Social studies second term examination primary 2

CLASS: PRIMARY 2                                                                    
1.)   A ____ is a person from a country other than our country (a) foreigner (b) journey (c) school
2.)   A place where we buy and sell goods is _______ (a) market (b) office (c) church
(3.)   The act of keeping money in the bank is called ________ (a) safety (b) saving (c) services
(4.)   The people who come to visit famous places in our country are called _______ (a) foreigners (b) tourists (c) marriage
(5.)   The head of primary school is ________ (a) headmistress/headmaster (b) rector (c) chancellor
(6.)   The leader of our country is the __________ (a) governor (b) chairman (c) president
(7.)   If we do not obey the law, we may be ____________ (a) rewarded (b) punished (c) happy
(8.)   There are ___________ levels of government (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 5
(9.)   The _________ is a law enforcement agency in Nigeria (a) criminal (b) police (c) teacher
(10.) The leader of our state is the _________ (a) chairman (b) governor (c) chancellor
(11.) _________ are the things we use to provide items we need (a) water (b) resources (c) relaxer
(12.) People who use their abilities to work and make money are called _______ (a) water resources (b) national resources (c) human resources
(13.) Iron, limestone and cocoa are examples of ___________ (a) human resources (b) natural resources (c) raw materials
(14.) ____________ are things that are still in their natural state (a) raw materials (b) finished products (c) money
(15.) ____________ are created to protect us and other people (a) laws (b) communion (c) hospital
(16.) ____________ is a means of moving around from place to place (a) technology (b) transportation (c) wisdom
(17.) The fastest way to travel over a long distance is by ________ (a) car (b) canoe (c) aeroplane
(18.) Canoes, boats and ships travel on the _________ (a) sea (b) river (c) land
(19.) An _______________ is a device designed to perform a specific function for household use (a) appliance (b) generator (c) kettle
20.) It is good to play with electricity (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe  
Section B
(1.)   List three rules that helps to keep us safe
  •  ________________________
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  2.)   List four examples of home appliances  
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   3.)   What is transportation? ________________________________________________________________________
4.) Name three means / ways of transportation
  • ______________________
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5. )   What is the full meaning of FRSC ________________________________________________
6.) What do they do? _____________________________________________________________
7.)   What is savings? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________    
8. What is the name of the president of Nigeria? ________________________________________________________________________
9.) What is savings? ________________________________________________________________________
10.) Who are foreigners? ________________________________________________________________________
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