Title Holders

Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes


Weeks 9


Title Holders

  • Who is a title holder
  • The various types of title holders in the community ie Balogun, Iyalode, Apena, Oluwo etc
  • Criteria for making a person a traditional title holder
  • Conditions that can result in the removal of title holders


Previous lesson:


Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain who is a title holder
  2. Mention the various types of title holders in the community
  3. Discuss the criteria for making a person a traditional title holder
  4. Tell why a title holder may be removed from his or her position






Learning Activities

  • Pupils as a class explain and describe the roles of traditional title holder
  • Pupils in small groups, list the various types of traditional title holders in the community
  • Pupils in pairs discuss the criteria for making a traditional title holder
  • Pupils in pairs mention the reasons why title holders may be removed from their positions


Embedded Core Skills

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving
  2. Communication and collaboration


Learning Resources

  1. Charts showing the concept of the topics
  2. Picture charts showing traditional rulers in Lagos state
  3. Chart showing the coronation of a Lagos traditional ruler
  4. Charts showing traditional rulers performing their traditional rites




Who is a title holder

  1. A title holder is someone who has been given a special name or position of respect.
  2. In some cultures, title holders are chosen by their family or community to represent them.
  3. Title holders often have important responsibilities and duties to fulfill.
  4. Some common titles include king, queen, prince, princess, duke, duchess, lord, lady, and knight.
  5. Title holders may wear special clothing or symbols to show their position.
  6. Being a title holder usually means having a higher status or rank than others.
  7. In some cases, title holders inherit their position from their parents or ancestors.
  8. Title holders may be involved in important ceremonies or events in their community.
  9. Some title holders are also responsible for making important decisions that affect their community.
  10. Title holders can be found in many different cultures and societies around the world.


  1. A title holder is someone who has been given a special _____. a) name b) toy c) book
  2. In some cultures, title holders are chosen by their _____ or community to represent them. a) friends b) family c) pets
  3. Some common titles include king, queen, prince, princess, duke, duchess, lord, lady, and _____. a) cowboy b) astronaut c) knight
  4. Title holders often have important _____ and duties to fulfill. a) toys b) responsibilities c) food
  5. Being a title holder usually means having a higher _____ or rank than others. a) age b) status c) shoe size
  6. Title holders may wear special clothing or symbols to show their _____. a) favorite color b) position c) pet’s name
  7. In some cases, title holders inherit their position from their _____ or ancestors. a) friends b) pets c) parents
  8. Title holders may be involved in important ceremonies or events in their _____. a) city b) school c) home
  9. Some title holders are also responsible for making important decisions that affect their _____. a) toys b) community c) favorite TV show
  10. Title holders can be found in many different cultures and societies around the _____. a) world b) solar system c) universe


The various types of title holders in the community ie Balogun, Iyalode, Apena, Oluwo etc

  1. Balogun is a Yoruba title given to the chief of war, who is in charge of leading battles and protecting the community.
  2. Iyalode is a Yoruba title given to the female chief who is usually in charge of market affairs and women’s affairs in the community.
  3. Apena is a Yoruba title given to the chief who is in charge of administration and keeping records of the community.
  4. Oluwo is a Yoruba title given to the chief who is in charge of religious and spiritual matters in the community.
  5. Eze is an Igbo title given to the king or ruler of a community.
  6. Obi is an Igbo title given to the male chief or ruler of a community.
  7. Oba is a title given to the king or ruler of a Yoruba community.
  8. Emir is a title given to the king or ruler of a Hausa-Fulani community.
  9. Sarkin is a title given to a traditional ruler or chief in a Hausa-Fulani community.
  10. Mai is a title given to the king or ruler of a Kanuri community.


