SS 1 Third Term Examination Government


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SUBJECT   GOVERNMENT                        CLASS: S. S. S ONE


1.Which of the following is not a hinderance to political participation?(A)Ignorance(B)Lack of interest(C)Intimidation(D)Party system

2.Which of the following is not the function of political party?(A)Drafting a county’s constitution(B)Educating their members(C)Mobilizing people for development(D)political integration

3.The act of influencing voters through material gifts is known as(A)gerrymandering(B)electoral malpractices(C)rigging (D)propaganda

4.The electoral success of political party depends on its ability to(A)rig election (B)campaign till election day(C)present a good and acceptable manifesto(D)fighting opposition party

5.In which of the following system of government is decentralisation a common feature(A)Federal government(B)unitary government(C)socialist government(D)confederal government

6.The type of government in which citizen’s rights were based on a system of the land tenure was known as(A)democracy(B)oligarchy(C)autocracy(D)feudalism

7.It is not the duty or obligation of a citizen to(A)pay his tax(B)defend his country in time of war(C)arrest and persecute offenders(D)vote during election 

8.The principal aim of pressure groups is to(A)support the government(B)influence the government(C)subvert the government(D)influence the citizens

9.Another name for the first past the post system of voting is the(A)second ballot(B)alternative voting(C)simple majority(D)multi member voting

10.Which of the following is not the responsibility of an Electoral Commission(A)nomination of candidates(B)counting of votes(C)registration of political parties(D)registration of voters

11.Disenfrachisement refers to the(A)qualification of voters(B)denial of right to vote in an election(C)cancelation of election(D)right to vote in an election 

12.In democracy, political participation could be restricted on the basis of(A)religion (B)Sex(C)race(D)age

13.An alien who has lived in Nigeria for twenty years may acquire citizenship by(A)nationalisation(B)naturalization(C)registration(D)birth

14.Which of the following best explains the term”manifesto”?(A)the constitution of a political party(B)authority to form a political party(C)proposed program of a political party(D)symbol of a ruling party

15.Which of the following is not a method of election(A)single member constituency(B)simple majority(C)absolute majority(D)plurality system

16.A Nigerian may lose his citizenship if he(A)convicted for a criminal offence(B)renounces it in exchange for another(C)fails to pay his tax(D)is deported from a foreign country

17.Two-party system implies that only two parties(A)exist in the country(B)can contest election(C)can form coalition(D)can register member

18.Which of the following will produce a weak government?(A)coalition(B)two party system(C)federal(D)military

19.political parties mobilize the support of the electorate by(A)promoting violence(B)rigging(C)campaigning(D)making law

20.The ultimate aim of a political party is to(A)influence government policies(B)gain control of government(C)provide for the welfare of its members(D)fight opposition

21.Universal adult suffrage means that only(A)the wealth class are only a allowed to vote(B)women are allowed to vote(C)eligible adults are allowed to vote and be voted(D)educated few are allowed to vote

22.In the organization structure of a mass political party, the policy making body is the(A)secretary general(B)national executive committee(C)national chairman(D)parliamentary committee

23.One party system of government may lead to(A)Stateless society (B)autocracy(D)oligarchy(D)Plutocracy

24.In federation, concurrent list of powers is usually given to the(A)federal government(B)state government(C)federal and state government (D)local government

25.In a democracy, which of the following can expert appreciable control on the activities of the executive?(A)Mass media(B)military(C)police(D)legislature

26.The acquisition of political power through hereditary means is a feature(A)communalism(B)capitalism(C)oligarchy(D)monarch 

27.Which of the following is not a means through which political parties reach the populace?(A)posters(B)Newspapers(C)Schools(D)internet

28.Suffrage is also known as(A)franchise(B)plebiscite(C)public opinion(D)electoral college

29.Which of the following categories of people can vote in periodic election(A)minorities(B)aliens(C)citizens(D)electorates

30.Which of the following is not a purpose of election?(A)political recruitment(B)intimidation (C)legitimacy(D)exercise of franchise

31.One of the main features of presidential system of government is(A)Parliamentary supremacy(B)Separation power(C)Creations of local government(D)Collective responsibility 

32.Which of the following best explain the term”Manifesto”(A)The constitution of a political party(B)Authority to form political party(C)Proposed programme of a political party(D)Symbol of a political party

33.A major reason for enshrining fundamental Human Rights in the constitution is to(A)Make the constitution flexible(B)Make the constitution supreme(C)Protect the rights of citizens(D)Prevent military intervention

34.An essential feature of democracy is(A)Election by adults(B)Government by few wealth men(C)Majority rule(D)Easy decision making

35.The party system adopted in Nigeria currently is(A)Multi party system(B)One party system(C)Two Party system(D)A and C

36.Two party system of government enables the electorates to(A)Participate in government(B)Choose freely between alternative candidates(C)Mobilise favourable opinion for government(D)Sympathise with government

37.Which of the following is not a duty of a citizen(A)Obedience to law(B)Payment of taxes(C)Service to the nation(D)Giving alms to the poor

38.One form of delegated legislation is(A)Statutory instrument(B)Case law(C)Convention(D)man made law

39.Which of the following is not is a demerit of Bi-cameral legislature?(A)The scope of political participation is limited(B)Passing of bills is slow(C)No safeguard for the minority group(D)It can lead to autocratic government 

40.A multi party system often leads to the formation of a(A)Coalition government(B)Dual government(C)Dictatorial government(D)Monarchial government 

41.A major weakness of one party system is that it(A)Encourages the emergence of dictators(B)Ensures freedom of political choice(C)Negate the principle of one man one vote(D)Requires a bi-cameral legislature 

42.Under a two party system,the opposition party is an important as the ruling party because it(A)Has equal number of supporters(B)Is as strong as the ruling party(C)May force the government to resign(D)Is the alternative government 

43.A foreigner can be a citizen of another state by(A)Immigration(B)Naturalisation(C)Nationalisation(D)Indiginization

44.One party system is suitable for which government lead(A)Democratic government  (B)Autocratic government(C)Liberal democracy(D)Military government 

45.Which of the following is a basic feature of the rule of law?(A) Equality before the law(B)Secret trial of offenders(C)Executive control of judiciary(D)Unlimited powers to the executive 

46.The main objective of pressure groups is to(A)Influence the public(B)Influence government(C)Organise strike(D)Criticize the government 

47.A major weakness of one party system is that it(A)It does not encourage public opinion(B)It is not democratic(C)Ensures freedom of political choice(D)Encourages dictatorship

48.The main obligation of a citizen is(A)To register for election(B)Allegiance to the state(C)To serve in the army(D)Engaging in community service

49.A group that presents candidates for elections is a(A)Politial party(B)Pressure group(C)INEC(D)Cooperative society 

50.A government that is constituted by several parties after a general election is referred to as(A)Elite government(B)Fascist government(C)Illegitimate government(D)National government 


INSTRUCTION: Attempt only three questions

  1. Define political participation

 B.State five forms of political participation

C.State three factors affecting political participation

2.What is decentralization?

  1. State five merits of decentralization
  2. Highlight three demerits  of decentralization

3.Define delegated legislation

B.Highlight five importance of delegated legislation

C.Highlight three demerits of delegated legislation

4.A.Define citizenship

 B.Explain five ways of acquiring citizenship

C.State three limitations to citizens rights

5.What is political party?

  1. State five importance of political party

C.State three demerits of one party system

6.Define two party system  

B.Highlight five merits of two party system

C.Highlight three functions of pressure group


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