Pry 6 Social Studies 1st Term Examination

Edu Delight Tutors





Fill the gaps with the right option from the given alternatives

1.) __________ is the total way of life of a group of people (a) culture (b) language (c) education

2.) One major foreign influence on Nigerian life is ________ (a) commerce (b) language (c) sleep

3.) A young man that is yet to get married is called a ______ (a) spinster (b) bachelor (c) widower

4.) _____________ is the legal union between a man and a woman to get together and be living as husband and wife (a) spinster (b) marriage (c) relationship


5.) ______________ is a break in marriage (a) courtship (b) relationship (c) divorce

6.) Young boys and girls should _______ in premarital sex (a) engage (b) not engage (c) practice

7.) Having unprotected sex can lead to the end of the education of both boys and girls ____

(a) not sure (b) false (c) true

8.) Ethnic prejudice simply means being ____________ towards one ethnic group

(a) friendly (b) cordial (c) bias

9.) Inter-ethnic marriage involves couples from ___________ ethnic groups

(a) similar (b) the same (c) different

10.) Ethnicity means tribal _______ (a) loyalty (b) culture (c) marriage


Part B:

1.) What is marriage? ____________________________________________________________



b.) What is intra ethnic marriage ___________________________________________________


2.) Mention two major foreign influence on Nigerian families

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) Mention two dangers of divorce

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


3.) Who is a bachelor ____________________________________________________________


b.) Who is a spinster _____________________________________________________________



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