  1. Balogun is a Yoruba title given to the chief of ____. a) market affairs b) war c) spiritual matters
  2. Iyalode is a Yoruba title given to the female chief who is usually in charge of ____. a) market affairs and women’s affairs b) religious matters c) political matters
  3. Apena is a Yoruba title given to the chief who is in charge of ____. a) administration and keeping records of the community b) market affairs and women’s affairs c) war
  4. Oluwo is a Yoruba title given to the chief who is in charge of ____. a) religious and spiritual matters b) market affairs and women’s affairs c) political matters
  5. Eze is an Igbo title given to the ____ of a community. a) queen b) king or ruler c) chief
  6. Obi is an Igbo title given to the ____ of a community. a) female chief b) male chief or ruler c) spiritual leader
  7. Oba is a title given to the ____ of a Yoruba community. a) king or ruler b) female chief c) chief of war
  8. Emir is a title given to the ____ of a Hausa-Fulani community. a) king or ruler b) female chief c) chief of administration
  9. Sarkin is a title given to a traditional ruler or chief in a ____ community. a) Yoruba b) Hausa-Fulani c) Igbo
  10. Mai is a title given to the ____ of a Kanuri community. a) king or ruler b) female chief c) chief of war


Criteria for making a person a traditional title holder

  1. In many African communities, traditional title holders are selected based on their lineage and family background.
  2. Traditional title holders are also selected based on their personal character, leadership qualities, and contributions to the community.
  3. Some communities may require a person to go through certain rites and rituals before being considered for a traditional title.
  4. Age may also be a factor in the selection of traditional title holders, as older individuals are often considered to have more wisdom and experience.
  5. In some cases, a person may be appointed as a traditional title holder by a higher authority, such as a king or queen, based on their loyalty and service to the community.
  6. The process for selecting traditional title holders can vary from community to community, and may be influenced by cultural traditions and historical practices.


  1. Traditional title holders are selected based on their ____ and family background. a) personal character b) leadership qualities c) lineage
  2. Personal character, leadership qualities, and contributions to the community are factors considered in selecting traditional title holders, True or False? a) True b) False
  3. Some communities may require a person to go through certain ____ before being considered for a traditional title. a) age requirements b) education levels c) rites and rituals
  4. Age may also be a factor in the selection of traditional title holders, as older individuals are often considered to have more ____ and ____. a) strength, agility b) wisdom, experience c) wealth, power
  5. In some cases, a person may be appointed as a traditional title holder by a higher authority, such as a ____ or queen. a) king b) chief c) warrior
  6. Loyalty and service to the community are factors considered in appointing a person as a traditional title holder, True or False? a) True b) False
  7. The process for selecting traditional title holders can vary from community to community, True or False? a) True b) False
  8. A person’s ____ may influence their selection as a traditional title holder. a) age b) occupation c) personal character
  9. Traditional title holders play an important role in the ____ of a community. a) economic development b) social activities c) cultural traditions
  10. ____ and ____ are two of the criteria considered in making a person a traditional title holder. a) personal wealth, political power b) family background, lineage c) age, personal character


Conditions that can result in the removal of title holders

  1. Misconduct or failure to uphold the responsibilities of the title may result in the removal of a traditional title holder.
  2. Disrespect towards the community or its leaders may also result in the removal of a traditional title holder.
  3. In some cases, a traditional title holder may be removed if they are found to be engaging in criminal activity or other illegal behavior.
  4. Failure to attend important community events or to fulfill the obligations of the title may also result in removal.
  5. In some communities, a traditional title holder may be removed if they are found to be engaging in behaviors that are considered to be contrary to the cultural traditions of the community.
  6. The process for removing a traditional title holder can vary from community to community, and may be influenced by cultural traditions and historical practices.


  1. Misconduct or failure to uphold the responsibilities of the title may result in the ____ of a traditional title holder. a) appointment b) removal c) promotion
  2. Disrespect towards the community or its leaders may also result in the ____ of a traditional title holder. a) appointment b) removal c) promotion
  3. A traditional title holder may be removed if they are found to be engaging in ____ activity or other illegal behavior. a) criminal b) charitable c) educational
  4. Failure to attend important community events or to fulfill the obligations of the title may also result in ____. a) reprimand b) promotion c) removal
  5. In some communities, a traditional title holder may be removed if they are found to be engaging in behaviors that are considered to be contrary to the ____ of the community. a) cultural traditions b) political beliefs c) religious practices
  6. The process for removing a traditional title holder can vary from community to community, True or False? a) True b) False
  7. ____ or ____ to uphold the responsibilities of the title may result in the removal of a traditional title holder. a) misconduct, failure b) success, achievement c) kindness, generosity
  8. Traditional title holders who engage in disrespectful behaviors towards the community or its leaders may be removed from their position, True or False? a) True b) False
  9. A traditional title holder may be removed if they fail to attend important community events or to fulfill the obligations of the title, True or False? a) True b) False
  10. The process for removing a traditional title holder is the same in every community, True or False? a) True b) False



Lesson Plan Presentation

Title: Traditional Title Holders in Lagos State

Previous Lesson 

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students if they have heard of traditional title holders before, and what they know about them.
  • Show pictures of traditional title holders in Lagos State and ask students to identify them.
  • Explain that traditional title holders are important members of the community who hold specific titles and have responsibilities.

