The story of the ten lepers (The Significance) Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies


Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 2

Topic: The Story of the Ten Lepers (The Significance)

Duration: 30 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Ask students if they remember the story of the ten lepers from the previous lesson.

Key Words:

  • Jesus, lepers, significance, thankfulness, kindness, healing, love, gratitude.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Understand the significance of the story of the ten lepers.
    2. Identify and explain the lessons of thankfulness and kindness.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening, moral values, storytelling.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of the ten lepers, drawing materials, simple thank you cards.


The Story of the Ten Lepers – Significance

  1. Helping Others 🤝:
    • Jesus helped ten sick people with leprosy.
    • We learn to help others like Jesus did.
  2. Saying Thank You 🙏:
    • One person said thank you to Jesus.
    • It’s important to say thank you for help.
  3. Being Grateful 😊:
    • The one who said thank you was happy.
    • We should be happy and grateful too.
  4. Importance of Saying Thanks 🌟:
    • Saying thanks is like being polite.
    • It shows we appreciate what others do for us.
  5. Helping and Healing ❤️:
    • Jesus helped and healed the lepers.
    • We should be kind and help others too.
  6. Kindness Matters 🌈:
    • Being kind makes the world a better place.
    • We learn about kindness from Jesus.
  7. Noticing Good Deeds 👀:
    • Jesus noticed the one who said thank you.
    • We should notice and appreciate good deeds.
  8. Being Clean and Healthy 🚿:
    • The lepers became clean and healthy.
    • It’s important to be clean and take care of our health.
  9. Showing Love 💕:
    • Jesus showed love by helping.
    • We should show love to others.
  10. Being Thankful to God 🙌:
    • The one who said thank you thanked God too.
    • We should thank God for helping us.

Remember, little ones, Jesus teaches us to be kind and thankful! 🌟

  1. Jesus helped _______ sick people with leprosy. a) Three b) Ten c) Five d) Two
  2. The one who said thank you to Jesus was _______. a) Sad b) Angry c) Happy d) Tired
  3. Saying thanks is like being _______. a) Unkind b) Polite c) Quiet d) Lazy
  4. Being kind makes the world a _______ place. a) Brighter b) Darker c) Noisy d) Scary
  5. Jesus noticed the one who _______ thank you. a) Ignored b) Said c) Forgot d) Hid
  6. The lepers became _______ and healthy. a) Dirty b) Clean c) Sad d) Angry
  7. Jesus showed love by _______. a) Ignoring b) Helping c) Hiding d) Shouting
  8. The one who said thank you thanked _______ too. a) Friends b) God c) Parents d) Toys
  9. Saying thanks shows we _______ what others do for us. a) Ignore b) Appreciate c) Forget d) Hate
  10. The lepers had a sickness called _______. a) Happiness b) Leprosy c) Health d) Kindness
  11. Jesus teaches us to be _______ and thankful. a) Sad b) Angry c) Kind d) Scared
  12. Being kind and thankful makes Jesus _______. a) Sad b) Happy c) Angry d) Tired
  13. The one who said thank you was _______. a) Alone b) Happy c) Angry d) Hiding
  14. We should thank God for _______ us. a) Ignoring b) Helping c) Scaring d) Forgetting
  15. The story of the ten lepers teaches us about _______ and _______. a) Sadness, Anger b) Happiness, Laziness c) Kindness, Thankfulness d) Darkness, Noise


  1. Introduction (5 mins):
    • Revise the previous topic which was Things We Must Do As Children of God
    • Ask students to share what they remember about the ten lepers.
    • Briefly recap the story to refresh their memories.
  2. Review of Previous Topic (5 mins):
    • Discuss the key points of the previous lesson about the significance of the story.
  3. Introduction of New Topic (5 mins):
    • Introduce the topic “The Significance of the Story of the Ten Lepers.”
    • Explain that significance means the important lessons we learn.
  4. Teacher’s Activities (5 mins):
    • Show pictures of the ten lepers, emphasizing Jesus’ kindness and healing.
    • Discuss the significance of the story, focusing on thankfulness and kindness.
  5. Learners’ Activities (5 mins):
    • Ask students to draw a picture of something they are thankful for.
    • Encourage them to share their drawings and reasons with the class.
  6. Assessment (3 mins):
    • Use simple thank you cards for each student.
    • Ask them to write or draw something they are thankful for inside the card.

Evaluation :

  1. Who is the central figure in the story of the ten lepers?
  2. What does significance mean in the context of the story?
  3. Can you name one lesson from the story?
  4. Why did one leper say thank you to Jesus?
  5. What did the one who said thank you feel?
  6. How does the story teach us about kindness?
  7. What does Jesus show in the story?
  8. Why is being thankful important?
  9. Can you draw something you are thankful for?
  10. Why did Jesus help the lepers?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and collect the thank you cards.
  • Emphasize the importance of being thankful and kind like Jesus. Encourage them to share their thank you cards with their families
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