Tag: ICT


Subject:  COMPUTER STUDIES INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) Term: First Term Week: Week 2 Class: JSS 2 / BASIC 8   Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of   COMPUTER SOFTWARE   that was taught in their previous lesson   Topic:   SYSTEM SOFTWARE   Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should


Subject:  COMPUTER STUDIES INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) Term: First Term Week: Week 1 Class: JSS 2 / BASIC 8   Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of   Third Term Examination Questions JSS 1 ICT   that was taught in their previous lesson   Topic:   COMPUTER SOFTWARE   Behavioural objectives: At the end of

Third Term Examinations Primary 6 ICT

THIRD TERM                SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOOGY     CLASS: PRIMARY 6                Instruction:Answer all questions                 Section A   1)We can ______our picture in paint after drawing (a)Scatter (b)Save (c)wrong 2)There are ______steps to open to paint (a)2 (b)5 (c)4 3)We have________parts of paint (a)3 (b)2 (c)4 4)Computer has play_________roles in

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: PRIMARY 5 Instruction:Answer all questions Section A   1)The main part of the screen that is blue in colour is called______ (a)Density (b)Deskop (c)Desktop 2)________are small pictures that represent information (a)Icoms (b)Icons (c)Icans 3)_________is an example of Icon (a)My computer (b)My book (c)My Pen 4)________is a content on the desktop

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 ICT

THIRD TERM                SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOOGY     CLASS: PRIMARY 4                Instruction:Answer all questions                 Section A   1)_______is a part of the computer that we can connect  (a)Radio (b)Television (c)Monitor 2)_______is a way of starting the computer (a)starting (b)booting (c)bathing 3)We have______types of booting (a) 2 (b) 4 (c)

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: PRIMARY 2   Instruction:Answer all questions Section A   1)Printer is an __________device (a)Input (b)Output (c)Putput 2)Printer prints information on___________(a)biro (b)pencil (c)paper 3)Printers comes in different shapes and sizes. Yes/No 4)Printer is ________in shape (a)rectangular (b)circular (c)divided 5)System unit is part of __________(a)computer (b)monitor (C)mouse 6)System unit has a _______button

Third Term Examinations Primary 1 ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: PRIMARY 1 Instruction: Answer all questions Section A   1)_________is used to send and receive Information (a)ICT device (b)Fan device (c)UP device 2)__________is an example of ICT device (a)GSM Phone (b)biro (c)marker 3)ICT means________________________________________ (a)Inform computer teachers (b)Information communication Technology (c)Informative com tech 4)________are used to make and receive calls

Third Term Examinations KG ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: KINDERGARTEN Instruction: Answer all questions Section A 1)We have _______types of computer (a) 2 (b) 3 2)______is a type of computer (a)Analog computer (b)Table computer 3)GSM Phone is an______device (a)ICT (b)NOT 4)_____is an ICT device (a)Television (b)book 5)The picture below is __________(a) calculator (b)Table            

Jss 3 Third Term Examination ICT

  Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspension. So, don’t be involved in it! CLASS: JSS 3 SUBJECT: ICT                                 TIME 1HR:30mins    Instruction: Answer all Questions in this section Fill in the blank spaces with the correct option from “a” to “d”. 1.

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 ICT

2nd Term 2021/2022 Academic Examination   Class: Third Grade   Subject: ICT   Answer All Questions   1. One of the following is not an output device. (a) floppy drive (b) projector (c) digital smart screen (d) monitor   2. The instruction sent into a computer using input devices is called a/an….. (a) picture (b)
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