Threat To Personal Security Robbery Security Education Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Type: Lesson Notes

Week: Week 3

Topic: Threat To Personal Security Robbery

Previous Lesson






Threat To Personal Security Robbery

Hello Primary 5 pupils, today we will be learning about the topic of Robbery.


1. What is Robbery?

Robbery is a crime where someone takes something valuable from another person using force or the threat of force.


2. What causes Robbery?

Robbery can happen for different reasons, some of which include:

– Poverty and desperation

– Drug addiction

– Greed and the desire for material possessions

– Peer pressure

– Lack of parental guidance

– Poor economic conditions


3. How to prevent Robbery?

There are several ways we can prevent Robbery, some of which include:

– Always being aware of your surroundings and avoiding risky situations

– Not walking alone in dark and isolated areas

– Avoiding carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items in public

– Reporting suspicious activities to the authorities

– Installing security systems such as alarms and CCTV cameras in homes and businesses

– Educating ourselves and others on the dangers of Robbery and how to prevent it.


Remember, it is important to stay safe and alert at all times. Thank you for listening.

What is Robbery

1. Robbery is a crime where someone takes something valuable from another person.
2. The taking is done without permission.
3. It can involve the use of force, violence or the threat of force.
4. The intention is usually to gain something of value, such as money, jewelry, or electronics.
5. It is a serious crime that can lead to physical harm, emotional trauma, and financial loss.
6. Robbery is different from theft because it involves the use of force or the threat of force.
7. The penalty for robbery is usually more severe than for theft.
8. Robbery can happen in public places or in private homes.
9. Victims of robbery should report the crime to the police immediately.
10. Prevention of robbery is important to ensure safety and security for ourselves and our communities.


1. Robbery is a crime where someone takes something valuable from another person without ________.

a. Permission

b. Money

c. Friends

d. Attention


2. Robbery often involves the use of ________.

a. Kindness

b. Force or violence

c. Money

d. Laughter


3. The intention of robbery is usually to gain something of ________.

a. Beauty

b. Value

c. Happiness

d. Intelligence


4. Robbery is different from theft because it involves the use of force or the threat of force. (True/False)


5. Victims of robbery should report the crime to the ________ immediately.

a. Teacher

b. Police

c. Parents

d. Friends


6. The penalty for robbery is usually more severe than for ________.

a. Shopping

b. Sleeping

c. Eating

d. Theft


7. Robbery can happen in public places or in ________.

a. Cars

b. Planes

c. Private homes

d. Forests


8. Prevention of robbery is important to ensure ________ and security for ourselves and our communities.

a. Wealth

b. Health

c. Safety

d. Entertainment


9. What should you do if you witness a robbery? ________.

a. Ignore it

b. Run away

c. Call the police

d. Take pictures


10. Which of the following is not a way to prevent robbery? ________.

a. Be aware of your surroundings

b. Avoid risky situations

c. Carry large amounts of cash in public

d. Report suspicious activities to the authorities


Causes of Robbery

1. Poverty and desperation: Some people may turn to robbery as a way to make money when they are struggling financially.

2. Drug addiction: People who are addicted to drugs may resort to robbery to fund their addiction.

3. Greed and the desire for material possessions: Some people may steal from others to acquire material possessions that they covet.

4. Peer pressure: Individuals may feel pressured to engage in criminal activities, such as robbery, to fit in with their peers.

5. Lack of parental guidance: Children who grow up without proper parental guidance and discipline may be more likely to engage in criminal activities, such as robbery.

6. Poor economic conditions: Areas with high levels of poverty and unemployment may see more instances of robbery.

7. Easy access to firearms and other weapons: The availability of weapons can increase the likelihood of violence during a robbery.

8. Inadequate law enforcement: If law enforcement is not effective in preventing and responding to crime, it can embolden criminals to commit robberies.

9. Mental health issues: Some people may commit robbery due to untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues.

10. Culture of violence: In some communities, violence and criminal activity may be seen as the norm, leading to an increased likelihood of robbery and other crimes.


1. Poverty and desperation can lead some people to resort to ________ to make money.

a. Giving

b. Robbery

c. Sharing

d. Charity


2. Drug addiction can make people feel like they need to commit robbery to ________.

a. Get a job

b. Buy more drugs

c. Make friends

d. Be happy


3. Greed and the desire for material possessions can cause some people to steal from others to acquire ________.

a. Money

b. Fame

c. Love

d. Happiness


4. Lack of parental guidance can lead children to be more likely to engage in criminal activities, such as ________.

a. Sharing

b. Giving

c. Studying

d. Robbery


5. Areas with high levels of poverty and unemployment may see more instances of ________.

a. Education

b. Happiness

c. Love

d. Robbery


6. Easy access to firearms and other weapons can increase the likelihood of violence during a ________.

a. Celebration

b. Robbery

c. Travel

d. Sleeping


7. Inadequate law enforcement can embolden criminals to commit ________.

a. Kindness

b. Charity

c. Robbery

d. Education


8. Mental health issues can sometimes lead people to commit robbery due to untreated or undiagnosed ________.

a. Diabetes

b. Asthma

c. Mental health issues

d. Allergies


9. Culture of violence in some communities may lead to an increased likelihood of robbery and other ________.

a. Happiness

b. Love

c. Violence

d. Peace


10. Peer pressure can make individuals feel pressured to engage in criminal activities, such as ________, to fit in with their peers.

a. Giving

b. Studying

c. Robbery

d. Sharing



Some ways to prevent robbery


1. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid risky situations.

