Electricity (definition, types and terminologies)

Date: Tuesday, 21st April, 2020.
Class: Basic 5
Subject: Basic Science and Technology
Topic: Electricity (definition, types and terminologies)
Electricity is a form of energy. It can also be defined as the flow of electrons from one point to another.
Types of Electricity:
There are basically two types of electricity. These are:-
1.) Static Electricity and
2.) Current Electricity
Static Electricity : This type of electricity gathers and stays in a position. The existence of this electricity can be verified by rubbing vigorously a plastic pen or rubber comb on wool, fur or hair, then brought near small pieces of paper.
Current Electricity: This is a type of electricity generated as a result of the movement of electrons in chemical substances and metals. For example, lighting bulbs with cells.
Conductors and Nonconductors (Insulators)
Conductors are objects that allows electricity to pass through them. They are mostly metals. Examples of Conductors are key, copper wire, stainless spoon, cup and plate, knife, nail, pin, etc.
Nonconductors are objects that do not allow electricity to pass through them. They are also called Insulators.They are usually non-metallic objects. Examples of Nonconductors (Insulators) are plastic, pieces of wood, pieces of paper, leaves, air, cardboard, pieces of stick, etc.

Review Questions:
1.) Define Electricity: ____________________
2.) The two types of electricity are ________ and ___________.
3.) What are Conductors? ______________________________.
4.) Another name for Nonconductors is __________.
5.) List three examples of each of the following :
a.) Conductors: _______, _______ and _______.
b.) Nonconductors: _______, _______ and _______.

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