CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Revision of Last term’s work

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to remember and understand the previous term’s work

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with the revised topics

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English Book 4




Topic: Revision

The Cunning Fox And the Wise Crane.
There once lived a Cunning Fox. He would often make fun of others. One day , the Fox invited a crane to his house. He said, “Mr” Crane why don’t you come home for dinner tonight?” The crane accepted the invitation.
That evening, he went to the Fox’s place. The fox went on and on talking for s long time. The crane was very hungry. At last , the fox brought two shallow plates and said, “please have this soup ,Mr Crane”. But the crane could not drink from the shallow dish, because he had a long beak. He went home hungry decided to teach the fox s lesson.

The next day, the crane invited the fox to dinner . When the fox arrived, the crane brought soup in two narrow jars . The crane put his long beak inside the jars and finished off all the soup. The fox could only watch . He could not put his head into the narrow jar . Every now and then, the crane would look up from eating and say , “why don’t you eat, Mr Fox?” The fox was silent. He had learnt a hard lesson . From that day, he never made fun of anyone again.

(1)Why did the Crane go to the fox’s house?________
(2) What were the fox doing for a long time? ________
(3) Did the crane drink the soup? _________
(4) Why did the Crane invite the fox?________
(5) Where did the Crane put the soup?_________
(6)Why did the fox go home hungry?________
Change the following sentences into indirect speech
(7)Zaytun told us, “I’m going for dinner tonight.
(8) I’ll bake you a chocolate cake for tea today, “promised my sister.
(9)Talatu says , “Our examination results will be out soon”
(10)Balarabe promised, ” I will take you all on a camping trip soon”.

Underline the action words in each of the following sentences.

  1. The cats ran towards the rusty door
  2. She drove the car to see her grandparents.
  3. Mother and i prepared beans and yam last night.
  4. Audu collected some pictures from the headmaster’s office
  5. We saw the tallest building in Nigeria.


CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Expressing Possibilities and Permission

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Express possibilities using ‘Can’, ‘Cannot’, ‘May’, ‘May not’
  2. Read and comprehend the passage and learn new words
  3. Write a guided composition

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with expressing possibilities and passage reading

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English Book 4




If you are not sure you will do something but it is likely you do it, that is a possibility.

If you want to go out of the class when your teacher is with you you must ask the teacher to allow you to go out, that is permission.

Both possibility and permission can be expressed in negative forms using ‘cannot’ and ‘may not’.

Study the following examples:

  1. I am willing to come to you birthday but i will be going to Lagos that day. I may not come. ( possibility)
  2. May i use the ladies please? ( permission)


Uche and Mahmud’s Families

Read the comprehension passage and study the following words

Monogamous, Polygamous, party, photograph, immediate, step mother, classmates


Topic: How i spent my last holiday

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

What are the following sentences expressing? Write ‘A’ for possibility and ‘B’ for permission.

  1. It may not rain this month.
  2. You may go out if you wish to.
  3. A judge can be jailed
  4. May i open the door?
  5. The woman may not show up in the market today.

WEEK: Three

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Dialogue further practices in excusing, Possibility, obligation and permission

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Read and comprehend the given passage
  2. Express obligations in a sentence
  3. Write a poem on ‘My Home’/ ‘My Family’

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with their obligations

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English Book 4




Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows


EXPRESSING OBLIGATIONS ( ‘Must’, ‘Have To’, ‘Ought To’)

Obligations are those things that you have to do. They are your responsibilities. We can express our responsibilities by using the words ‘Must’, ‘Have To’, and ‘Ought to’.


  1. We must be in school before 9 ‘o’ clock.
  2. I ought to help him carry some of those bags.
  3. You ought not to move near petrol.

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  1. Make four(4) sentences that expresses obligations
  2. Compose a poem on ‘My Family’

WEEK: Four

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension; Writing: How I spent my last holiday; Dictation: Selected words from the passage read

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Read and comprehend the passage
  2. Write a composition on the topic ‘My Last Holiday’
  3. Write a dictation on selected words from the passage

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with comprehension and composition writing

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English. Book 4



The importance of washing your hands Washing your hands properly is the most effective thing you can do to protect yourself against a number of contagious diseases such as influenza, common cold, and ebola. Not only will it help keep you healthy, it will also help prevent the spread of contagious diseases to others.

Even if your hands appear to be clean, they may carry germs. Hands pick up micro-organisms (germs) in a number of ways. When people who are sick sneeze or cough, the germs that make them sick are released into the air in tiny droplets. If these droplets get onto your hands and then you touch your mouth, eyes, or nose without washing away the germs, you may contract the infection. You can also get sick if you don’t wash your hands before or after preparing food, after handling raw meat, and after using the toilet. Washing your hands not only helps prevent you from getting sick, but it also reduces the risk of infecting others. If you don’t wash your hands properly before coming into contact with others, you can infect them with the germs on your hands. People can also get sick from the germs that unwashed hands leave on shared objects like doorknobs, keyboards, or other equipment in the home or workplace. Hand-to-hand contact can spread mild conditions such as the common cold, but also more severe or life threatening diseases. Infectious diseases are a particular risk to the very young, the elderly, and people with a compromised immune system such as those with HIV or AIDS.

