Descriptive Writing : Elements of Soil



Subject : English Composition


Class : Primary 5


Term : Third Term


Week : Week 3


Topic :

Descriptive Writing : Elements of Soil


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the elements of soil and understand the features of descriptive writing.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout on the elements of soil
  • Examples of descriptive writing about soil
  • Worksheets for practice


Soil is the uppermost part of the earth that supports plants and animals growth.

Soil can be defined as the natural material that forms the thin upper layer of the Earth’s crust, composed of a mixture of organic and inorganic materials such as minerals, water, air, and living organisms, which provides a medium for plant growth and is essential for sustaining life on Earth.


Features or Components of Soil

  1. Minerals: Soil is made up of different types of minerals such as sand, silt, and clay.
  2. Organic matter: Soil contains organic matter such as decomposed plant and animal material, which helps to improve the soil structure.
  3. Water: Soil contains water, which is essential for plant growth.
  4. Air: Soil contains air, which is necessary for the survival of soil organisms and root respiration.
  5. Microorganisms: Soil is home to a variety of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, which play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil fertility.
  6. Macro-organisms: Soil is also home to larger organisms such as earthworms, ants, and termites, which help to aerate the soil and improve soil structure.
  7. pH: Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, which affects plant growth.
  8. Texture: Soil texture refers to the size of the mineral particles in the soil, which affects the soil’s water-holding capacity and nutrient availability.
  9. Structure: Soil structure refers to the way that soil particles are arranged, which affects water infiltration, air movement, and root growth.
  10. Color: Soil color can provide clues about the soil’s fertility and drainage, as well as its parent material and age


Features of descriptive essay

  1. Sensory Details: Descriptive writing includes sensory details that help readers imagine and experience the topic. For example, “The rich, dark soil smelled of damp earth and was cool to the touch.”
  2. Figurative Language: Descriptive writing may include figurative language such as metaphors and similes that help create vivid images. For example, “The soil was as smooth as velvet.”
  3. Specificity: Descriptive writing is specific and detailed, providing clear and precise information. For example, “The soil was made up of equal parts of sand, silt, and clay, with a pH level of 6.5.”
  4. Organization: Descriptive writing is organized in a logical and coherent manner, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. For example, “The soil is made up of different elements, including minerals, organic matter, water, air, microorganisms, macro-organisms, pH, texture, structure, and color.”
  5. Use of Adjectives: Descriptive writing uses adjectives to describe and provide additional information about the topic. For example, “The nutrient-rich soil was ideal for growing a variety of crops, including tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce.”


  1. What is soil made up of? a) Only organic matter b) Only inorganic matter c) A mixture of organic and inorganic materials

Answer: c) A mixture of organic and inorganic materials

  1. Which of the following is not an element of soil? a) Air b) Water c) Metal

Answer: c) Metal

  1. What is the role of microorganisms in soil? a) They help improve soil structure b) They play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil fertility c) They absorb water and nutrients for plant growth

Answer: b) They play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil fertility

  1. What is soil texture? a) The way soil particles are arranged b) The amount of water in soil c) The size of mineral particles in soil

Answer: c) The size of mineral particles in soil

  1. What does soil pH measure? a) The amount of water in soil b) The acidity or alkalinity of soil c) The amount of organic matter in soil

Answer: b) The acidity or alkalinity of soil

  1. Which of the following is not a feature of descriptive writing? a) Sensory details b) Specificity c) Humor

Answer: c) Humor

  1. What is the role of macro-organisms in soil? a) They play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil fertility b) They help aerate the soil and improve soil structure c) They absorb water and nutrients for plant growth

Answer: b) They help aerate the soil and improve soil structure

  1. What is soil structure? a) The size of mineral particles in soil b) The way soil particles are arranged c) The amount of water in soil

Answer: b) The way soil particles are arranged

  1. What does soil color provide clues about? a) Soil fertility and drainage b) The amount of water in soil c) The size of mineral particles in soil

Answer: a) Soil fertility and drainage

  1. What is the purpose of descriptive writing? a) To persuade the reader to take a specific action b) To inform the reader about a specific topic c) To entertain the reader with a story

Answer: b) To inform the reader about a specific topic


Lesson Plan Presentation

Title: Understanding Soil: Elements and Features of Descriptive Writing


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what soil is and what it is used for.
  • Ask them to share their thoughts and ideas.
  1. Elements of Soil (20 minutes)
  • Explain to the students that soil is made up of different elements such as minerals, organic matter, water, air, microorganisms, macro-organisms, pH, texture, structure, and color.
  • Use the handout to describe each element in detail and provide examples of each.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.
  1. Features of Descriptive Writing (20 minutes)
  • Introduce the concept of descriptive writing and explain that it is used to create a detailed and vivid picture of a topic in the reader’s mind.
  • Discuss the features of descriptive writing such as sensory details, specificity, figurative language, organization, and the use of adjectives.
  • Provide examples of descriptive writing about soil and encourage students to identify the features used in the writing.
  1. Practice (15 minutes)
  • Distribute worksheets to the students and ask them to write a descriptive paragraph about soil using the features of descriptive writing.
  • Walk around the classroom and provide guidance and feedback as needed.
  1. Conclusion (5 minutes)
  • Review the elements of soil and the features of descriptive writing.
  • Ask students to share their descriptive paragraphs and provide feedback to their classmates.
  • Summarize the main points of the lesson and remind students of the importance of soil and descriptive writing.


  • Students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions, their completion of the worksheet, and the quality of their descriptive writing.


  • Encourage students to conduct research on the different types of soil found in their local environment and write a descriptive paragraph about each type.

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is soil made up of?
  2. What are the different elements of soil?
  3. What is the role of microorganisms in soil?
  4. What is soil texture and why is it important?
  5. What does soil pH measure and why is it important?
  6. What are the features of descriptive writing?
  7. What is the purpose of descriptive writing?
  8. What is the role of macro-organisms in soil?
  9. What is soil structure and why is it important?
  10. What does soil color provide clues about?

Answer Key:

  1. Soil is made up of a mixture of organic and inorganic materials such as minerals, water, air, and living organisms.
  2. The elements of soil include minerals, organic matter, water, air, microorganisms, macro-organisms, pH, texture, structure, and color.
  3. Microorganisms in soil play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil fertility.
  4. Soil texture refers to the size of mineral particles in soil and is important because it affects the soil’s water-holding capacity and nutrient availability.
  5. Soil pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of soil and is important because it affects plant growth.
  6. The features of descriptive writing include sensory details, specificity, figurative language, organization, and the use of adjectives.
  7. The purpose of descriptive writing is to create a detailed and vivid picture of a topic in the reader’s mind.
  8. Macro-organisms in soil help aerate the soil and improve soil structure.
  9. Soil structure refers to the way soil particles are arranged and is important because it affects water infiltration, air movement, and root growth.
  10. Soil color provides clues about soil fertility and drainage
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