Mastering Critical Reading for Better Comprehension

Subject: English Grammar

Class: JSS 2

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Age: 12-13 years

Topic: Reading and Comprehension: Meaning and Steps of Critical Reading

Sub-topic: Steps of Critical Reading

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Read a given comprehension passage.
ii. Explain what critical reading is.
iii. Discuss the steps of critical reading.
iv. Summarize the main idea of a given passage.


  • Critical reading: Analyzing and evaluating the content of a text.
  • Summarize: To briefly state the main points of a text.
  • Evaluate: Judge or assess the value or significance of something.

Set Induction (5 minutes):

  • The teacher will begin by asking the students what they understand by the term “reading” and whether they have ever tried to question or evaluate a text while reading. This will introduce the concept of critical reading as more than just understanding words but also analyzing and evaluating the meaning.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Students are familiar with basic reading and comprehension skills.

Learning Resources/Materials:

  • Comprehension passage for practice
  • Flashcards with steps of critical reading
  • A chalkboard/whiteboard and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Students have read various passages before and have answered questions based on their understanding. This lesson will take their reading skills a step further by introducing critical reading techniques.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Summarizing and paraphrasing
  • Communication skills

Content Development:

1. Meaning of Critical Reading

  • Critical reading is not just about understanding a text but also questioning the ideas and arguments presented in the text. It involves analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating the information to form your own opinion or conclusion.

2. Steps of Critical Reading
To become a critical reader, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Preview the Text
    • Skim the title, headings, and any bolded or highlighted sections to get an idea of the topic and structure.
  • Step 2: Ask Questions
    • As you read, ask yourself questions such as: “What is the main argument?” “What evidence does the author provide?” “Are there any assumptions made?”
  • Step 3: Read Actively
    • Engage with the text by making notes, highlighting key points, and marking any sections that are unclear or need further thought.
  • Step 4: Analyze the Structure
    • Break down the text into sections. Identify the main points and how they are supported by facts or opinions.
  • Step 5: Evaluate the Content
    • Assess the strength of the argument. Is the evidence convincing? Are there any biases? Is the text reliable or credible?
  • Step 6: Summarize
    • After reading, summarize the main points of the passage in your own words.

Presentation (25 minutes):

Step 1:

  • The teacher reads a short comprehension passage aloud and asks the students to follow along.

Step 2:

  • The teacher explains critical reading and the importance of reading to evaluate and analyze the information, not just to understand the surface meaning.

Step 3:

  • The teacher outlines the steps of critical reading using flashcards and encourages students to ask questions as they read the passage again.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide students through the steps of critical reading by showing them how to question and evaluate the passage.
  • Explain how to summarize a passage by identifying the main ideas.
  • Provide examples to illustrate how to break down complex information.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Follow along with the teacher while reading the comprehension passage.
  • Ask questions about the text to deepen understanding.
  • Work in pairs or small groups to summarize the passage.

Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Students will read a new passage and follow the steps of critical reading. They will then:
    1. List the main points of the passage.
    2. Ask three questions that challenge the ideas in the passage.
    3. Summarize the passage in their own words.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is critical reading?
  2. Why is it important to ask questions while reading a text?
  3. How can analyzing the structure of a text help in critical reading?
  4. What is the final step of critical reading?
  5. How does evaluating a text differ from simply understanding it?

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • The teacher will go around the class, checking students’ summaries and ensuring they have followed the steps of critical reading. The lesson ends with a short review of the steps and their importance in improving reading comprehension.

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