2. Do not walk alone in dark and isolated areas, especially at night.

3. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items in public.

4. If you must carry a purse or backpack, keep it close to your body.

5. If you see suspicious activity, report it to the authorities immediately.

6. Install security systems such as alarms and CCTV cameras in homes and businesses.

7. Keep doors and windows locked at all times, and install deadbolts for added security.

8. Do not leave valuables such as laptops or smartphones in plain sight in your car.

9. Be cautious when using ATMs, and avoid using them late at night or in isolated areas.

10. Educate yourself and others on the dangers of robbery and how to prevent it.


Remember, prevention is key when it comes to robbery. Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings at all times to stay safe.





1. To prevent robbery, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and avoid ________ situations.
a. Fun
b. Risky
c. Easy
d. Happy

2. Do not walk alone in dark and isolated areas, especially at ________.
a. Sunrise
b. Night
c. Noon
d. Dusk

3. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items in ________.
a. Plain sight
b. Your hand
c. Your pocket
d. Your backpack

4. If you see suspicious activity, report it to the ________ immediately.
a. Authorities
b. Friends
c. Parents
d. Teacher

5. Installing security systems such as alarms and CCTV cameras can help to prevent ________.
a. Theft
b. Fire
c. Earthquakes
d. Happiness

6. Keep doors and windows locked at all times, and install ________ for added security.
a. Cameras
b. Mirrors
c. Deadbolts
d. Paintings

7. Do not leave valuables such as laptops or smartphones in ________ in your car.
a. Plain sight
b. The trunk
c. Your pocket
d. The back seat

8. Be cautious when using ATMs, and avoid using them late at night or in ________ areas.
a. Crowded
b. Isolated
c. Sunny
d. Happy

9. It is important to educate yourself and others on the dangers of robbery and how to ________ it.
a. Cause
b. Prevent
c. Ignore
d. Enjoy

10. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to robbery. Stay vigilant and be aware of your ________ at all times to stay safe.
a. Money
b. Valuables
c. Surroundings
d. Dreams


Lesson Plan Presentation

Topic: Understanding Robbery, Its Causes, and Prevention

Learning Objectives:

– Students will be able to define the term robbery and understand what it entails.
– Students will be able to identify the causes of robbery.
– Students will be able to identify and apply ways of preventing robbery in their daily lives.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Communication skills
– Critical thinking skills
– Problem-solving skills
– Decision-making skills

Learning Materials:

– Whiteboard and markers
– Pictures of robbery incidents and prevention techniques
– Handouts with definitions of robbery, causes, and prevention methods
– Scenarios for group discussions


1. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Greet the students and introduce the topic of robbery, its causes, and prevention.
– Ask students if they have any knowledge of the topic.

2. Explain the meaning of Robbery (10 minutes)
– Provide a definition of robbery.
– Explain the difference between robbery and theft.
– Use pictures to illustrate examples of robbery.

3. Highlight and explain the causes of Robbery (15 minutes)
– Discuss the different causes of robbery such as poverty, drug addiction, greed, lack of parental guidance, and mental health issues.
– Use examples to explain how these causes lead to robbery.

4. State ways of preventing Robbery (15 minutes)
– Discuss ways of preventing robbery, such as being aware of surroundings, avoiding risky situations, not carrying large amounts of cash or valuables in public, and reporting suspicious activities to authorities.
– Use pictures to illustrate examples of prevention techniques.
– Use scenarios to prompt students to think about how they can prevent robbery in their own lives.

5. Learners activities (15 minutes)
– Divide students into groups of four.
– Give each group a scenario and ask them to come up with ways to prevent the robbery from happening.
– Have each group present their ideas to the class.

6. Assessment (5 minutes)
– Ask students to write down the definition of robbery, causes, and prevention techniques.
– Collect their answers and assess their understanding of the topic.

– Summarize the main points of the lesson and reiterate the importance of preventing robbery in our daily lives.
– Encourage students to apply the prevention techniques discussed in the lesson to their own lives.
– Thank the students for their participation and attention.

Overall, this lesson plan is designed to teach primary 4 students about the meaning of robbery, its causes, and ways to prevent it. The lesson incorporates various activities and assessments to encourage student engagement and measure their understanding of the topic.

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