Body (30 minutes):

  • Explain the various types of traditional title holders in Lagos State, such as Balogun, Iyalode, Apena, and Oluwo. Use pictures and examples to help students understand the roles and responsibilities of each type of title holder.
  • Discuss the criteria for making a person a traditional title holder, such as their lineage, contributions to the community, and respect for cultural traditions. Use real-life examples to illustrate these criteria.
  • Discuss the conditions that can result in the removal of traditional title holders, such as misconduct, disrespect towards the community or its leaders, and failure to fulfill the obligations of the title. Explain that the process for removing a title holder can vary from community to community.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Distribute worksheets for students to complete on their own or in pairs, asking them to identify the types of traditional title holders, the criteria for becoming a title holder, and the conditions that can result in the removal of a title holder.
  • Review the answers with the class and ask for any questions or clarifications.


  • Students will be assessed through their completion of the worksheet and their participation in class discussion. [mediator_tech]

Weekly Assessment/Test

  1. A traditional title holder is an important member of the ___________. a) community b) school c) church
  2. Balogun, Iyalode, Apena, and Oluwo are examples of ___________. a) traditional title holders b) modern title holders c) political leaders
  3. Balogun is a type of traditional title holder who is usually the _________. a) head of the military b) head of the market c) head of the community
  4. Iyalode is a type of traditional title holder who is usually the _________. a) head of the women b) head of the children c) head of the men
  5. Apena is a type of traditional title holder who is usually the _________. a) chief priest b) chief judge c) chief musician
  6. Oluwo is a type of traditional title holder who is usually the _________. a) king b) queen c) prince
  7. The criteria for making a person a traditional title holder include their _________. a) lineage, contributions, and respect for cultural traditions b) education, wealth, and popularity c) age, gender, and occupation
  8. Lineage refers to a person’s ___________. a) age b) family history c) occupation
  9. Contributing to the community can include ___________. a) volunteering, donating, or creating jobs b) playing sports, watching movies, or playing video games c) sleeping, eating, or watching TV
  10. Respect for cultural traditions means _________. a) following and honoring the customs and practices of one’s culture b) ignoring and rejecting the customs and practices of one’s culture c) creating new customs and practices that are different from one’s culture [mediator_tech]
  11. The conditions that can result in the removal of traditional title holders include _________. a) misconduct, disrespect towards the community or its leaders, and failure to fulfill the obligations of the title b) being too popular, being too rich, or being too educated c) being too young, being too old, or being too busy
  12. Misconduct can refer to ___________. a) breaking the law, being dishonest, or causing harm to others b) being too kind, being too honest, or helping others too much c) being too quiet, being too shy, or not speaking up enough
  13. Disrespect towards the community or its leaders can include ___________. a) insulting, criticizing, or disobeying them b) praising, supporting, or obeying them too much c) ignoring, neglecting, or forgetting about them
  14. Failure to fulfill the obligations of the title can include ___________. a) not performing the duties and responsibilities that come with the title b) performing too many duties and responsibilities that come with the title c) performing duties and responsibilities that have nothing to do with the title
  15. Traditional title holders are important because they _________. a) help preserve cultural traditions and provide leadership in the community b) cause conflict and confusion in the community c) are not important and can be replaced easily
  16. The process for removing a title holder can vary from _________. a) community to community b) city to city c) state to state
  17. Traditional title holders can also serve as _________. a) advisors to the government b) teachers in schools c) doctors in hospitals
  18. Traditional title holders can also _________. a) settle disputes and conflicts in the community b) cause disputes and conflicts in the community [mediator_tech]
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