Examples Of Furniture Found in the Home

  Class:Basic 2       Subject:Home Economics   Topic:Furniture Found in the Home   Content:Meaning of Furniture Examples Of Furniture Found in the Home   Furniture refers to items such as tables,chairs,beds that are used to furnish or equip the home. These pieces of furniture make the home comfortable to live in.   Examples

Uses of Computer in Business and Supermarket

  CLASS: Primary 1 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Uses of Computer in Business and Supermarket. Computers are used in business and supermarkets to do the following: 1.) To do advertisement: they are used to show people what they want to sell by showing it on the screen in their shops. For example when you go

Computer Storage Devices.

Primary 3  Lesson Notes CLASS: Primary 3 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Storage Devices. What are storage devices? Storage devices are devices used to keep or store things until they are needed. We have the general storage device and the computer storage device. General Storage Device: They are used to store things like food, water, books

Words can be arranged in alphabetical order using…..

  CLASS:::: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Verbal–Reasoning. TOPIC:: Alphabetical order–using first letter..   Content:::   Alphabetical order means arrangement of letters or word in sequence of letters of the alphabet …..   Words can be arranged in alphabetical order using…… ***Their first letters ***Second letters if their first letters are the same ***The third letters if

Types of Farm Records

  Class : Primary 6 Subject : AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Topic : Types of Farm Records TYPES OF FARM RECORDS There are different types of farm records a farmer should keep to run a successful farm business. They include: 1. Daily farm records 2. Records of farm implements and equipment 3. Record of agricultural inputs 4.

How to make an apron

  Subject : Home Economics Topic : How to make an apron CONTENT OF THE LESSON INTRODUCTION (APRON) Apron is a piece of clothing that chefs wear over the front of other clothes before they start cooking to prevent the cloth from getting dirty when they are cooking. Simple Apron can easily to make in