Avoiding Peer Pressure

Subject : Security Education

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Type : Lesson Notes

Week : Week 9

Topic :  Avoiding Peer Pressure

Previous Lesson


Behavioural Objectives :

  1. To define the term “peer pressure” and understand its meaning.
  2. To identify the behaviors that could be the result of peer pressure.
  3. To develop strategies for resisting negative peer pressure.
  4. To understand the importance of making informed decisions based on personal values and beliefs





Embedded Core Skills

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Decision making
  3. Communication
  4. Self-awareness
  5. Resilience

Learning Resource

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Peer pressure definition handout
  3. Behaviors that could be the result of peer pressure handout
  4. Poster with strategies for resisting negative peer pressure
  5. Interactive online quiz on peer pressure




Avoiding Peer Pressure


1. Peer pressure is the influence that your friends or classmates can have on you to make you behave a certain way or make certain choices.

2. It can be positive or negative. Positive peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do the right thing, such as studying hard or being kind to others. Negative peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do something that is wrong or dangerous, such as skipping school or using drugs.

3. Peer pressure is a common experience that many people face, especially in their teenage years. However, it can happen at any age.

4. It is important to be aware of peer pressure and how it can influence your choices. You should always make decisions based on what you believe is right and not just because your friends are doing it.

5. You can also learn to resist negative peer pressure by having the courage to say no and making choices that reflect your values and beliefs.

6. Remember that it’s okay to have different opinions or beliefs than your friends. You should never feel pressured to conform to their expectations if it goes against what you think is right.

7. Lastly, if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of peer pressure, don’t be afraid to talk to a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, or counselor. They can help you navigate the situation and make the best decision for yourself.





1. Peer pressure is the _______ that your friends or classmates can have on you to make you behave a certain way or make certain choices.

a) influence

b) obedience

c) laziness

d) fear


2. Positive peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do the _______ thing.

a) wrong

b) risky

c) fun

d) right


3. Negative peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do something that is _______ or dangerous.

a) safe

b) healthy

c) wrong

d) educational


4. Peer pressure is a common experience that many people face, especially in their _______ years.

a) teenage

b) adult

c) childhood

d) elderly


5. It is important to be aware of peer pressure and how it can influence your _______.

a) parents

b) teachers

c) choices

d) pets


6. You should always make decisions based on what you believe is _______ and not just because your friends are doing it.

a) fun

b) boring

c) right

d) wrong


7. You can learn to resist negative peer pressure by having the _______ to say no.

a) courage

b) fear

c) laziness

d) sadness


8. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of peer pressure, don’t be afraid to talk to a trusted _______.

a) friend

b) parent

c) teacher

d) stranger


9. It’s okay to have different opinions or beliefs than your friends. You should never feel pressured to _______ to their expectations.

a) conform

b) rebel

c) ignore

d) forget


10. Peer pressure can happen at any _______.

a) age

b) height

c) weight

d) length


Behaviours that could be the result of Peer Pressure

1. Changing your behavior or actions to fit in with a certain group or friends.

2. Wearing clothing or accessories that are popular with your peers, even if you don’t like them.

3. Changing your hairstyle or makeup to fit in with what your peers think is cool.

4. Skipping school or classes because your peers are doing it.

5. Engaging in risky or dangerous activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs, because your peers are doing it.

6. Behaving in a disrespectful or rude manner to others because your peers are doing it.

7. Changing your interests or hobbies to fit in with what your peers are interested in.

8. Engaging in activities that go against your personal values or beliefs, because your peers are doing it.

9. Changing your attitudes towards school or authority figures because your peers have negative opinions about them.

10. Going along with your peers’ ideas or plans, even if you don’t feel comfortable with them.


It’s important to remember that not all peer pressure is negative. Positive peer pressure can encourage you to engage in activities that are healthy, safe, and align with your personal values and beliefs. However, it’s essential to be aware of the behaviors that could result from negative peer pressure and to have the courage to resist it when necessary.




1. Changing your behavior or actions to fit in with a certain group or friends could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parents’ pressure

c) teacher’s pressure

d) pets’ pressure


2. Engaging in risky or dangerous activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) family pressure

c) school pressure

d) friend’s pressure


3. Skipping school or classes because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) pet’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


4. Behaving in a disrespectful or rude manner to others because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parents’ pressure

c) sibling’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


5. Changing your interests or hobbies to fit in with what your peers are interested in could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) pet’s pressure

d) celebrity’s pressure


6. Going along with your peers’ ideas or plans, even if you don’t feel comfortable with them, could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) sibling’s pressure

c) teacher’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


7. Engaging in activities that go against your personal values or beliefs because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parents’ pressure

c) celebrity’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


8. Changing your hairstyle or makeup to fit in with what your peers think is cool could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) pet’s pressure


9. Going against your personal values or beliefs because your peers have different opinions about them could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) celebrity’s pressure

d) parent’s pressure


10. Wearing clothing or accessories that are popular with your peers, even if you don’t like them, could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parent’s pressure

c) teacher’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


How to avoid peer pressure

1. Develop strong values and beliefs: Knowing what you stand for and what you believe in can help you resist negative peer pressure.


