Third Term Examinations Primary 1 Home Economics
1) A is a place where family members live in (a)hut (b)shop (c)home
2) is a room or place for cooking our food and washing our plates (a)Parlour (b)sitting room (c)kitchen
3) Shelves can be found in the (a)Library (b)toilet (c)Bathroom
4) We take our bath in the (a)Parlour (b)farm (c)Bathroom
5) The toilet is a place where we and (a)Fight, play (b)Sing, dance (c)Urinate, defecate
6) We must wash our hands after using the toilet to prevent (a)germs (b)food (c)money
7) is anything we eat to make us grow and keep us alive. (a)Money (b)Food (c)paper
8) is a type of toilet (a)Water closet (b)sweet toilet (c)drink toilet
9) Toilet brush is used for the toilet (a)eating (b)dressing (c)washing
10) is anything that makes something unclean (a)Water (b)food (c)dirt
11) We can keep our homes clean by it. (a)breaking (b)sweeping (c)digging
12) Before eating you must (a)Fight and beat others (b)Jump and dance round (c)Wash your hands
13) It is good to chew our food well before eating it. (a)Yes (b)No (c)Never
14) Poor Feeding habit can lead to (a)Constipation (b)Fight (c)Food
15) It is good to walk while eating? (a)No (b)Yes (c)Never ‘
16) Food gives us to do our daily work. (a)Leg (b)Money (c)energy
17) is a kind of food item in our locality (a) Yam (b)Sweet (c)Pin
18) We clean the floor with a (a)glass (b)mop (c)paper
19) We must to toilet after use (a)flush (b)drink (c)fight
20) and are things we can use to clean ourself after using the toilet. (a)Water and toilet paper (b)Water and cloth (c)water and money
1) A flower vase can be seen in the
2) We keep our food stuffs in the
3) A is a room where someone can rest and sleep.
4) are kept in the Book shelf.
5) and are types of dirts
6) It is good to cover the toilet to prevent flies that carry
7) is used for sweeping
8) A bucket is used for fetching
9) It is to keep our homes and surroundings clean.
10) We eat to grow
1) Define Food:- ___________________
2) Give four examples of food in our locality:i) iii)___________________
- ii) ___________________ iv) ___________________
3) What is a home?___________________
4) List four rooms in a house :
i. ___________________ ii.___________________
iii) ___________________
iv) ___________________
5) List two items that can be found in the toilet:
ii. ___________________