed in all parts of the community



Examples of common illnesses

The following are the examples of illnesses and diseases that are common in our environment.

1 Malaria – Malaria is an illness that is caused by mosquitoes.

Anopheles mosquito is the carrier of the parasite that causes malaria. The parasite is called plasmodium. If mosquito bites us, we may have malaria

2 Dysentery – A person has dysentery when he visits the toilet very frequently to pass excreta. The excreta is usually watery and contains blood. Dysentery is caused by eating contaminated food. A contaminated food is food that has been exposed to bacteria and dirty environment.



3 Diarrhoea – This is an illness in which excreta in liquid form and water are passed out more frequently than normal. If we come in contact with somebody who has diarrhoea, it can infect us. Diarrhoea can also be caused by eating contaminated food. The difference between diarrhoea and dysentery is that diarrhoea does not contain blood while dysentery does.


4 Cholera – Cholera is when a person is excreting and vomiting at the same time. This is done frequently. It is a disease that is caused  by germs carried by houseflies. It can kill very fast



5 Cough – Although ordinary cough is not a disease it is symptom of diseases in the body. Cough is when someone tries to remove disturbing mucus from the lungs through the mouth. Exposure to cold, smoking and inhaling dust can cause cough.


6 Toothache – This is a type of illness that gives someone pain in or around a tooth or jaws. It can be caused by eating plenty of sweets or sugar, and poor dental habit (not washing one’s mouth regularly).

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7 Headache – A headache is a continuous pain in the head. The pain can be anywhere in the head or neck. If we overwork ourselves, it can cause headache. Someone who hits his/her head against hard object will also have a headache. Headache may also bae symptom of other diseases like malaria.



8 Typhoid fever – It is a type of illness that causes diarrhoea and rashes. It is caused by taking contaminated food or water. We can also get typhoid if we stay close to an infected person.



Other common illnesses are:

1 Chicken pox

2 Catarrhs

3 Cold

4 Stomachaches

5 Measles



Symptoms of common illnesses

Generally, common illnesses present almost the same symptoms.

Some of them are:

1 General weakness – This is when someone is tired and finds it difficult to walk, work and even talk.

2 Lack of appetite – If someone does not have appetite, it means he/she does not have desire for food. The person may be hungry but may not feel like eating. When this happens, it is a sign of common illness.


3 Headache or cold – Headache or cold may be a symptom of malaria, typhoid, toothache or other common illnesses.

4 General itching of the body – This may be a symptom of skin diseases like eczema and ring worm. Itching gives discomfort on the skin or body and it makes someone to scratch it all the time.




5 Dizziness – Dizziness can happen in two different ways:

  1. a) When someone feels like fainting.
  2. b) When it looks as if the surrounding is moving.

If we lose too much blood and water in the body, we may feel

dizzy. This may be because of dysentery or diarrhoea.




7 Vomiting – This is when someone throws up, that is, pouring out what he/she has eaten through the mouth or nose. Vomiting is a symptom of serious common illnesses.



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  • 1 define illness and common illnesses.

    2 identify at least five common illnesses in your community.

    3 mention the symptoms of common illnesses in your community.

    4 identify causes of common illnesses.

    5 mention ways of preventing common illnesses.


Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :


Causes of common illnesses

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