This is to help school ensure that important information and actions at enquiry point are followed for conversion of prospective parents.

Your enquiry personnel must be able to sell the school by telling new parents what the school offers that other schools around cannot offer.

Restriction of staff movement in the enquiry space when parents are around.

Deprivation of parents’ accessibility into classrooms if a form has not been purchased during enquiry.

Non- disclosure of school fees and other fees if a form has not been purchased during enquiry.

Communication of school achievements and intentions during enquiry.

Enquiry staff is very presentable

Enquiry space is not close to classrooms.

Undertaking forms are present at the enquiry desk

Pictures and some awards are present at the enquiry desk

Staff asks the prospective parents about the family’s occupation

Staff asks the parents about any controlled health challenges (Mental or Physical)

Staff asks parents about father and mother’s phone number. In case of objection, staff allow admission and report to the school proprietor.

Staff responsible for making enquiry is the reception staff or the school secretary.

Staff go through thorough orientation from the Head of academics and head of administration before engaging parents

In case of a question that is not in staff jurisdiction to answer, he or she is expected to make a call or demand the attention of the head of school

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