Writing Composition About What I do Everyday Composition English Studies Primary 3 Third Term Week 11

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 11

Grade Level: Primary 3 Subject: English Grammar Term: Third Term Week: 10

Topic :  Writing Composition on What I do Everyday 

Primary 3 Third Term Week 11



Previous Lesson


Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to compose a detailed composition about their daily routine.
  2. Students will practice using present tense verbs to describe their activities.
  3. Students will develop their writing skills and enhance their vocabulary


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Writing skills: Composing a coherent composition with proper grammar and punctuation.
  2. Vocabulary: Using appropriate vocabulary to describe daily activities.
  3. Sentence structure: Forming grammatically correct sentences in the present tense.


Learning Materials:

  1. Chart paper or whiteboard
  2. Markers or chalk
  3. Handouts with fill-in-the-blank sentences
  4. Composition notebooks or loose sheets of paper
  5. Sample compositions for reference



What I do Everyday

Composition Title: What I Do Everyday


1. Every day, I _______________.

2. In the morning, I _______________.

3. After waking up, I _______________.

4. During breakfast, I _______________.

5. Before going to school, I _______________.

6. At school, I _______________.

7. During lunchtime, I _______________.

8. After school, I _______________.

9. In the evening, I _______________.

10. Before dinner, I _______________.

11. After dinner, I _______________.

12. Before bedtime, I _______________.


Note: In each blank, students should write their own activities that they do every day.


Lesson Plan Presentation: Composition about What I Do Everyday


Grade Level: Primary 3

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Composition about What I Do Everyday


  1. Introduction (5 minutes): a. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: Composition about What I Do Everyday. b. Discuss the importance of writing and how it helps us communicate our thoughts and ideas effectively. c. State the learning objectives for the lesson.
  2. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes): a. Present a chart paper or write on the whiteboard the following fill-in-the-blank sentences: “Every day, I ________.” b. Ask students to complete the sentence with an activity they do every day, one at a time. c. Encourage students to share their completed sentences aloud, creating a class discussion. d. Write down a variety of activities on the chart paper or whiteboard, ensuring a range of examples.
  3. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes): a. Distribute handouts with fill-in-the-blank sentences to each student. b. Instruct students to fill in the blanks with activities they do every day, using the examples provided on the chart paper or whiteboard. c. Encourage students to think about their daily routines and write down the activities in the present tense. d. Monitor students’ progress and provide assistance as needed.
  4. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes): a. Collect the handouts from the students. b. Share a sample composition about your own daily routine, emphasizing the use of present tense verbs and proper sentence structure. c. Discuss the importance of organizing the composition with a clear beginning, middle, and end. d. Highlight the need for using transition words to connect sentences and ideas. [mediator_tech]
  5. Learners’ Activities (20 minutes): a. Instruct students to use their handouts as a guide and expand their sentences into a full composition. b. Provide composition notebooks or loose sheets of paper for students to write their compositions. c. Encourage students to be creative and descriptive in their writing, using appropriate vocabulary. d. Allow students to work independently, while providing support and guidance when necessary.


  1. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes): a. Collect the students’ compositions. b. Evaluate the compositions based on the following criteria: grammar, vocabulary usage, sentence structure, coherence, and clarity. c. Provide feedback to each student, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Why is writing important?
  3. Can you give an example of an activity you do every day?
  4. How can you describe your daily routine using present tense verbs?
  5. What are some transition words you can use to connect your sentences?
  6. What elements should be included in a composition about your daily routine?
  7. How can you make your composition more descriptive?
  8. What is the purpose of organizing your composition with a clear beginning, middle, and end?
  9. What are some ways to improve your grammar and sentence structure in your composition?
  10. How will you assess your own composition for coherence and clarity? [mediator_tech]


  1. Recap the main points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the importance of daily routines and writing skills.
  2. Reinforce the use of present tense verbs, vocabulary, and sentence structure in composing a detailed composition.
  3. Encourage students to continue practicing their writing skills by regularly documenting their daily activities.
  4. Provide positive feedback to students for their efforts and improvements in writing.
  5. Conclude the lesson by expressing confidence in their ability to compose a well-structured composition about their daily routines.
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