
Part A. Objective 


  1. What new name did God give Saul after his conversion _______  (a) Mathew (b) James (c) Paul
  2. Religious leaders were putting Christians in _______ (a) fences (b) walls (c) prison
  3. What city was Saul travelling to _______ (a) Abuja (b) Jerusalem (c) Damascus
  4. Saul suffered through jail, stoning and _______ to bring the gospel far and wide (a) fainting (b) taxation (c) shipwreck 
  5. Who did God send to pray for Saul ______ (a) Julius (b) Barthelomius  (c) Ananias 
  6. A light that was brighter than the sun left Saul ________ (a) blind (b) deaf (c) dumb
  7. Who asked Saul “why are you persecuting me” (a) Mr. Bolujo  (b) Mrs. Gbolahan  (c) Jesus
  8. God choose Paul to be a ______ and spread the gospel and good news of Christ (a) disciple  (b) master  (c) king
  9. Who presided over Stephen’s death? ____________ (a) Johnson  (b) Saul  (c) Fidelis
  10. ________ was chosen to travel with Saul during the first missionary journey.  (a) Barnabas (b) Jacob  (c) Pharaoh 
  11. _____ is the only child of Abraham and Sarah  (a) Jacob  (b) Isaac  (c) Moses 
  12. ______ was the father of Isaac (a) Abraham (b) Moses (c) Joseph
  13. Sarah was _______ when Isaac was born (a) 40  (b) 80  (c) 90
  14. Abraham sent his servant to _______ to find wife for Isaac  (a) Mesopotamia  (b) Jerusalem  (c) Mecca 
  15. Abraham’s servant took ______ camels with him  (a) fire  (b) ten  (c) twelve 
  16. What jewellery did the servant give Rebecca  (a) Bitcon  (b)  A gold ring and two bracelets (c) diamond and silver
  17. ________ was the name of the servant that brought Rebecca to Isaac  (a) Eliezer  (b) Jonathan  (c) goodluck
  18. Isaac was ______ years old when he married Rebecca (a) 40  (b) 50  (c) 36
  19. Paul and _______ went to Europe during the second journey (a) Silas (b) James (c) Patrick 
  20. ________  was a woman that traded in purple lines  (a) Lydia (b) Elizabeth (c) Mary 
  21. ______ was delivered  from the den of Lion (a) Shedrach  (b) Meshach  (c) Daniel 
  22. Jesus died on the cross with two _____ beside him  (a) teachers  (b) thieves (c) friends 
  23. Pharaoh with his Egyptian chariot perished in the ______ sea  (a) blue  (b) green (c) read 
  24. Jesus had twelve ________ (a) disciple (b) workers  (c) friends
  25. We can talk to God through ______ (a) prayer (b) sleeping  (c) dancing
  26. Paul was born in _______ (a) Greece  (b) Tarsus  (c) Jerusalem 
  27. Paul was a lawyer and also a _________ (a) barber (b) tent maker (c) actor 
  28. The teacher that trained Paul in law was _______ (a) Andrew (b) Gamaleo  (c) Gamaliel 
  29. The _____ are the people called hypocrite and self-righteous in the Bible (a) German (b) Greek  (c) Pharisees 
  30. Paul got converted on his was to ________ (a) Egypt (b) Israel  (c) Damascus 


Part B  Theory 

  1. (a) In one sentence, state the importance of Paul’s missionary journey? 
  2. (b) Who said that Paul and Barnabas should be set aside for Him?
  3. (a) Write four cities that were visited by Paul during his second missionary journey?(i)_________________________ (ii)__________________________
  4. (b)Write out any four Epistles of Paul? (i) _____________________________ (ii) ___________________________(iii) ______________________________  (iv)
  5. For how long was Saul blind before his sight was restored?
  6. (b) What fell off Saul’s eyes? __________________________________
  7. (a) What is a goal? ________________________________________________
  8. (b) Write out four short term  goals? (i) _______________________________
  9. (a) What is temptation? ____________________________________________ 
  10. (b) Mention two ways by which we may be tempted? 
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