Sujudus-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness) the meaning of Sujudus-Sahw; tell why it is important; and demonstrate its observance. Islam Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Topic: Sujudus-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness)

Sub-topic: Meaning, Importance, and Observance

Duration: 45 minutes

Class: Primary 6

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of Salah (Islamic prayer) and the positions within it.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To explain the meaning of Sujudus-Sahw.
  2. To understand the importance of Sujudus-Sahw in Salah.
  3. To demonstrate the observance of Sujudus-Sahw within Salah.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Religious knowledge
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Physical demonstration

Learning Materials:

  1. Prayer mats
  2. A whiteboard and markers
  3. Images or diagrams of Sujudus-Sahw


Meaning of Sujudus-Sahw: Sujudus-Sahw is an essential practice in Islamic prayer (Salah). It is performed when a mistake or forgetfulness occurs during the prayer. The word “Sujud” means “prostration,” and “Sahw” means “forgetfulness.” So, Sujudus-Sahw refers to the prostration made due to forgetfulness.

Why Sujudus-Sahw is Important: Sujudus-Sahw is important in Salah because it allows Muslims to correct mistakes or omissions made during their prayers. It is a way of seeking forgiveness and rectifying any errors in their worship. It ensures that the prayer is complete and acceptable to Allah.

Demonstration of Observance: To observe Sujudus-Sahw, follow these steps:

  1. Intention: First, have the intention (niyyah) for Sujudus-Sahw. Your intention should be sincere and focused on rectifying the error.
  2. Recite the Takbir: Say “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) and raise your hands to your ears as you do in the Takbir of starting the prayer.
  3. Perform Two Sujud: Perform two prostrations (Sujud) as you normally do in your prayer. Place your forehead, nose, both palms, both knees, and toes on the ground. Your elbows should not touch the ground.
  4. Dua (Supplication): While in Sujud, you can say a short supplication, such as “Subhanallah” (Glory be to Allah) three times.
  5. Sit Up: After the two Sujud, sit back as you do in your regular prayer, reciting “Rabbighfirlee” (O Lord, forgive me) and continue your prayer from where you left off.

Remember that Sujudus-Sahw is only performed in cases of genuine forgetfulness or mistakes in your Salah, not for intentional errors. It helps ensure the validity and completeness of your prayer.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Sujudus-Sahw is performed when a _________ occurs during prayer. a) mistake b) celebration c) recitation d) donation
  2. “Sujud” means ___________ in Arabic. a) celebration b) forgetfulness c) prostration d) supplication
  3. Sujudus-Sahw is important because it allows Muslims to correct ___________ in their prayers. a) errors b) intentions c) decorations d) celebrations
  4. During Sujudus-Sahw, Muslims make ________ prostrations. a) one b) two c) three d) four
  5. Which of the following is NOT a step in the observance of Sujudus-Sahw? a) Reciting Takbir b) Performing Ruku c) Making supplications d) Raising hands
  6. Sujudus-Sahw helps ensure the _________ of the prayer. a) mistakes b) forgiveness c) validity d) completion
  7. In Sujud, which body parts should touch the ground? a) Forehead, nose, palms, knees, and elbows b) Forehead, palms, toes, and elbows c) Forehead, nose, palms, knees, and toes d) Forehead, nose, palms, and elbows
  8. The intention (niyyah) for Sujudus-Sahw should be ________. a) insincere b) focused c) noisy d) late
  9. How many prostrations are performed in Sujudus-Sahw? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
  10. The supplication “Subhanallah” means _________. a) Please forgive me b) Glory be to Allah c) Allah is the Greatest d) Give thanks to Allah
  11. Sujudus-Sahw is performed for ________ mistakes in prayer. a) intentional b) unintentional c) recitation d) decoration
  12. Muslims sit back in Sujudus-Sahw and say ________ before continuing their prayer. a) “I’m tired” b) “Give me a break” c) “Rabbighfirlee” d) “I’m done”
  13. The primary book of worship for Muslims is ________. a) The Holy Quran b) The Holy Bible c) The Holy Book d) The Holy Scriptures
  14. Which day is considered the major day of worship in Christianity? a) Saturday b) Sunday c) Friday d) Monday
  15. One of the causes of religious intolerance is ________. a) education b) patience c) ignorance d) tolerance
  1. Introduction to Sujudus-Sahw (5 minutes)
    • Begin by asking students if they have ever noticed someone making extra prostrations during Salah.
    • Explain that these extra prostrations are called Sujudus-Sahw.
  2. Meaning of Sujudus-Sahw (10 minutes)
    • Define Sujudus-Sahw: “Sujudus-Sahw is a prostration that is performed when a mistake or omission occurs during Salah (prayer).”
    • Provide examples of when Sujudus-Sahw may be necessary, such as adding or missing a Rak’ah (prayer unit) or saying the wrong words in Salah.
  3. Importance of Sujudus-Sahw (10 minutes)
    • Explain why Sujudus-Sahw is important: a) It helps correct mistakes made during Salah. b) It ensures the validity of the prayer.
    • Discuss the significance of maintaining the correctness of Salah.
  4. Demonstration of Sujudus-Sahw (10 minutes)
    • Step 1: Stand up, simulate Salah.
    • Step 2: Make a mistake intentionally (e.g., add an extra prostration).
    • Step 3: Demonstrate the process of performing Sujudus-Sahw, including reciting Takbir, making two prostrations, and reciting Tashahhud.
  5. Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes)
    • Guide students in the demonstration, ensuring they understand the process.
  6. Learners’ Activities (5 minutes)
    • Have students practice the demonstration in pairs or individually.
  7. Evaluation (5 minutes)
    1. Explain the meaning of Sujudus-Sahw in Islamic prayer.
    2. Why is Sujudus-Sahw important in Salah (Islamic prayer)?
    3. Describe the steps involved in observing Sujudus-Sahw during Salah.
    4. When should Sujudus-Sahw be performed in prayer?
    5. What is the significance of making supplications during Sujudus-Sahw?
    6. Ask students to explain the meaning and importance of Sujudus-Sahw in their own words.


  • Summarize the main points about Sujudus-Sahw and its significance.
  • Encourage students to pay attention during Salah and practice Sujudus-Sahw when necessary.
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