2. Be confident in yourself: Having self-confidence can help you resist negative peer pressure and make your own choices.


3. Choose your friends wisely: Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive friends can help you avoid negative peer pressure.


4. Say “no” firmly: If someone is pressuring you to do something you’re not comfortable with, say “no” firmly and confidently.


5. Learn to be assertive: Being assertive means standing up for yourself and expressing your opinions and feelings in a clear and respectful way.


6. Avoid risky situations: If you know that a situation is likely to lead to negative peer pressure, avoid it altogether.


7. Seek support from a trusted adult: If you are struggling with negative peer pressure, talk to a parent, teacher, or other trusted adult for support and guidance.


8. Practice positive self-talk: Encourage yourself with positive self-talk and remind yourself of your values and beliefs.


9. Learn to compromise: It’s okay to compromise with your friends and find activities that align with both your interests and values.


10. Make informed decisions: Before making a decision, take time to think through the consequences and consider if it aligns with your personal  values and beliefs.

Lesson Plan Presentation


Title: Understanding Peer Pressure and its Effects


Grade Level: Primary 3


Subject: Security Education


Duration: 45 minutes


Previous Lesson 

Lesson Procedure:


Introduction (5 minutes)


1. Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever felt like they had to do something just because their friends were doing it.

2. Introduce the concept of peer pressure and ask the students if they know what it means.

3. Write the definition of peer pressure on the whiteboard and provide a handout to each student.


Body (30 minutes)


1. Discuss the definition of peer pressure and ask the students to share examples of positive and negative peer pressure.

2. Use the handout on “Behaviors that could be the Result of Peer Pressure” to discuss the different behaviors that could result from negative peer pressure.

3. Ask the students to give examples of behaviors they have observed in their peers that could be the result of negative peer pressure.

4. Introduce a poster with strategies for resisting negative peer pressure and discuss each one in detail.

5. Divide the students into groups of four and have them discuss a scenario where they might experience negative peer pressure. Have them brainstorm strategies they could use to resist negative peer pressure.

6. Bring the class back together and have each group share their strategies for resisting negative peer pressure.


Conclusion (10 minutes)


1. Have students take an interactive online quiz on peer pressure to assess their understanding of the topic.

2. Review the learning objectives of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they learned today.

3. Remind the students that it’s okay to have different opinions or beliefs than their peers and that they should always make decisions based on what they believe is right.




1. The interactive online quiz on peer pressure will be used to assess the students’ understanding of the topic.

2. The group discussion on strategies for resisting negative peer pressure will also be assessed for critical thinking and communication skills.


Weekly Assessment /Test 

1. Peer pressure is the _______ that your friends or classmates can have on you to make you behave a certain way or make certain choices.

a) encouragement

b) influence

c) disagreement

d) admiration


2. Positive peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do the _______ thing.

a) right

b) wrong

c) fun

d) dangerous


3. Negative peer pressure is when your friends encourage you to do something that is _______ or dangerous.

a) safe

b) healthy

c) wrong

d) educational


4. Peer pressure can be positive or negative. True or False?

a) True

b) False


5. Peer pressure can happen at any age. True or False?

a) True

b) False

6. Changing your behavior or actions to fit in with a certain group or friends could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


7. Skipping school or classes because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) friend’s pressure


8. Behaving in a disrespectful or rude manner to others because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


9. Engaging in risky or dangerous activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parent’s pressure

c) sibling’s pressure

d) teacher’s pressure


10. Going along with your peers’ ideas or plans, even if you don’t feel comfortable with them, could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) sibling’s pressure

d) parent’s pressure


11. Changing your interests or hobbies to fit in with what your peers are interested in could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) pet’s pressure

d) celebrity’s pressure


12. Engaging in activities that go against your personal values or beliefs because your peers are doing it could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) stranger’s pressure


13. Changing your hairstyle or makeup to fit in with what your peers think is cool could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) parent’s pressure

c) teacher’s pressure

d) pet’s pressure


14. Wearing clothing or accessories that are popular with your peers, even if you don’t like them, could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) celebrity’s pressure


15. Going against your personal values or beliefs because your peers have different opinions about them could be the result of _______.

a) peer pressure

b) teacher’s pressure

c) parent’s pressure

d) celebrity’s pressure


16. Making decisions based on what you believe is right and not just because your friends are doing it is an example of _______.

a) positive peer pressure

b) negative peer pressure

c)  peer pressure

d) none of the above


17. It’s important to be aware of peer pressure and how it can influence your _______.

a) parents

b) teachers

c) choices

d) pets


18. You can learn to resist negative peer pressure by having the _______ to say no.

a) courage

b) fear

c) laziness

d) sadness


19. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of peer pressure, don’t be afraid to talk to a trusted _______.

a) friend

b) parent

c) teacher

d) stranger


20. It’s okay to have different opinions or beliefs than your friends. You should never feel pressured to _______ to their expectations.

a) conform

b) rebel

c) ignore

d) forget


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