Methods of Paragraphing BUSINESS STUDIES What is paragraphing? Mention the three types of paragraphing and write short note on them

Subject : 

Business Studies

Term :

Third Term / 3rd Term


Week 4

Class :

JSS 2./ Basic 8


Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Techniques Development in Keyboarding-math table techniques of wing -the space regulator-description,uses,techniques

that was taught during the last lesson

Topic :


1. What is paragraphing?

2. Mention the three types of paragraphing and write short note on them



Topic: Paragraphing

1. What is paragraphing?
– Paragraphing refers to the process of organizing written text into coherent and logical units called paragraphs. It involves dividing the content into distinct sections to enhance readability, comprehension, and overall flow of information.

2. The three types of paragraphing and their short notes:

a) Indented paragraphing:
– Indented paragraphing is the most common type, where each new paragraph begins with an indentation or space at the beginning of the first line.
– Example:

Marketing strategies play a crucial role in promoting a company’s products and services. Effective marketing involves various activities such as market research, product positioning, pricing, and promotion. Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and preferences. Product positioning determines how a product is perceived in the market, allowing companies to differentiate themselves from competitors. Pricing strategies consider factors like cost, competition, and consumer demand. Lastly, promotion techniques like advertising, public relations, and sales promotions aim to create awareness and generate sales.

b) Block paragraphing:
– Block paragraphing is a format where each paragraph does not have an indentation. Instead, there is a clear line break between paragraphs, which visually separates them.
– Example:

Customer service is a vital aspect of any business. It involves providing assistance and support to customers before, during, and after a purchase. Good customer service ensures customer satisfaction and loyalty. It includes aspects such as prompt response to inquiries, resolving complaints efficiently, and offering personalized assistance. Additionally, businesses can provide customer service through various channels, including phone, email, live chat, and social media platforms.

c) Hanging indent paragraphing:
– Hanging indent paragraphing is a format where the first line of each paragraph is indented, while subsequent lines align with the left margin.
– Example:

Financial management is essential for the success of any business. It involves planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring the financial resources of a company. Effective financial management includes tasks such as budgeting, financial analysis, cash flow management, and investment decisions. Budgeting helps allocate funds to different areas of the business and sets financial goals. Financial analysis involves assessing the company’s financial performance using tools like ratio analysis. Cash flow management ensures the availability of funds to meet daily operations, while investment decisions focus on maximizing returns on surplus funds.

Remember, paragraphing helps structure information in a logical and coherent manner, making it easier for readers to understand the content.




Fill-in-the-blank questions:

1. Paragraphing refers to the process of organizing written text into _________.
a) Coherent and logical units
b) Disjointed sections
c) Random paragraphs

2. The three types of paragraphing are indented paragraphing, block paragraphing, and _________.
a) Hanging indent paragraphing
b) Aligned paragraphing
c) Random paragraphing

3. Indented paragraphing is the most common type where each new paragraph begins with an _________.
a) Clear line break
b) Aligned indentation
c) Indentation or space at the beginning of the first line

4. Block paragraphing is a format where each paragraph does not have an _________.
a) Aligned indentation
b) Clear line break
c) Opening sentence

5. In hanging indent paragraphing, the first line of each paragraph is indented, while subsequent lines align with the _________.
a) Right margin
b) Left margin
c) Center margin

6. Effective paragraphing enhances _________ of written text.
a) Confusion
b) Readability and comprehension
c) Lengthiness

7. Paragraphing helps in creating _________ within a piece of writing.
a) Disconnection
b) Flow and coherence
c) Repetition

8. Indented paragraphing is widely used in _________.
a) Formal writing
b) Informal writing
c) Poetry

9. Block paragraphing visually separates paragraphs with _________.
a) Indentations
b) Clear line breaks
c) Bullet points

10. Hanging indent paragraphing is commonly used in _________.
a) Newspaper articles
b) Emails
c) Text messages

Note: Please note that in a real classroom setting, the teacher would provide instructions and materials for students to answer the fill-in-the-blank questions, such as a worksheet or an answer sheet.



