Vocabulary Development: Word Families in Farming

Lesson Plan: Reading and Comprehension – Vocabulary Development (Word Families: Farming)

Subject: English Grammar
Class: Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2)
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 12–14 years
Topic: Reading and Comprehension: Vocabulary Development – Word Families (Farming)
Sub-topic: Understanding Word Families and Their Use in Sentences
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Read a comprehension passage related to farming.
  2. Relate different parts of the passage to draw inferences.
  3. Identify and sort words associated with nuclear and extended families from a jigsaw puzzle.
  4. Use words from the passage in meaningful sentences.


  • Word families
  • Farming
  • Comprehension
  • Nuclear family
  • Extended family

Set Induction:

The teacher will start the lesson by asking students about the types of families they know and relating them to farming practices in the rural setting. The teacher will explain how words are grouped in families (e.g., ‘farm,’ ‘farmer,’ ‘farming’) and connect the idea to the passage they are about to read.

Entry Behaviour:

Students can identify different types of families and have basic knowledge of farming terms.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Comprehension passage on farming
  • Jigsaw puzzle containing words related to family and farming
  • Flashcards with key vocabulary

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The teacher will connect the new topic with students’ knowledge of families and farming, discussing how families in rural settings may work together on farms and how this relates to vocabulary development.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Vocabulary development

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • English grammar textbooks for JSS 2

Instructional Materials:

  • Printed comprehension passage
  • Flashcards
  • Jigsaw puzzle words


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. Word Families: Groups of words that share a common base (e.g., ‘farm’ -> ‘farmer’, ‘farming’).
  2. Comprehension: Reading to understand the meaning of a text.
  3. Nuclear Family: A family unit consisting of parents and their children.
  4. Extended Family: A larger family group including grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.

Examples of Word Families in Farming:

  • Farm: farm, farming, farmer, farmland, farmhouse.
  • Plant: planting, planter, plantation.
  • Crop: crop, cropping, cropper.

The Role of Farming in Supporting Families

In many rural areas, farming is more than just a job—it is a way of life. Families, both nuclear and extended, often work together on farms to grow food and raise animals. Farming not only provides food for the family, but it also helps them earn money by selling their crops and livestock in the market.

In a nuclear family, which consists of parents and their children, farming helps the family become self-sufficient. They grow enough food to eat and sometimes have extra to sell. The money earned can be used for important things like paying school fees, buying clothes, or improving their home.

Extended families, which include grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins, also benefit from farming. In many cases, everyone works together on a large family farm. The older family members often share their knowledge of farming with the younger ones, teaching them how to plant seeds, care for animals, and harvest crops.

Farming also helps bring family members closer together. Working on the farm requires teamwork, and family members rely on one another to get the job done. Whether it is planting, watering, or harvesting, everyone plays a role in making sure the farm runs smoothly.

In rural areas, farming is not just a job—it is a family tradition passed down from generation to generation. This shared responsibility helps families stay connected, support each other, and build a strong sense of community.

Comprehension Questions

  1. What is the main job of families in rural areas according to the passage? a) Teaching
    b) Farming
    c) Banking
    d) Trading
  2. How does farming help nuclear families? a) It gives them time to relax
    b) It helps them become self-sufficient
    c) It makes them travel to cities
    d) It allows them to become famous
  3. What can families do with the extra crops they grow? a) Throw them away
    b) Give them to animals
    c) Sell them in the market
    d) Hide them
  4. Which members are typically part of an extended family? a) Friends and neighbors
    b) Teachers and students
    c) Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins
    d) Doctors and nurses
  5. What is one important thing that older family members teach younger ones? a) How to read
    b) How to plant seeds and harvest crops
    c) How to use a computer
    d) How to drive a car
  6. Why is teamwork important in farming? a) Because it makes everyone stronger
    b) Because it helps the family get the farm work done
    c) Because it is a game
    d) Because it makes people laugh
  7. What does farming help families in rural areas build? a) A strong sense of community
    b) A new school
    c) A big house
    d) A company
  8. How does farming bring family members closer? a) By making them play games
    b) By requiring them to work together
    c) By giving them more free time
    d) By taking them on trips
  9. What do families use the money from selling crops for? a) To buy food
    b) To pay school fees, buy clothes, or improve their home
    c) To build farms
    d) To buy cars
  10. What is farming considered to be in rural areas? a) A sport
    b) A business only
    c) A family tradition passed down from generation to generation
    d) A form of entertainment

Passage Summary:

The passage will focus on how farming plays a key role in supporting nuclear and extended families, especially in rural areas, where farming is a common family activity.

