SS 3












Answer the following questions

Instruction : Choose the right answer from the given alternatives




  1. What is the name of the policy that legally separated people of different races in South Africa? A) Apartheid B) Colonization C) Neo-colonialism D) Segregation
  2. When was the policy of apartheid officially abolished in South Africa? A) 1960 B) 1976 C) 1994 D) 2000
  3. What is the name of the organization formed to oppose apartheid in South Africa? A) United Nations B) African National Congress C) Organization of African Unity D) Non-Aligned Movement
  4. What is the purpose of economic sanctions against a country? A) To promote economic development B) To limit the influence of foreign countries C) To pressure a country to change its policies D) To prevent the spread of disease
  5. What is the impact of neo-colonialism on weaker countries? A) Increased political and economic independence B) Limited control over economic and political affairs C) Improved trade agreements D) Access to more resources
  6. What is an example of political interference by more powerful countries? A) Encouraging economic development B) Funding social programs C) Supporting political leaders who are friendly to them D) Providing humanitarian aid
  7. What is the term used to describe the indirect form of control that more powerful countries exercise over weaker countries? A) Apartheid B) Segregation C) Colonization D) Neo-colonialism
  8. What is brain drain? A) The act of a more powerful country colonizing a weaker country B) The act of a weaker country becoming independent from a colonizing power C) The act of a more powerful country attracting talented individuals from weaker countries D) The act of a weaker country colonizing a more powerful country
  9. What is an example of unequal trade agreements? A) Encouraging government spending on social programs B) Providing debt relief to weaker countries C) Imposing trade agreements that benefit more powerful countries more than weaker ones D) Lending money to weaker countries at low interest rates
  10. What is the goal of the Non-Aligned Movement? A) To promote economic development B) To limit the influence of foreign countries C) To pressure countries to change their policies D) To prevent the spread of disease
  11. What is the purpose of the Organization of African Unity? A) To promote economic development in Africa B) To support the spread of democracy in Africa C) To oppose colonialism and apartheid in Africa D) To provide aid to African countries
  12. What is an example of a strategy weaker countries can employ to overcome the negative effects of neo-colonialism? A) Depend on more powerful countries for economic and political support B) Be aware of the practices of neo-colonialism C) Take on more debt to fuel economic growth D) Limit access to resources for more powerful countries
  13. What was the impact of economic sanctions against South Africa? A) Increased economic growth B) Reduced foreign investment C) Increased political stability D) Improved social programs
  14. How did the Organization of African Unity contribute to the end of apartheid in South Africa? A) By providing aid to the South African government B) By supporting the policies of the South African government C) By imposing economic sanctions against South Africa D) By supporting anti-apartheid movements in South Africa
  15. What is the impact of unequal trade agreements on weaker countries? A) Increased access to resources B) Improved economic development C) Dependency on more powerful countries for trade D) Political independence
  16. What is the difference between colonization and neo-colonialism? A) Colonization is a direct form of control, while neo-colonialism is indirect B) Colonization only occurred in the past, while neo-colonialism is a modern phenomenon C) Colonization only involves economic control, while neo-colonialism involves both economic and political control D) There is no difference between colonization and neo-colonialism
  17. What is the purpose of the United Nations? A) To promote economic development B) To limit the influence of foreign countries C) To pressure countries to change their policies D) To provide aid to developing countries
  18. What is the impact of brain drain on weaker countries? A) Increased access to talented individuals B) Improved economic development C) Loss of skilled professionals D) Increased political stability
  19. What is the role of the African National Congress in South Africa’s struggle against apartheid? A) To support the policies of the South African government B) To provide aid to the South African government C) To oppose apartheid and fight for the rights of black South Africans D) To impose economic sanctions against South Africa
  20. What is the colonial economy? a) An economy developed by African countries during the colonial period b) An economy developed by European countries during the colonial period c) An economy developed by Asian countries during the colonial period d) An economy developed by South American countries during the colonial period
  21. What was the main goal of the colonial economy in Africa? a) To develop local industries in African countries b) To exploit African resources and labor to benefit European countries c) To provide African countries with finished goods at affordable prices d) To encourage the growth of food crops in African countries
  22. How did European countries exploit African countries through forced labor? a) By importing African labor to work in European countries b) By forcing African people to work on plantations and mines to produce raw materials c) By preventing African people from working in any industry d) By forcing African people to only work in local industries
