1. Narrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

  2. Explain briefly how Jesus improved upon the following law

a. Revenge. b. Adultery. c. Prayer


JS2 CRS Test: Understanding Jesus’ Teachings

  1. Triumphant Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem:
    • Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9.
    • The people laid palm branches and their cloaks on the road, shouting “Hosanna” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
    • This event symbolized Jesus’ kingship and the anticipation of the people for their Messiah.
  2. Jesus’ Improvement on Laws:
    • Revenge: Jesus taught to turn the other cheek instead of seeking revenge, as stated in Matthew 5:38-39. He emphasized forgiveness and reconciliation.
    • Adultery: Jesus emphasized the importance of purity of heart, stating that even looking at someone with lust is adultery in the heart (Matthew 5:27-28). He elevated the moral standard beyond mere external actions to internal intentions.
    • Prayer: Jesus taught his disciples the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), which emphasized addressing God as Father, seeking His will, forgiveness, and protection from evil.

These teachings reflect Jesus’ emphasis on love, mercy, and spiritual transformation over legalistic adherence to rules. 🕊️📖

  1. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a __________. a) Horse b) Donkey c) Camel d) Elephant
  2. People laid __________ on the road as Jesus entered Jerusalem. a) Coins b) Palm branches c) Stones d) Flowers
  3. The people shouted “Hosanna” and “Blessed is he who comes in the __________ of the Lord!” a) Power b) Glory c) Name d) Light
  4. Jesus taught to turn the __________ cheek instead of seeking revenge. a) Left b) Right c) Both d) Neither
  5. According to Jesus, even looking at someone with __________ is considered adultery in the heart. a) Love b) Lust c) Anger d) Joy
  6. Jesus emphasized the importance of purity of __________. a) Mind b) Heart c) Body d) Soul
  7. The Lord’s Prayer emphasizes addressing God as __________. a) King b) Father c) Master d) Judge
  8. Jesus taught his disciples to seek God’s __________ in prayer. a) Will b) Money c) Fame d) Power
  9. According to Jesus, forgiveness is important in __________. a) Relationships b) Business c) Sports d) Entertainment
  10. Revenge was replaced by __________ in Jesus’ teachings. a) Love b) Forgiveness c) Anger d) Retaliation
  11. Jesus elevated the moral standard beyond __________ actions to internal intentions. a) External b) Internal c) Physical d) Visible
  12. Jesus emphasized __________ over legalistic adherence to rules. a) Love b) Mercy c) Obedience d) Punishment
  13. According to Jesus, seeking God’s __________ is essential in prayer. a) Will b) Money c) Power d) Fame
  14. The people in Jerusalem hailed Jesus as the __________. a) King b) Prophet c) Priest d) Servant
  15. The event of Jesus entering Jerusalem symbolized his __________. a) Kingship b) Priesthood c) Servanthood d) Prophet-hood


Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem?
    • It’s when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and people welcomed him with palm branches and shouts of joy.
  2. Why did people lay palm branches on the road?
    • They laid palm branches to honor Jesus as he entered Jerusalem, just like a king.
  3. What did the people shout as Jesus entered Jerusalem?
    • They shouted “Hosanna” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
  4. How did Jesus improve upon the law of revenge?
    • Instead of seeking revenge, Jesus taught to turn the other cheek and forgive.
  5. What did Jesus say about adultery?
    • Jesus said that even looking at someone with lust is considered adultery in the heart.
  6. Why did Jesus emphasize purity of heart?
    • Jesus wanted people to have clean and pure thoughts, not just actions.
  7. What is the Lord’s Prayer?
    • It’s a prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, emphasizing God as Father and seeking His will.
  8. What does the Lord’s Prayer teach us to seek from God?
    • It teaches us to seek God’s will, forgiveness, and protection.
  9. Why did Jesus teach about forgiveness in prayer?
    • Jesus emphasized forgiveness because it’s important in relationships and with God.
  10. How did Jesus replace revenge in his teachings?
    • Jesus replaced revenge with love and forgiveness.
  11. What did Jesus focus on beyond external actions?
    • Jesus focused on internal intentions, like having a pure heart.
  12. Why did Jesus emphasize love and mercy over strict rules?
    • Jesus wanted people to prioritize love and mercy in their actions, not just following rules.
  13. Why did people hail Jesus as the King in Jerusalem?
    • They hailed him as King because they believed he was the promised Messiah.
  14. What did the triumphant entry symbolize about Jesus?
    • It symbolized Jesus’ kingship and the fulfillment of prophecy.
  15. Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey?
    • He did it to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 and to show humility.

Jacob’s Journey: Birth, Trickery, Dream, and Blessings Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9

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