1.) Kwashiorkor is caused by ___________ (a) virus (b) fungi (c) malnutrition
2.) A _______________ is used for drawing angles (a) protector (b) tee-square (c) ruler
3.) Which of these is not a contagious diseases (a) malaria (b) chicken pox (c) measles
4.) The temperature of boiling water is ______ (a) 1000C (b) 370C (c) 00C
5.) The kidney helps to remove _____________ from the body (a) sweat (b) urine (c) bile
6.) Iron filling can be separated from sand through the use of ____ (a) spoon (b) magnet (c) sieve
7.) What is germs _______ (a) a disease (b) a disease causing organisms (c) a microorganisms
8.) The first aid box contains all the following except ______ (a) iodine (b) sugar (c) plaster
9.) The hinge joint is found in one of the following parts of the body
(a) hip (b) shoulder (c) elbow
10.) Water freezes at _____________ (a) 1000c (b) 500c (c) 00c



11.) There are ___________ types of erosion (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2
12.) A place of contact where two or more bones meet is known as_________
(a) joint (b) skeleton (c) muscle
13.) The part of the flower which attracts insects is the ______ (a) petals (b) sepals (c) stalk
14.) Which of the following is a solid waste (a) smoke (b) refuse (c) urine
15.) The washing away of the top soil is known as _____ (a) pollination (b) circulation (c) erosion
16.) _____________ is the ability to do work (a) chemical (b) energy (c) solar
17.) The greatest attracting region of magnets is their poles which are _______ and ______ poles
(a) north and south (b) north and west (c) south and east
18.) Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity
(a) wood (b) metal spoon (c) plastic ruler
19.) When a liquid substance turns blue litmus paper to red, it means the liquid is /an ____
(a) base (b) acid (c) salt
20.) ____________ is used to measure the speed of a vehicle
(a) brake (b) accelerator pedal (c) speedometer


21.) All the following are inorganic acid except _____
(a) citric acid (b) hydrochloric acid (c) sulphuric acid
22.) ____________ is the internal feelings experienced by the individual affected by the disease
(a) symptoms (b) signs (c) sickness
23.) The diseases that can be spread from one person to another is known as _____
(a) non-communicable diseases (b) communicable diseases (c) non-infectious diseases

24.) ________ are foods that provide energy to the body (a) protein (b) carbohydrates (c) vitamins
25.) _______, _______ and ______ are examples of food that builds and repairs worn-out tissues
(a) fish, meat, egg (b) cassava, yam, rice (c) liver, oranges, salt
26.) Rickets is a disease formed as a result of ______
(a) lack of vitamin D (b) too much carbohydrates (c) lack of vitamin
27.) Which of the following ball games does not use a court (a) football (b) volley ball (c) tennis
28.) Kicking, passing, dribbling, throwing are skills in__ game (a) tennis (b) basketball (c) football
29.) All the followings are effects of drug abuse except _______ (a) it leads to untimely death
(b) it makes users responsible (c) it causes criminal activities like stealing
30.) The ____________ is the largest computer network in the world for sharing information
(a) internment (b) internet (c) intranet



Section B
1.) Mention the sources of food nutrition
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) List three nutritional deficiency diseases
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

2.) What are ball games? _________________________________________________________

b.) Mention four examples of ball games
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) Define diseases? ______________________________________________________________

b.) Mention two main types of diseases
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) What is drug abuse? __________________________________________________________

b.) Identify four ways of taking drugs
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
5.) What is internet? _____________________________________________________________

b.) Give the full meaning of the following
(a) www – ___________________________________________________________________
(b) e-mail – __________________________________________________________________
(c) http – ____________________________________________________________________
(d) ISP – ____________________________________________________________________
1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE 16 Basic 5


Third Term Examination Primary 3 Basic Science List





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