
  1. A group of people that are related by blood is known as ______ (a) brother (b) group (c) family 
  2. The two types of family are _____ and _____ families (a) father-in-law and mother-in-law (b) nuclear and extended (c) grandfather and extended 
  3. _____ is common to Christian marriages (a) wedding gown (b) alligator pepper (c) kettle 
  4. A person who is trained to prepared and sell drugs to people is known as ______ (a) pharmacist (b) teacher (c) guardian 
  5. Common drugs are ______ (a) difficult to get (b) easy to get (c) expensive 
  6. Drugs in liquid form are called _____ (a) syrup (b) tablets (c) capsules 
  7. A person who is sick _____ (a) will eat well (b) will be strong (c) will not feel healthy and well 
  8. If we eat too much sweet and biscuit, we may have _____ (a) tooth ache (b) head ache (c) cough 
  9. A person who is sick should _____ (a) go to school (b) go to hospital (c) go to church 
  10. When we are crossing the road it is important to ______ (a) play on the road (b) dance on the road (c) watch very carefully 
  11. Road accidents can be caused by ______ (a) being careful on the road (b) drinking alcohol (c) good roads
  12. In a traffic light, red means ______ (a) go  (b) stop  (c) get ready 
  13. The immediate help given to a person who has an accident before taking him to the hospital is called _______ (a) medical treatment (b) drugs (c) first aid
  14. We can keep the first aid box in   ______ (a) our vehicles (b) the school (c) both A and B
  15. One of these people can apply first aid _______ (a) road safety corps (b) our friends (c) a sick person
  16. Another name for stealing is _____ (a) forgery (b) cheating (c) thief
  17. A person who commits a crime is called a _____ (a) citizen (b) criminal (c) prisoner 
  18. The Navy is the soldier that defends the country against external attack _____ (a) on the sea (b) in the air (c) on land 
  19. The DSS was established in _______ (a) 1980  (b) 1986  (c) 1989
  20. Crime is _______ to the society (a) good (b) helpful (c) harmful
  21. A person who commits a crime is called a _____ (a) citizen (b) criminal (c) prisoner 
  22. Washing our hands before and after eating is _____ (a) a good habit (b) a bad habit (c) not necessary 
  23. A drunken person _____ (a) it’s a better driver (b) should not drive (c) can still drive 
  24. One of the traffic laws in Nigeria is _______ (a) drink and drive (b) drive and drink  (c) do not drink and drive 
  25. An example of a pain reliever is _____ (a) iodine (b) paracetamol (c) Vaseline
  26. The money a husband pays to marry a woman is called _____ (a) dowry (b) bride price  (c) marriage fee
  27. The full meaning of NDLEA is ______ (a) Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (b) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (c) National Drug Law Education Agency 
  28. If you expose yourself  to cold weather, you may catch _____ (a) cold (b) fun (c) cholera
  29. Eating too much food, sweets and biscuits can lead to ____ (a) stomach upset (b) catarrh (c) malaria 
  30. When we are crossing the road, it is important to _____ (a) play on the road (b) dance on the road (c) watch very carefully 

Section B:


  1. (a) What is first aid? _________________________________________________
    • _____________________________________________________________________
    • (b) Mention 4 items that can be found in a first aid box? (i) _____________________
    • (ii) ____________________ (iii)___________________ (iv) ___________________
  2. (a) Mention 2 common diseases among children? (i) ______________________
    • (ii) ___________________________
    • (b) What is a nuclear family? _____________________________________________ 
    • ____________________________________________________________________
  3. (a) What is drug abuse?________________________________________________
    • ____________________________________________________________________
    • (b) Mention any 2 ways of identifying someone who has abused drugs? 
    • (i) __________________________  (ii) ___________________________________
  4. (a) What is road accident? _____________________________________________
    • ___________________________________________________________________ (b) Mention two causes of road accidents? 
    • (i) _____________________________  (ii) _______________________________ 
  5. (a) Security agencies are people that make sure laws are ____________ by the people. 
    • List any two security agencies in Nigeria? (i) ___________________________
    •         (ii) _____________________________________________
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