Agricultural Science Primary 4 First Term Examination





1.) ___________ can be defined as the uppermost layer of the earth in which plants grown and where some animals live (a) soil (b) air (c) mountain

2.) There are ______________ types of soil (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 7

3.) _______________ is made up of tiny particles (a) clay soil (b) loamy soil (c) sandy soil

4.) ______________ soil is the best for growing crops (a) loamy soil (b) stony soil (c) rocky soil

5.) _________ soil is the mixture of clay and sandy soil (a) red soil (b) loamy soil (c) sandy soil

6.) There are _____________ types of organisms (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2

7.) The micro organisms are organisms that we cannot see with our naked eyes, but with the aid of a ___________ (a) microscope (b) goggle glasses (c) corrugated mirror

8.) ________ may be formed through a process known as weathering (a) rock (b) soil (c) plant

9.) _______ is the breaking down of rocks to form soil (a) wind (b) topography (c) weathering

10.) Soil is said to be _____________ if it contains all the plant foods in the right proportions

(a) fertile (b) infertile (c) facility

11.) ____________ is carried out on a farm land after clearing

(a) over grazing (b) bush burning (c) leaching

12.) The washing away of plant food from the top soil by water is known as ____

(a) bush burning (b) overgrazing (c) leaching

13.) The process of adding manure and fertilizers to the soil is known as ______

(a) manuring (b) mulching (c) crop rotation

14.) The covering of the surface of the soil between plants with materials is referred to as _____

(a) manuring (b) mulching (c) crop rotation

15.) A system of farming in which different types of crops are grown on different plots is known as _____ (a) mulching (b) fallowing (c) crop rotation

16.) Compost is made of _____ organic materials (a) decayed (b) stony (c) sand

17.) _____________ is a way of keeping food crops from getting decayed or spoilt

(a) food production (b) food preservation (c) food production

18.) ____________ is the wearing away of the top soil (a) leaching (b) overgrazing (c) erosion

19.) The system of farming; a farmer grows crops on an area of land for two or three years, he then allow the land to rest for some years before growing crops on it is known as ______

(a) bush fallowing (b) mulching (c) crop rotations

20.) There are _____________ types of soil components (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5



First Term Primary 4 Examinations Agricultural Science



Simple Farm Tools or Instruments ( Pry 3 Second Term)


Simple Farm Tools or Instruments ( Pry 3 Second Term)




Section B: Instructions: Attempt all the questions

1.) What is soil? ___________________________________________________________


b.) Mention three types of soil

(a) ______________________________

(b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

2.) Mention four organic components

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) List four inorganic components

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________

4.) What is weathering? _________________________________________________________


b.) Mention three agents of weathering

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

5.) What is food preservation? ____________________________________________________


b.) Mention four methods of food preservation

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________
















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