Week 1& 2

Topic : Make prints on handkerchiefs

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 3 & 4

Topic: Marble designs with prints

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Marble design with wax and crayon paintings

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 7 & 8

Topic: cutting out of picture round an outline created by template of animal shapes , objects etc.

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Make animal album

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 11 Revision, examination and closing

NB: The teacher should ensure that all of these works are concluded and the records must be properly kept . The teacher is permitted to add more periods if the  need arises.

, closing.





Week 1 & 2

Topic: Animals and their homes

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify and mention some animals and their homes e.g. birds nest.

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: Wipe clean books and charts on animals and their homes

Activities: The teacher explains using charts to show where different animals live e.g. beehive, hornet, pouch sty, kennel etc.

Evaluation: Questions on animal homes and that of man.

Week 3 & 4

Topic: Different classes of animals

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state at least  5 classes of animals .

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: Charts on animal classification

Activities: The teacher  explains and categorize some animals e.g. fishes-pisces, birds-aves, frogs-amphibian, snakes-reptiles,  man ,cow etc-mammals

Evaluation: List animals according to their classes

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Parts of root, types and major function

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to  state types of roots and their functions.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: uprooted plants, charts on roots

Evaluation: Questions on roots and their functions

Week 7 & 8

Topic : Land forms

PAGE  20 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to define lake,hill, island, and other land forms

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: Charts on lakes and other land forms

Activities: Using charts and other aids, the teacher explains and mention some lakes, hills, valleys, island etc.

Evaluation: Mention lakes, hills and valley that you know

Week 9 & 10

Topic: The food I need to grow

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state energy giving foods and body building foods

Lesson 2 Lessons

Materials : Charts

Activities: The teacher explains and lists energy  giving ,body building and protective  foods with relevant examples.

Evaluation: Mention energy giving food and body building.

Week 11  Revision, examination and closing



Week 1 & 2

Topic:  The Continent-Africa

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand the structure of African map and identify the location of his country in it.

Lesson : 2 Lessons

Materials: The atlas and the globe

Activities: The teacher explains the continent Africa using atlas and globe to show parts of Africa and the location Nigeria in particular.


Evaluation: Mention some countries in Africa . What part of Africa is your country?

Week 3 & 4

Topic:Look at the major region in Africa

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention major regions in Africa

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: as in week 1 & 2

Activities: The teacher explains  the fact that the continent of Africa is divided into regions such as west, east, south and central Africa.

Evaluation: Mention some countries found in west Africa

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Flowers around

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention some flowers found around the homes and schools and their usefulness to man and plants.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: Flowers and the school

Activities: The teacher lists the name s of some flowers such as hibiscus, rose, morning glory etc and where they can be found and how to grow them. General care.

Evaluation: List some flowers that you know.

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Uses of flowers in our environment

Objectives At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to say the importance of flowers  in our environment.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: flower vase with synthetic flowers, school flower beds, and flower pots

Activities: The explains flowers as beautifying plants in our surrounding. The teacher  take the pupils around the class and the school planting or weeding the flower with thorough explanations.

Evaluation: Oral questions

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Dangers at home

Objectives: At the end of the lesson,pupils should be able to mention things that constitute dangers in and around the home.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Materials: electric sockets, knives, cutlasses, bottles with unknown content, boken bottles or particles.

Activities: The teacher explains the dangers posed by the listed items above if tampered with by small children of their age

Evaluation: Oral questions

Week 11 Revision, examination and closing


Week 1& 2

Topic: Play with the magnet

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand that magnet could stick to iron though not all the iron. It does not stick to wood,plastic etc. classification of objects.A GAME- Finding the treasure could create fun in this lesson.

Evaluation: oral and written questions

Week 3 & 4

Topic: History of Mrs Olufunmilayo KUTI

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 5 & 6

Topic: History of John Brown and Father Damien

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Louis Pasteur Father Coquered

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Marry Slessor,

Madam Tinubu

Lesson: 2 Lesson

Objectives: For the above weeks , the lessons are meant to bring in a bit of common  history . The pupils should be made to understand the achievements and discoveries of these great people of memorable history in the lives of all men , both the past and the living generations.

Evaluations: oral questions and answers





Week 1 & 2

Topic: Combine all six pairs of smelling jars

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 3 & 4

Topic : Combine all 4 boxes  knobbled  cylinders

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 5 & 6

Topic : Colour box 2 (  the last four pairs   )

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Combine all 4 boxes of knobbled cylinders

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Present all the contents of colour box

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 11 Revision, examination, closing


Week 1 & 2

Topic: The baric tablets

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 3 &  4

Topic: Present all the content of the baric tablet blindfold and sort into pile according to weight of each tablet.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 5 & 6

Topic : The geometric solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Make a colour wheel with colour box 3 to show that a particular colour can come in various intensity.

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 9 & 10

Topic : Combine all the 6 pairs of the smelling jars , identify them in the environment by their smells

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 11    Revision,examination, closing.


Week 1 & 2

Topic: The geometric solids – cone, pyramid

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 3 & 4

Topic: mistery bag with a blindfold on

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Geometric Cabinet – drawer 1

Lesson: 2Lessons

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Match drawer 1 with geometric cards

Lesson: 2 Lessons

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Drawer 2 of geometric cabinet

Lesson: 2Lessons

Week 11 Revision,examination, closing
























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