Edu Delight tutors
Part A: Objectives
Fill the gaps with the right option from the given alternatives
1..__________ is the choice that we make after thinking about it
(a) goal (b) setting (c) decision (d) weapon
2..Failure to plan is planning to ______ (a) goal (b) pass (c) fail (d) decide
3..Making right decision makes us to ______ our goals (a) achieve (b) forget (c) lose (d) destroy
4..What to eat or what to put on are situations demanding good ______
(a) decision (b) idea (c) focus (d) goal
5..There are _______ types of goal setting (a) four (b) two (c) three (d) nine
6..Long terms goals are the ones that will want to achieve within the period of _____
(a) four to six months (b) four to nine months (c) two to three years (d) five to ten years
7..While traveling to Damascus, Saul _____ (a) started to cry (b) saw a bright light and fell
(c) was given a message (d) became a lawyer and tent maker
8,,Before his conversion, Saul was involved in _____
(a) persecution of the Christians (b) piracy (c) peace negotiation (d) world peace talk
9..What trade was Saul trained in _____ (a) pharmacy (b) tent making (c) weilder (d) teaching
10..Saul was brought up by a Greek teacher named _____
(a) Joel (b) Ananiah (c) Helen (d) Gamaliel
11..To convert means to _____ (a) deform (b) change (c) repair (d) return
12..The apostles were first called Christians in _____
(a) Samaria (b) Egypt (c) Antioch (d) Jerusalem
13,,Saul was blind for ______ days (a) four (b) nine (c) three (d) seven
14..Where in the bible did Saul first appear _____
(a) at stoning of Stephen (b) at the transfiguration (c) at mount camel (d) at Jerusalem
15.._____ is the desire to do evil (a) temptation (b) progress (c) event (d) sin
16..To forgive means to ______ (a) cry (b) weeps (c) forget (d) pardon
17..Herod killed _____ (a) Jesus Christ (b) John the Baptist (c) Moses (d) Aaron
18..Jesus Christ fed _______ thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fishes
(a) two (b) five (c) seven (d) nine
19.._______ killed Abel, his brother (a) John (b) Cain (c) Matthew (d) Jonah
20..A __________ is someone that is running away from punishment
(a) fugitive (b) sinner (c) dentist (d) lawyer
Part B: Theory
1..Mention two type of goals
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
2..Write out four steps you must take when making decision
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
3..Write out the first four books of the new testament
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
4..Write out any four names of Jesus disciples
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
5..What is forgiveness?
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