SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE                                                         CLASS: PRIMARY 6

1)                        is the art of planting of crops and the rearing of animals for man use. (a)social studies (b)Agriculture (c)Home Economics (d)History

2)        Agriculture is obtained from two                      words (a)Latin (b)Nigeria (c)American (d)Ghana

3)        “Ager” means                                  (a)cultivation (b)food (c)Field (d)crops

4)        “Cultra” in Agriculture means                            (a)Field (b)Crops (c)Field (d)Cultivation

5)        Cassava tubers can be processed into one of the following (a)garri (b)Pap (c)Corn (d)rice

6)        One of the following is not an animal crops (a)Maize (b)cocoa (c)Cassava (d)Yam

7)        Agriculture provides employment for about                                     of the Nigeria population (a)10% (b)50% (c)70% (d)5%

8)        All the followings are cereal crops EXCEPT (a)Maize (b)rice  (c)wheat  (d)Yam

9)        Does Agriculture involve production of crops only (a)Yes (b)No (c)A&B  (d)None

10)      Agriculture started by the activities of the so called                                    men. (a)early (b)good  (c)bad (strong

11)      The early men engaged in                        (a)eating (b)hunting (c)dressing  (d)manufacturing

12)      This act of going from one place to another is known as               (a)planting (b)walking (c)wandering (tracking

13)      Early men can be called                             (a)cooker (b)eater (c)wanderers (d)enemy

14)      Early men started agriculture                                         (a)true (b)false (c)A &B  (d)None

15)      All the followings are farm tools EXCEPT (a)hoe (b)sticks (c)cutlass (d)axe

16)      Is Agriculture important in the economy (a)Yes (b)No (c)A & B  (d)None

17)      One of the following is not a leafy vegetables (a)ugwu leaf (b)bitter leaf  (c)water leaf (c)tomato

18)      Can Agriculture provide job opportunities (a)Yes   (b)No   (c)A & B  (d)None

19)      All the following are examples of fruity vegetables EXCEPT (a)Okra (b)tomato  (c)Onions (d)water leaf

20)      One of the following cannot be obtained from timber (a)Paper (b)leather (c)furniture (d)boat

21)      Lime and lemon are good sources of Vitamin                         (a)B  (b)A   (c)C  (d)E

22)                              are the people that raise and take care of animals (a)Gardeners (b)Crop farmers (c)Market people (d)Animal rearers

23)      The Fulani                                         engages in animal rearing (a)normal (b)women (c) Rich (d)None

24)      All the following are examples of ornamental crops EXCEPT (a)hibiscus flower(b)sun flower (c)spider lily (d)yam

25)      One of the following is not a perennial crops (a)Maize (b)cocoa (c)Rubber (d)oil palm tree

26)      Over a                       years ago, man moved from one place to another

27)      The early man was a                      of animals and collector of fruits

28)      One importance of agriculture is                                              

29)      A person who specialize in treating sick animal is called                                        

30)      Beverage can be obtained from                                   

31)                                          are involved in harvesting of fish

32)                                          and                                         are examples of vegetable crops

33)      Can we make friends with small animals?

34)                                          is one of the people that are involved in agricultural activities

35)      Farming started by the activities of the                                   people

36)      Do women help in processing crops after harvesting                                                        

37)      One problem of Agriculture is                                       

38)      Should we have good storage facility in agriculture?

39)                                          are the people that raise vegetables such as tomato, okra, carrot, etc

40)                                          and                                         are examples of annual crops


1)        Define Agriculture: state 3 importance of Agriculture :


  1. ___________________________________________________ii. ________________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________

2)        Mention 4 people that are involved in agricultural activities

  1. _____________________________________________________ii. _____________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________ iv. ______________________________________________

3)        State 4 problems of agriculture .

  1. _____________________________________________________ii. _____________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________ iv. ______________________________________________

4)        Trace briefly the origin of farming: _____________________________________________________________________


5)        State the end product of the following (a)Maize (b)Cassava (c)Cocoa (d)Timber

  1. _________________________________________b. _____________________________________________

c ____________________________________________________d. ______________________________________________













Marking Guide 

Here are the answers to the questions:

1. Agriculture is the art of planting crops and the rearing of animals for human use.
2. Agriculture is obtained from two Latin words.
3. “Ager” means field.
4. “Cultra” in Agriculture means cultivation.
5. Cassava tubers can be processed into garri.
6. Maize is not an animal crop.
7. Agriculture provides employment for about 70% of the Nigerian population.
8. All the following are cereal crops except yam.
9. Agriculture does not involve the production of crops only.
10. Agriculture started by the activities of the so-called early men.
11. The early men engaged in hunting.
12. The act of going from one place to another is known as wandering.
13. Early men can be called wanderers.
14. Early men started agriculture (True).
15. All the following are farm tools except sticks.
16. Agriculture is important in the economy (Yes).
17. Tomato is not a leafy vegetable.
18. Agriculture can provide job opportunities (Yes).
19. Onions is not an example of fruity vegetables.
20. Leather cannot be obtained from timber.
21. Lime and lemon are good sources of Vitamin C.
22. Animal rearers are the people that raise and take care of animals.
23. The Fulani engages in animal rearing.
24. All the following are examples of ornamental crops except yam.
25. Maize is not a perennial crop.
26. Over a thousand years ago, man moved from one place to another.
27. The early man was a hunter of animals and collector of fruits.
28. One importance of agriculture is food production.
29. A person who specializes in treating sick animals is called a veterinarian.
30. Beverage can be obtained from cocoa.
31. Fishermen are involved in harvesting fish.
32. Tomato and okra are examples of vegetable crops.
33. Yes, we can make friends with small animals.
34. A gardener is one of the people involved in agricultural activities.
35. Farming started by the activities of the early men.
36. Yes, women help in processing crops after harvesting.
37. One problem of agriculture is pests and diseases.
38. Yes, we should have good storage facilities in agriculture.
39. Gardeners are the people who raise vegetables such as tomato, okra, carrot, etc.
40. Maize and cocoa are examples of annual crops.

Section B:

1. Agriculture is the art of planting crops and the rearing of animals for human use. Three importance of Agriculture: i. Food production ii. Employment generation iii. Raw materials for industries
2. Four people that are involved in agricultural activities: i. Farmers ii. Gardeners iii. Animal rearers iv. Fishermen
3. Four problems of agriculture: i. Pests and diseases ii. Poor storage facilities iii. Land degradation iv. Climate change
4. The origin of farming can be traced back to the activities of early men who engaged in hunting and gathering.
5. End products of the following: a. Maize – Maize flour b. Cassava – Garri c. Cocoa – Cocoa powder d. Timber – Furniture

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