Lesson Plan Presentation: BUSINESS STUDIES 1

Topic: Paragraphing

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:
– Understand the concept of paragraphing.
– Identify and differentiate between the three types of paragraphing.
– Demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate paragraphing techniques in written communication.

Embedded Core Skills:
1. Reading Comprehension: Students will read and comprehend information about paragraphing types and their characteristics.
2. Critical Thinking: Students will analyze and evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of different paragraphing techniques.
3. Written Communication: Students will practice applying proper paragraphing techniques in their written assignments.

Learning Materials:
– Whiteboard/Blackboard and markers/chalk
– Handouts with examples of paragraphs using different types of paragraphing
– Worksheets for learners to practice identifying and using paragraphing techniques
– Sample texts for group activities and discussions


1. Introduction (5 minutes):
– Greet the students and introduce the topic of paragraphing.
– Explain the importance of paragraphing in written communication.
– State the learning objectives for the lesson.

2. What is Paragraphing? (10 minutes):
– Engage students in a brief discussion on their understanding of paragraphing.
– Define paragraphing as the organization of written text into coherent and logical units called paragraphs.
– Highlight the benefits of paragraphing in enhancing readability and comprehension.

3. Types of Paragraphing (15 minutes):
a) Indented Paragraphing:
– Explain that indented paragraphing is the most common type.
– Describe how each new paragraph begins with an indentation or space at the beginning of the first line.
– Provide examples on the board and handouts.

b) Block Paragraphing:
– Introduce block paragraphing as a format without indentation.
– Explain that there is a clear line break between paragraphs, visually separating them.
– Show examples on the board and distribute handouts.

c) Hanging Indent Paragraphing:
– Present hanging indent paragraphing as a format where the first line of each paragraph is indented, while subsequent lines align with the left margin.
– Display examples on the board and provide handouts.

4. Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes):
– Conduct a class discussion on the characteristics and appropriate use of each type of paragraphing.
– Address any questions or doubts from the students.

5. Learners’ Activities (10 minutes):
– Distribute worksheets for students to practice identifying the types of paragraphing in provided texts.
– Form small groups and provide sample texts for students to analyze and discuss the paragraphing techniques used.
– Encourage students to actively participate in group discussions and share their findings.

6. Assessment (5 minutes):
– Assign a short written exercise to students where they need to apply the appropriate paragraphing technique.
– Collect and review the exercises for assessment.

7. Evaluation Questions (5 minutes):
1. What is the purpose of paragraphing in written communication?
2. Name the three types of paragraphing.
3. How does indented paragraphing differ from block paragraphing?
4. Which type of paragraphing is commonly used in formal writing?
5. Describe hanging indent paragraphing.
6. Why is block paragraphing visually separated?
7. Explain the importance of using proper paragraphing techniques.
8. Give an example of a situation where indented paragraphing would be appropriate.
9. How can paragraphing enhance readability and comprehension?
10. In hanging indent paragraphing, what aligns with the left margin?

8. Conclusion (5 minutes):
– Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
– Reiterate the importance of proper paragraphing in written communication.

– Encourage students to practice applying the learned paragraphing techniques in their future assignments and writing tasks.


9. Homework:

– Assign students to write a short composition using all three types of paragraphing.

– Remind students to pay attention to the organization and coherence of their paragraphs.


10. Follow-up Activities (Optional):

– In the next class, allocate time for students to share and discuss their written compositions.

– Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement on their paragraphing techniques.


Assessment Criteria:

– Accuracy in identifying and differentiating the types of paragraphing.

– Application of appropriate paragraphing techniques in written exercises.

– Active participation in class discussions and group activities.


Note: The duration of each segment may vary based on the pace and engagement of the students. The lesson plan can be adjusted accordingly.

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