Learning and Mastery of Spellings and Meanings Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Spellings Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Spellings
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 10 years
Topic: Dictation for the Week
Sub-topic: Learning and Mastery of Spellings and Meanings
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

  1. Spell the given words correctly.
  2. Understand the meanings of the words.
  3. Identify the word classes of the words.
  4. Use the words in sentences.

Keywords: Spelling, Meaning, Word Class, Pronunciation
Set Induction: The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the pupils to recall and spell some words from the previous week.

Entry Behaviour: Learners have basic knowledge of spelling, word meanings, and dictionary usage.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with the new words.
  • Dictionaries for looking up meanings and pronunciations.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will connect the new words with familiar contexts such as school (academics), and everyday items (sachet).

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Literacy skills (spelling, reading, and writing).
  • Critical thinking (using words in sentences).

Learning Materials: Flashcards, dictionary, and writing materials.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Oxford Primary Dictionary

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with the words printed on them.
  • Writing materials for the students.


Learners are to master the spellings and meanings of the following words:

  1. Ablaze
    • Meaning: Burning fiercely.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Sentence Example: The house was ablaze with fire.
  2. Institution
    • Meaning: An organization founded for a religious, educational, or social purpose.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The university is a respected institution.
  3. Sachet
    • Meaning: A small sealed bag or packet containing a single-use quantity of something, typically food or drink.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: He bought a sachet of milk.
  4. National
    • Meaning: Relating to a nation; common to a whole nation.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Sentence Example: The national anthem is sung at every event.
  5. Measurement
    • Meaning: The size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The measurement of the room was accurate.
  6. Rhetoric
    • Meaning: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The politician’s speech was full of rhetoric.
  7. Academics
    • Meaning: The subjects that are studied in a school or college, particularly at an advanced level.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: She excels in academics.
  8. Fashion
    • Meaning: A popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: She follows the latest fashion trends.
  9. Village
    • Meaning: A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The village was surrounded by beautiful hills.
  10. Transaction
    • Meaning: An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The transaction was completed online.


  1. The house was ________ with fire.
    a) national
    b) ablaze
    c) fashion
    d) village
  2. The university is a respected ________.
    a) institution
    b) sachet
    c) measurement
    d) rhetoric
  3. He bought a ________ of milk.
    a) national
    b) sachet
    c) village
    d) transaction
  4. The ________ anthem is sung at every event.
    a) national
    b) ablaze
    c) rhetoric
    d) fashion
  5. The ________ of the room was accurate.
    a) transaction
    b) measurement
    c) fashion
    d) village
  6. The politician’s speech was full of ________.
    a) academics
    b) rhetoric
    c) sachet
    d) transaction
  7. She excels in ________.
    a) academics
    b) fashion
    c) village
    d) measurement
  8. She follows the latest ________ trends.
    a) national
    b) fashion
    c) institution
    d) rhetoric
  9. The ________ was surrounded by beautiful hills.
    a) village
    b) sachet
    c) ablaze
    d) academics
  10. The ________ was completed online.
    a) measurement
    b) transaction
    c) fashion
    d) institution
  11. ________ is a small sealed bag containing a single-use quantity of something.
    a) Institution
    b) Sachet
    c) Village
    d) Transaction
  12. The study of school subjects is known as ________.
    a) fashion
    b) rhetoric
    c) academics
    d) national
  13. A place that serves educational or social purposes is called an ________.
    a) institution
    b) ablaze
    c) rhetoric
    d) village
  14. The art of persuasive speaking or writing is called ________.
    a) rhetoric
    b) transaction
    c) fashion
    d) measurement
  15. A ________ involves the exchange of goods or services.
    a) sachet
    b) transaction
    c) village
    d) academics

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What does “ablaze” mean?
    • Burning fiercely.
  2. What is the word class of “institution”?
    • Noun.
  3. How do you use “sachet” in a sentence?
    • He bought a sachet of milk.
  4. What does “national” mean?
    • Relating to a nation; common to a whole nation.
  5. What is “measurement”?
    • The size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring.
  6. What is “rhetoric”?
    • The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.
  7. How do you define “academics”?
    • The subjects that are studied in a school or college, particularly at an advanced level.
  8. What is the word class of “fashion”?
    • Noun.
  9. How do you use “village” in a sentence?
    • The village was surrounded by beautiful hills.
  10. What is a “transaction”?
    • An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.
  11. Is “ablaze” a noun or an adjective?
    • Adjective.
  12. What does “institution” refer to?
    • An organization founded for a religious, educational, or social purpose.
  13. Where might you find a sachet of something?
    • In a shop, containing single-use quantities of food or drink.
  14. What does “academics” involve?
    • The study of school subjects.
  15. What typically happens during a “transaction”?
    • The buying or selling of something.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on spelling and word usage.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new words for the week, explaining their meanings, word classes, and correct pronunciation.

Step 3: The teacher engages the pupils in using the new words in sentences and corrects any mistakes.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display flashcards with the new words.
  • Guide the pupils to pronounce each word correctly.
  • Help pupils understand the meanings and usage of each word.
  • Assign the home study task.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  • Write down the words and their meanings in their notebooks.
  • Use each word in a sentence.
  • Complete the home study task by looking up the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation in a dictionary.


  • The teacher will ask the pupils to spell each word aloud.
  • The pupils will use each word in a sentence and share it with the class.

Ten Evaluation Questions

  1. Spell the word “ablaze.”
  2. What does “institution” mean?
  3. Use the word “sachet” in a sentence.
  4. Define “national.”
  5. What is “measurement”?
  6. What does “rhetoric” mean?
  7. What does “academics” involve?
  8. What is the word class of “fashion”?
  9. How do you use “village” in a sentence?
  10. What is a “transaction”?


The teacher will go around the class, check the pupils’ work, and provide feedback. Any unclear concepts will be clarified, and pupils will be encouraged to practice the words further at home.

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