1. The ________age is a pre- history period during which human beings widely used stone for tool making. (a) stone ( b) middle ( c) iron (d) industrial
  2. The ______age was a period in late 18th and early 19th centuries. (a) industrial (b) middle age
      1. stone (d) none of the above
  3. The emergence of machines was during the middle age (a) false (b) true (c) not sure
  4. Pen, feather and ink were used in _____ age (a) middle ( b) stone (c) industrial (d)electronic
  5. How many information ages do we have presently? (a) 5 (b )3 (c) 3 d) 2
  6. 1. Napier’s Bones had ……….. (a) 10 rods (b) 9 rods (c) 11 rods (d) 8 rods
  7. Jacquard’s loom was used in the …(a) Mechanical industry (b) Food industry
      1. Weaving industry (d) Electronic industry
  8. Who invented the analytical engine? …………. (a) Gottfried Leibnitz (b) Joseph Jacquard (c) Charles Babbage (d) Herman Hollerith
  9. 4. Who invented Pascaline? (a) Pascal Joseph (b) Leibnitz Von (c) Blaise Pascal
      1. Charles Babbage
  10. 5. …… was the first computing device. (a) Napier’s Bones (b) Punched Card (c) Abacus (d) Slide         rule
        1. Which of these is not an example of first generation computers? (a) ENIAC (b) UNIVAC
    1. EDVAC (d) IBM 360
  11. The first generation used …………… (a) IC (b) SSI (c) Transistor (d) vacuum tubes
  12. The second generation used ……….. (a) Vacuum tubes (b) MSI (c) IC (d) Transistors
  13. 4. The third generation used ………….. (a) SSI (b) Transistor (c) Vacuum tubes (d) ICs
  14. 5. IC means ………….(a) Integrated Circle (b) International Class (c) In Charge
    1. Integrated Circuit
  15. The operation of the computer system is coordinated by a unit called ____ (a) memory unit (b) processing unit (c) storage unit (d) arithmetic and logic unit
  16. The part of the computer that displays the result of the processed data is called ____ (a) input unit (b) output (c) control unit (d) ALU
  17. The processor’s speed is measured in __ (a) megahertz (b) kilobyte (c) gigahertz (d) byte
  18. ____ is the device used in sending data and information into the system (a) processor (b) input (c) output (d) storage.
  19. ____ is used for storing data to be processed and the instruction for processing.(a) memory (b) control (c) output (d) CPU
  20. A processed data is called …….. (a) files (b)component (c) information (d) field.
  21. The following characteristics of a good information except.(a)accuracy (b)relevant (c)precise (d) written
  22. The basic raw facts and figures are referred to as……. (a)information (b) data (c)report (d) history
  23. which of the following refers to events, activities and transactions that happened in the past? (a) timely (b) future (c) present (d) historical
  24. the forms of information include the following except. (a) visual (b) oral (c) sensory (d) written
  25. Information can be transmitted through the following ways EXCEPT. (a) courier
    1. (b) dancing (c) oral (d) television
  26. The ancient method of transmission include the following except. (a) FAX (b) drawing (c) fire lighting (d) metal gong
  27. The modern method of transmitting information include the following Except.
      1. Printing (b) Telex (c) town crier (d) television
  28. …………is the electronic device that detects and demodulate and amplifies transmitted signals. (a) GSM (b) Radio (c) Fax (d) Telex
  29. The global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information. (a) Radio (b) Print (c) Internet (d) Fax
  30. …….. invented a printing press process.(a) Charles Babbage (b) Johannels Gutenberg
    1. Bill Gate (phiilip)
  31. ……….is accredited with the invention of the first fully electronic television system.
      1. Philo Farnsworth (b) Napier bone (c)Leibniz (d) Johannes Gutenberg
  32. The act of using electronic computer and computer software to convert, store, process, transmit and retrieve information is called ……… (a) mechanics (b) data processing
    1. (c) information technology (d) maintenance.
  33. ………..a sophisticated calculating machine and called it the “Analytical Engine”.
      1. Blaise Pascal (b) John Napier (c) Charles Babbage (d) Mark I.
  34. Which of the following brought revolution to the way information is processed?
  35. invention of language (b) invention of printing (c) invention of mass media (d) invention of computer
  36. ____ is the exchange of information in any form (a) Information input (b) Information media (c) Information output (d) information transmission
  37. Information can be received in the following ways except (a) audio (b) visual (c) audio-visual (d) all of the above
  38. ____ is a means of broadcasting information like radio with accompanying pictures
      1. fax (b) (c) file cabinet (d) television
  39. ____ is a means of scanning document through a machine from one place to another
      1. radio (b) telephone (c) internet (d) fax
  40. . ____ is an electronic media located above the earth in an orbit with capability to receive and transmit information from and to an earth station (a) television (b) internet (c) fax (d) satellite


1. Explain the two methods of transmitting information.

2. State the three modes of receiving information.


  1. What is information technology?
  2. Describe the latest stage of information evolution.
  3. How did the invention of computer affect information evolution?


  1. What is information transmission?
  2. Mention the two method of transmitting information and give five examples for each.


1. Define data and information.

2. State four sources of data and two sources of information.

3. State four qualities of good information.


  1. What is central processing unit?
  2. List and explain the three units of a CPU.


1. State two features of first generation computers.

2. What is the technology behind Second and Fifth generation of computers.

3. Give the full meaning of the following acronyms:

(i) AS

(ii) VLSI

(iii) SSI

(iv) LSI

(v) AI

4. Mention the characteristics of 5th generation computers.



1. List any four pre-computer age to 19th century computing devices.

2. Discuss the components and features of the computing devices mentioned above.


Write short note on the following:

1. Stone age, iron age, middle age

2. Industrial age and electronic age


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