Drug Law Enforcement In Nigeria And Their Enforcement

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Drug laws and their enforcement (A). Meaning of drugs trafficking (B). Consequences of drug trafficking Class : Primary  6/ Basic 6   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials : Sample of Nigerian Drug laws Sample of Nigerian law Interactive posters Wall charts with

Taking care of the body

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Taking care of the body Class : KG 2   Term : Term Third Term Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Pictures of soap Toothpaste Sponge Washing hand basin Powder Mirror     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught personal Cleanliness.   Behavioural Objectives : 

Types of Clothes that suitable for our climates.

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Types of Clothes that suitable for our climates. Class : Primary 4 / Basic 4   Term : Thurd Term Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Types of clothes Sweater Cotton materials Slick clothes Hand gloves Hats     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught

Meaning of school rules and regulations.

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Meaning of school rules and regulations. Class : Primary  2/ Basic2   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Pictures of school rules Pictures of school pupils Pictures of students     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught how to take

Moral Aspect of Drug Education

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Moral Aspect or Drug Education How to protect our health and the health of others Concept of right and wrong, good and bad health habit Religious and Traditional beliefs on Drug abuse   Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week

10 Functions Of Civil Organizations in Nigeria

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Functions of Civil organizations in Nigeria Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 3   Instructional Materials : Pictures of members of Civil organisation’s members during rally or protests     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught various

The eagle on the Nigerian coat of Arms stands for Revision Civic Education Primary 6

    REVISION OF SECOND TERM WORK CIVIC EDUCATION   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives Instruction: Read the following questions and pick the best option from given alternatives 1. A ________ is an individual who has the legal right to live permanently in a particular country (a) citizen (b) foreigner (c) president (d)

Nigerian Leaders in Our Community

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Leaders in Our Community Class : Primary 2 / Basic 2   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials : Pictures of various community leaders in Nigeria     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught leaders in their previous topics   Behavioural