Although hand washing might seem to be a simple task, you should follow these steps to thoroughly rid your hands of germs:

1 Wash your hands continously with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

2 Wash the front and back of your hands, as well as between your fingers and under your nails.

3 Rinse your hands well under warm running water using a rubbing motion.

4 Wipe and dry your hands gently with a clean towel.

Adults and older children should teach younger children how to wash their hands properly and supervise them while they are washing their hands.


1 What is the most effective way to prevent contagious diseases?

2 Give two examples of contagious diseases.

3 Give two reasons why hand washing is important.

4 Name two ways by which someone can get sick from other people.

5 Which people get contagious diseases more easily from other sick people?


When people who are sick sneeze or cough, the germs that make them sick are released into the air in tiny droplets. If these droplets get onto your hands and then you touch your mouth, eyes, or nose without washing away the germs, you may contact the infection. You can also get sick if you don’t wash your hands before or after preparing food, after handling raw meat, and after using the toilet.

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  1. Read the passage and answer the following questions
  2. Write a composition on the topic ‘My Last Holiday’

WEEK: Five

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Structure: Complete sentences with Can or May; Grammar: Making sentences from the tables Writing: A poem

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Complete sentences with ‘Can’ or ‘May’
  2. Make sentences from tables
  3. Write a poem

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with completing sentences with words and sentence formation

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English. Book 4




Can vs may.jpg


Substitution Tables Download.png

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  1. Make ten (10) sentences from the above table
  2. Make five (5) sentences each for ‘Can’ and ‘May’.
  3. Compose a poem on ‘My Mother’


CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Structure: Further practice in the use of tenses ; Writing: Oral composition / Narrative An Interesting experience; Grammar: Aural/ Discrimination

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Correctly use their tenses
  2. Narrate an interesting experience
  3. Compare and contrast vowel sounds

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with tenses and story telling

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English Book 4







Description of the vowel sound /æ/ /æ/ is a short sound. To say /æ/, you open your mouth wide, while your jaw and the back of your tongue are down.

Usual spelling variant of /æ/

a mat cat sat fat factory manager capture Saturday

ai plait plaid

usual spelling variant of /a:/

a father path after heart ask answer aunt pass dance sergeant

ar part cart hard arm dart bar

al calm palm psalm half

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  1. Complete each of the sentences with one /æ/ word and one /aː/ word from the box.

hand sat Paris bag dark pass palm bar far back

1 Try and get back before it gets _______________.

2 He held the stone in the _______________ of his _______________.

3 Can you _______________ me that _______________?

4 He _______________ at the _______________ all night.

5 How _______________ is _______________?

Complete these sentences in the negative form, using ‘do not’ or ‘does not’ plus the verbs in the brackets.

1 Kofo _________ do her homework at home. (don’t/doesn’t)

2 I _________ every day. (sleeps/sleep)

3 He _________ movies daily. (watch/watches)

4 They _________ the grass every Saturday. (cut/cuts)

5 She _________ her newspaper every morning. (read/reads) 6 Her day _________ at 6.30 in the morning. (start/starts)

WEEK: Seven

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Speech work: Reading descriptive passage Means of transportation in Nigeria; Grammar: Study the words and use them to Make sentences

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Read and comprehend a descriptive passage
  2. Learn new words and use them to make sentences

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with reading and sentence formation

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English. Book 4



Transportation – blog





EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

Match the word from the passage with its meaning.

fitted the action of two or more vehicles hitting each other

urged people travelling on foot

possibility highest in degree or distance

crash directly above something or somebody

restraint fixed to a device or piece of equipment

extreme advised strongly

securely placed safely

oncoming something that is possible

pedestrians approaching something or someone

overhead punishment for an offence

penalty a device that holds back Fire

WEEK: Eight

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Speech Work: Aural Discrimination; Structure: Further practice in the use of tenses, The present, past present perfect and past Continuous; Writing: Descriptive passage on good morals

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast sound /t/ and sound /0/
  2. Use their tenses correctly
  3. Write a descriptive passage on respect

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with sounds /t/ and /0/ and tenses

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English. Book 4



Sound /t/ and sound /0/

Journeys First Grade Lesson 11 Day 1 - Lessons - Tes Teach T and th.png





EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:


WEEK: Nine

CLASS: Basic Four

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC: Writing: Composition about my family; Structure: Fill in the gaps; Spelling

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Write a composition about ‘My Family’
  2. Fill in the gaps
  3. Learn new words

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with compositions and filling in missing words.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook

REFERENCE MATERIAL: Macmillan Brilliant Primary English Book 4




Composition - family.png


Housewife, hardworking, funny, holidays, long, angry, kindest, business, beautiful, laugh

EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:


Topic: Reading Skills

I Had A Little Hen

I had a little hen ,
The prettiest ever seen,
She washed up the dishes,
And kept the house clean

She went to the mill
To fetch some flour,
She brought it home
In less than an hour.

She baked me bread,
She brewed me my ale,
She sat by the fire
And told many a fine tale.

Evaluation questions
(1) What work did the hen do?
(2) Where did the go?
(3)Why did it go to the mill?
(4) How long did she take?
(5) What did she baked?

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