Class Activity Discussion:

15 FAQs and Answers:

  1. What is a word family?
    • A group of words that share the same base or root word.
  2. How do word families help in vocabulary development?
    • They help learners recognize patterns and understand word meanings better.
  3. What is the purpose of reading comprehension?
    • To understand and interpret the meaning of a given text.
  4. What are examples of word families in farming?
    • Farm, farmer, farming; plant, planting, planter.
  5. What is a nuclear family?
    • A family unit consisting of parents and their children.
  6. What is an extended family?
    • A family that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in addition to parents and children.
  7. How does farming support families?
    • Farming provides food and income for families.
  8. Why is comprehension important in reading?
    • It helps us to understand the message the writer wants to convey.
  9. How can you infer meaning from a passage?
    • By reading between the lines and connecting different parts of the text.
  10. What words are associated with nuclear families?
    • Father, mother, child.
  11. What words are associated with extended families?
    • Grandfather, aunt, cousin.
  12. How can you use the word ‘farmer’ in a sentence?
    • The farmer grows crops to feed his family.
  13. How do jigsaw puzzles help in learning?
    • They make learning interactive and help with word recognition.
  14. What does it mean to draw inferences?
    • To figure out the meaning that is not directly stated by reading carefully.
  15. How can word families improve writing?
    • By providing a range of related vocabulary for more expressive writing.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Fill in the blanks: A person who grows crops is called a _______.
    a) Planter
    b) Farmer
    c) Baker
    d) Teacher
  2. A _______ family consists of parents and children.
    a) Extended
    b) Nuclear
    c) Large
    d) Small
  3. The person who takes care of the farm is called a _______.
    a) Teacher
    b) Farmer
    c) Doctor
    d) Carpenter
  4. A place where crops are grown is called a _______.
    a) Factory
    b) School
    c) Farm
    d) Hospital
  5. The act of growing crops is called _______.
    a) Planting
    b) Swimming
    c) Writing
    d) Teaching
  6. A _______ is a group of words that share the same base.
    a) Paragraph
    b) Word family
    c) Story
    d) Sentence
  7. _______ is the process of reading to understand the meaning.
    a) Comprehension
    b) Writing
    c) Speaking
    d) Listening
  8. The large family that includes cousins and grandparents is called an _______ family.
    a) Extended
    b) Immediate
    c) Nuclear
    d) Close
  9. A tool used for cutting crops is called a _______.
    a) Hoe
    b) Sickle
    c) Knife
    d) Shovel
  10. Farming is important for providing _______ for families.
    a) Food
    b) Toys
    c) Music
    d) Clothes


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic on “Vocabulary Development: Word Families.”
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by reading the comprehension passage aloud and explaining word families related to farming.
  3. Step 3: The teacher allows pupils to discuss the passage and pick out words related to the nuclear and extended family, then use them in sentences.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • The teacher reads the passage aloud and asks questions about the meaning of specific words.
  • The teacher guides students in sorting the words from the jigsaw puzzle and using them in sentences.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils listen to the passage and answer comprehension questions.
  • They participate in the jigsaw activity and create sentences using farming-related words.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a nuclear family?
  2. How does farming support families?
  3. Define the term “word family.”
  4. What is comprehension?
  5. What does “planting” mean?
  6. Use “farmer” in a sentence.
  7. Who are members of an extended family?
  8. What is the importance of drawing inferences in reading?
  9. What word is used for someone who grows crops?
  10. How can word families improve writing?


The teacher will move around the classroom, checking the students’ answers and giving feedback. The teacher will recap the key points on word families and farming vocabulary, ensuring students understand the concepts.

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