  23. Which of the following was a major raw material that European countries exploited in Africa? a) Textiles b) Coffee c) Sugar d) Steel
  24. How did European countries benefit from the trade with Africa? a) They bought finished goods from Africa at high prices b) They sold raw materials to Africa at high prices c) They bought raw materials from Africa at low prices d) They sold finished goods to Africa at low prices
  25. What was the effect of the colonial economy on African agriculture? a) The colonial economy encouraged the growth of food crops in Africa b) The colonial economy discouraged the growth of cash crops in Africa c) The colonial economy encouraged the growth of cash crops in Africa d) The colonial economy had no effect on African agriculture
  26. Why did African countries become dependent on cash crops during the colonial period? a) Because cash crops were easier to grow than food crops b) Because cash crops provided more income than food crops c) Because European countries forced African countries to grow cash crops d) Because African countries had a tradition of growing cash crops
  27. What was the impact of the colonial economy on African industries? a) The colonial economy encouraged the development of local industries in Africa b) The colonial economy had no effect on African industries c) The colonial economy discouraged the development of local industries in Africa d) The colonial economy only encouraged the development of European-owned industries in Africa
  28. Why did African countries not benefit from the full value of their own resources during the colonial period? a) Because European countries refused to buy raw materials from Africa b) Because African countries did not produce enough raw materials c) Because European countries bought raw materials from Africa at low prices d) Because African countries sold raw materials to European countries at high prices
  29. How has the legacy of the colonial economy affected African countries today? a) African countries are still struggling with the same problems of underdevelopment b) African countries have developed their economies and are no longer underdeveloped c) African countries have become more developed than European countries d) African countries have completely forgotten about the colonial period and its impact on their economies
  30. Which colonial policy required Africans to work on various projects without pay? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  31. Which colonial policy allowed European powers to rule through local chiefs or traditional leaders? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  32. Which colonial policy led to Africans being forced off their land and losing their traditional way of life? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  33. Which colonial policy required Africans to pay taxes to the colonial government? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  34. Which colonial policy was introduced to Africa to promote European culture and values? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Education
  35. Which colonial policy led to African resentment and resistance due to being exploited without any compensation? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  36. Which colonial policy led to Africans feeling that they had no say in their own governance? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  37. Which colonial policy was designed to prioritize European education and values over African education? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Education
  38. Which colonial policy was designed to take control of African land and resources? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Taxation
  39. Which colonial policy led to African discontent and resistance due to being exploited and marginalized? a) Forced labor b) Indirect rule c) Land grabbing d) Education
  40. What impact did the Russian Revolution have on nationalist movements? A) It had no impact B) It led to the spread of socialist ideas C) It led to the establishment of democratic governments





Part B


Answer any ten questions

  1. What is apartheid?
  2. What is the African National Congress?
  3. What is the Non-Aligned Movement?
  4. What is economic sanctions?
  5. What is neo-colonialism?
  6. How does neo-colonialism impact political development in weaker countries?
  7. What is brain drain?
  8. What is an example of political interference by more powerful countries?
  9. What is the impact of unequal trade agreements on weaker countries?
  10. What is the difference between colonization and neo-colonialism?
  11. What is the colonial economy and how did it affect African countries?
  12. Why did European countries exploit African resources and labor during the colonial period?
  13. How did European countries use forced labor in African countries?
  14. What impact did cash crops have on African economies during the colonial period?
  15. How did the colonial economy discourage the growth of local industries in Africa?
  16. What were some of the major raw materials that European countries exploited in Africa?
  17. How did the colonial economy contribute to the under-development of African countries?
  18. How did European countries benefit from trade with Africa during the colonial period?
  19. Why did African countries become dependent on cash crops during the colonial period?
  20. What is the legacy of the colonial economy in African countries today?