Un élève 


1.Un élève  means :
a. a male teacher       b. aboy pupil     c.a girl pupil      d.a female teacher.

2Une eleve means :
a. a girl pupil     b. a male teacher       c. a boy pupil    d,  a boy

3.Un maitre means :
a. amale teacher        b. a female teacher    c. a boy p[upil   d. a man  

4.Une maitresse means :
a. a male teacher       b. a female teachet    c. a gitl                d. a girl

5.Une directrice means :
a. a boy               b. a headmistress      c. a girl                d.a woman

6.If my mummy gives mr something I may say to her in French:

  1. Merci maman b.Au revoir maman c, Bonjour maman

7.Good veneing in French is :
a.Bonjour            b.Bonsoir            c,Bonne nuit                 d.Au revoir

8.Good night in RFrench is :
a.Bonne nuit                 b.Bon après midi         c.Bonjour   d,Ca va

9.Goodbye in French is :
a.Merci                b.Au revoir                    c. Je suis             d. Bonjour


II) Filling thje gaps with :

Je suis                Il est                     elle est  . une eleve . un eleve  . une maitresse.

1 .Qui es – tu ? ……………………………………………………… ( a girl pupil ).

2. Qui est – il ? …………………………………………………….. ( a boy pupil )

3.Qui est – elle ?…………………………………………………………….. ( a female teacher )

III)Write the pluriel of :

A)Singulier                                                                  Pluriel

1.Une chaise :                                                   ………………………….

2.Un stylo                                                                    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

3.une regle :                                                      ………………………….

4.Un sac                                                             ………………………….

5.une Cle :                                                         ………………………….


B). Singulier                                             Pluriel

1.C’est une table                                     …………………………………

2.C’est un crayon ;                                 …………………………………

3.C’est une regle :                                  …………………………………

4.C’est une porte :                                  ……………………………….

5.C’est un sac :                                                 ……………………………….

III) Write the figure of :

Dix : …………             

Six :…………              

Vingt : ………….


Vingt –Cinq: …………                  


Trente : ……………


Douze : ……………


















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